While Sucker Punch is likely to continue with Ghost of Tsushima going forward, it should consider returning to the Infamous series for one final game beforehand. Like Naughty Dog proved with the Uncharted series, returning to conclude a previous franchise can be worthwhile, helping fans cope with the loss of a beloved series while also providing closure for its characters. Further, Naughty Dog's The Last of Us 2 has also provided Sucker Punch with a brilliant format for a final narrative.

While the Infamous games Second Son and First Light were solid, neither felt like proper conclusions to the series. With many fans liking Delsin Rowe but missing Cole MacGrath more, there was a sense of disappointment when the short story of Second Son reached its conclusion and Cole was nowhere to be seen. As such, if Sucker Punch were to return to the Infamous series for a proper finale, it should focus on developing Delsin while also giving fans what they want from a Cole return — something that has already been pulled off perfectly in The Last of Us 2.

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The Last of Us 2’s Dual Protagonists

abby and ellie protagonists

A major part of what makes Naughty Dog’s The Last of Us sequel so brilliant is its two leads. While there is plenty of controversy around the character Abby, it is hard to deny that the concept of an interwoven story told from two sides is excellent. From small details showing that Ellie and Abby’s stories are occurring at the same time to huge meetups between the two characters, the game’s direction and storytelling is brilliant. Beyond that, though, The Last of Us 2’s differing perspectives offered unique gameplay as well.

Part of what helped The Last of Us 2rake in so many awards is how engaging it was from a gameplay perspective as well. Abby and Ellie play far differently from each other, with the former having amazing boss fights of her own like the Rat King and the latter remembering her time with Joel through flashbacks. Both characters used unique weapons, fought differently in close quarters battles due to their differing size, and had separate companions on their respective journeys. While Ellie and Abby are two sides of the same coin in terms of their stories, their gameplay could not be more different.

While The Last of Us 2 mastered the concept of the dual perspective, that does not mean that no other game will take inspiration from Naughty Dog’s most recent work. While many different video game franchises could benefit from similar storytelling, no series is a better fit than Infamous. Already boasting two protagonists and a Good and Evil system that encourages two different playthroughs of each game, a new Infamous game could serve as a perfect evolution of Naughty Dog’s most recent storytelling formula.

The Safe Option: A Classic Superhero Team-up

cole mcgrath electro

If Sucker Punch were to embark on the journey to create another Infamous, the most predictable option would be to put Cole and Delsin on the same side. Following the events of Infamous Second Son, Delsin could seek out Cole as a mentor. Helping the Second Son protagonist understand his many unique powers and abilities, the experienced Cole could be interesting to see as a teacher. Bringing Delsin up to his level, the duo could be a blast to see together due to their different powers, and Cole's training could serve as a way to unlock new moves for Delsin's many powers.

Cole’s perspective could work similar to Ellie’s story in The Last of Us 2, providing flashbacks that explain where the character has been since his nearly fatal clash with The Beast in Infamous 2. Cole could also have some stronger powers due to his powered up state before his supposed death, giving him an even deeper set of mechanics in the hypothetical sequel. Delsin’s levels, on the other hand, can take place in the present and include standout boss fights and setpieces like Abby’s playthrough. As is the case with most superhero team-ups, the duo could come together in a final boss fight to bring down a major new threat.

While this story works fine and would admittedly be fun to see play out, it is wildly predictable. With the hero/mentor story seen in the MCU’s Spider-Man movies and Star Wars: The Last Jedi, Sucker Punch would surely struggle to make Infamous 3’s version of this narrative standout among the rest. Beyond that, putting the heroes on the same side only goes halfway with the potential provided by The Last of Us 2’s dual perspective, and it eliminates one of the Infamous series’ best features: Good and Evil playthroughs.

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The Bold Option: Good Cole Vs. Evil Delsin

delsin using powers infamous second son

Being able to choose between being a superhero and supervillain was a major draw for the previous Infamous games, and a new Infamous title should keep that intact. However, by incorporating both Cole and Delsin, the Good and Evil system immediately becomes more intriguing. Placing Cole in the role of the hero and forging Delsin into a villain would not only be a requirement due to the events of Infamous 2 and its ending, but it would also help to create the most exciting possible version of Infamous 3.

The Good and Evil playthroughs would essentially be two completely different games, as players would be controlling two separate heroes in Infamous 3. Cole and his lightning abilities would make for a vastly different playthrough than Delsin and his assortment of powers, and each could have fully unique missions to carry out — apart from their boss fights with one another. Further, the Evil ending to Second Son sets Delsin up as the ultimate villain, leeching powers from all the game’s conduits to become a god-like figure with every ability under the sun. As such, while playing as Cole would provide a great wave of nostalgia, Delsin could have a dizzying array of powers to make his playthrough enticing. The final boss fight of Infamous 3 could even see Delsin leech electric powers from Cole, creating an interesting scenario where Delsin wins or loses using the original Infamous lead’s own skills.

Like Ellie and Abby, Cole and Delsin are in a similar position. Old Infamous players have an attachment to Cole in a similar way to the love The Last of Us fans have for Ellie, while Delsin boasts more memorable gameplay and a new story like Abby. Seeing both Cole and Delsin in one game and playing out both sides of a war between the two could be even more fun than The Last of Us 2’s Abby and Ellie battles were, as far more upgrades and playstyles can stem from Cole and Delsin’s superpowers. The plot could be as simple as Cole needing to take down a power obsessed Delsin, with the Second Son protagonist’s addiction to power leeching being clear in the previous game’s finale.

Regardless of how the tale is spun, though, the gameplay potential in a dual protagonist story for Infamous 3 is unparalleled. Sucker Punch truly has the chance to deliver an excellent final entry in the series, and it can do so by bringing back Cole while continuing Delsin’s development. With the Killzone series’ website shut down recently, signaling that Shadowfall will serve as a quiet finale to the franchise, the same thing does not need to happen with another major PlayStation exclusive. Infamous deserves a conclusion beyond Second Son, and Sucker Punch should ensure that its finale makes use of both Cole MacGrath and Delsin Rowe.

Infamous 3 is not known to be in development.

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