Over the years, many games have gained a reputation for having a lot of their content cut prior to launch for one reason or another. From Knights of the Old Republic 2 to Cyberpunk 2077, these games have experienced cut content for a variety of reasons, ranging from gameplay design to flat out a lack of time to finish it.

The Fallout series is another game franchise that has seen a lot of cut content for many of these same reasons, even going back to the very first game in 1997. Here is a list of some of the most widely known pieces of cut content from across Fallout's 27-year history.

Fallout Games Tier List

The Fallout franchise has many titles under its belt, each with a distinct gaming experience, but some are arguably better than others.

6 Caesar's Legion Faction Content

This Faction was Supposed to Have a Much Deeper Questline

The Caesar's Legion faction in Fallout: New Vegas
Fallout: New Vegas

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 19, 2010
  • Game:Fallout: New Vegas
  • Reason For Cut: Time and Evolving Design Goals

One thing that Fallout: New Vegas notably lacked for many people was a true exploration of Caesar's Legion in their own territory. Not only does their questline seem rather short and small in scope, but the player doesn't get to visit any of their territory across the Colorado River. This wasn't originally the case, however.

6 Most Badass Women in the Fallout Series

When it comes to taming the post-nuclear Wastelands, the women of Fallout not only survive with their hides intact but look good doing so.

The Legion originally had a longer questline that took the player back to their own lands, where they would get a better idea of how Legion society functions. Some of this was cut both for time, though also because the Legion evolved to be less "morally gray."

5 Vault 120: The Undersea Vault

Fallout Almost Had A Little Dose of BioShock

Fallout 4

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
November 10, 2015
  • Game: Fallout 4
  • Reason For Cut: Time and Functionality Issues

Not only was an entire Vault supposed to be situated in the eastern sea of Fallout 4's map, but it was intended to feature a whole questline that was cut alongside it, its ideas repurposed elsewhere. Vault 120 was to be a BioShock inspired vault (clearly riffing on that franchise's iconic city of Rapture), and was accessed via the Yangtze sub.

Its questline, "20 Leagues Under the Sea," was also cut. If included, it would have seen the player interact with a Giant Squid, which may have been the vault's overseer. The assets for the location were uncovered in the files of Fallout 76.

4 Tenpenny Radio Broadcast

Galaxy News Radio Nearly Had a Second Competitor

Fallout 3 Allistair Tenpenny
Fallout 3

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
October 28, 2008
Bethesda Game Studios
  • Game:Fallout 3
  • Reason For Cut: Unknown

Alistair Tenpenny is like the opposite of Three Dog in Fallout 3. He cares not for the little guy or any sort of "good fight" the way Three Dog does. Instead, he prefers to stew in his own wealth and unearned sense of superiority. In the retail game, the only way to get the measure of him is to physically visit Tenpenny Tower and speak to him personally.

War Never Changes: The 16 Best Quotes From The Fallout Games

There have been a lot of awesome quotes sprinkled throughout the Fallout series. Here's a look at 10 of the all-time best.

However, he almost had his own radio station to compete with GNR, where he would spout tons of out of touch life lessons and ignorant platitudes. The voice lines for this still exist in the game files and can be heard on YouTube.

3 Van Buren: The Original Fallout 3

Black Isle Almost Released Their Own Sequel to Fallout 2

Van Buren Fallout 3
  • Game: None
  • Reason For Cut: Cancelation

This original Fallout 3 was very different from the one everyone got in 2008. Developed by Black Isle and published by Interplay, Van Buren is the code-named sequel to Fallout 2. It was intended to be a proper isometric successor that featured both real-time and turn-based combat.

The game was nearing completion but was canceled, and its developer shutdown by Interplay. The "what ifs" surrounding Van Buren loom over the franchise to this day. Many of its ideas have been repurposed and reshaped in later games, most notably Fallout: New Vegas.

2 Centaurs In The Commonwealth

These Walking Nightmares Would Have Taken the Place of Mutant Hounds

Concept art for Centaurs in Fallout 4
  • Game:Fallout 4
  • Reason For Cut: Unknown

Players exploring the Commonwealth are likely to run into super mutant hounds at some point, given how ubiquitous the super mutants are in the game world in general. These hounds, however, essentially take the place that centaurs have in previous games, as guard dogs and support for their super mutant masters.

Fallout: 10 New Vegas Locations That Need To Appear In Amazon's Fallout Season 2

With Fallout's Season 2 heading for New Vegas, here are some iconic locations we'd love to see!

Centaurs are a grotesque combination of human and canine, and they would have seen their grossest incarnation yet based on concept art. Ultimately, it's not known why these creatures were cut, but there are mods that add them back into the game.

1 New Vegas Post Game Content

Players Were Almost Allowed to Play After the Game's Ending

Fallout New Vegas The Strip
  • Game:Fallout: New Vegas
  • Reason For Cut: Evolving Design Goals

While New Vegas shipped with a definitive narrative conclusion, there was a period during development at which the player was able to continue playing after the ending of the main quest, just like Fallout 2,3 and 4. Obsidian stated that the reason for this being cut was because the conclusion gave the game's story and its many ending slides a greater sense of importance.

New Vegas is not the only game in the series to have a hard conclusion. The original Fallout also has a definitive conclusion. Should Obsidian do another Fallout, it's likely that they'll continue this trend.

Fallout: Facts You Didn’t Know About The Enclave

The Enclave are some of the most dangerous antagonists in the Fallout series and are featured prominently in Fallout 3. Here are the facts you need!