Infamous Second Son features many a difficult boss battle as the game throws a variety of challenges at the player, testing their proficiency with its mechanics. While some missions assess the players' skill with traversal and others with combat, certain quests call on the player to use all of Delsin’s abilities to defeat an enemy. Mission 15 is one such quest, and it features one of the most creative non-human enemies in Infamous Second Son.

Mission 15: Heaven’s Hellfire sees Delsin investigate the mysterious appearance of angels around Seattle. Suspecting the missing Conduit is to blame, the player is tasked with investigating their lair to stop the plague of creatures causing havoc. This mission begins when Delsin travels to the hideout and approaches the computer screens in the corner. This guide will show players how to beat the boss and claim some more conduit powers for Delsin.

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How to Beat ‘He Who Dwells’

infamous second son he who dwells fight delsin

After interacting with the computers, Delsin will be teleported to some decaying ruins surrounded by lava with a blue spire of light ahead of him. After running through the beam, the player will be lifted into the air, after which the beam will disappear and only return after a few seconds. Use this to launch Delsin onto the platform above him.

After a few seconds, blue light will appear in the center of the arena and take the shape of a large angel called ‘He Who Dwells,'’ much like The Beast from InFamous 2. In this first phase, he will have one attack that fires golden energy beams at the platform Delsin stands on. The key to avoiding this attack is to either travel to a different platform, hang off the ledge of the one he aims at, or hide behind the pillars to avoid damage – be warned, however, as these pillars will break after taking too much damage.

Around the arena, also, are numerous braziers and neon pillars atop platforms from which Delsin can drain energy for his smoke abilities and Abigail Walker's light powers. After damaging ‘He Who Dwells’ with some basic attacks, Delsin will be kicked out of the simulation and back into the Conduit’s hideout. Turn around after exiting and head towards the bright white light in the corner of the bunker, taking Delsin back to the arena.

In this phase, the boss will have another attack that sends blasts of energy capable of quickly destroying cover. Thusly, the player will have to quickly bounce between platforms like Spider-Man, or hang from ledges to survive. After dealing a bit more damage, the angel will fly away and begin sinking the large platforms. At this point, head towards the smaller platforms with the light beams, as these will not sink into the lava. If Delsin lands in the lava, it’s not a death sentence, just run to the nearest platform before taking too much damage.

In this phase, use the light beams to reach the few remaining platforms and begin attacking the boss again. Remember to regularly make use of the braziers and neon pillars to acquire Delsin’s more powerful projectiles for Infamous' epic superpowers. After getting his health down a quarter, ‘He Who Dwells’ will transform into a flock of angels and begin sinking platforms again. He will continue this phase until he reaches just below half health, at which point, Delsin will be kicked out of the arena again.

Back in the bunker, there will now be an open door leading into a separate room with more computer monitors. Head towards them to be teleported back to the boss.

In this final phase, ‘He Who Dwells’ will summon supporting angels that will protect him from damage until they are destroyed. Exclusively target the angels until his blue glow is gone, and then damage him as much as possible. Intermittently, he will begin to sink platforms and fly away; when he reappears, more angels will be protecting him. After killing them, throw all of Delsin’s powerful projectiles at Infamous' best-looking boss until he drops.

Infamous Second Son is currently exclusive to PS4.

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