Indiana Jones and The Great Circle stayed quiet for a while after making a name for itself at Microsoft's Developer Direct. The game has showcased a variety of strengths in its latest trailer, but there's one ace up Indiana Jones and the Great Circle's sleeve that can't go ignored.

Lips have been sealed tight in regard to news around Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, though a December 2024 release date is very much possible if rumors are anything to go by. The new trailer didn't confirm an exact release date. Regardless of when it comes out, though, it has to make the most of its Harrison Ford/Indiana Jones likeness.

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Indiana Jones inspired iconic games like Tomb Raider and Uncharted, but what about the ones based on Indy himself?

Indiana Jones And The Great Circle Needs To Rally Around Its Access To Harrison Ford's Likeness

Uncertainty about The Great Circle's release date aside, there is another element that Bethesda and MachineGames' need to ensure that they're pushing. A cursory glance at the trailers put out for the game thus far makes it evident that MachineGames have access to Harrison Ford's likeness. Given how intertwined the character is with the actor who has portrayed him throughout the franchise, it's hard to say whether The Great Circle could ever have done without Ford's face. However, with that likeness procured, the game should absolutely take advantage of everything brought by Indiana Jones' iconic countenance.

MachineGames Needs To Get Mileage Out Of Ford's Likeness

Getting big on-camera stars in the booth for a licensed game is a struggle at the best of times, and it's one that MachineGames has already dodged. Ford will not be reprising his role as Indiana Jones for the title, with the honor instead going to prolific video game voice actor Troy Baker. However, while nothing is out in the open, Ford's likeness can't have come for free and probably didn't come for cheap.

Therefore, it would be wise on the part of Bethesda and MachineGames to get their money's worth; their access to the truest embodiment of Indiana Jones cannot be understated. Posters for The Great Circle already perfectly resemble those of Indy's greatest cinematic outings. In fact, it's easy to mistake The Great Circle's poster for one of these films at first glance, which is great for the game. After the lukewarm reception for Dial of Destiny, Bethesda has to make the most of its own shot at an Indiana Jones adventure.

The Great Circle's First-Person Perspective Needs To Be Balanced Out

One of the most controversial aspects of The Great Circle is its first person perspective, something that could kneecap Indy's iconic design and great character model in particular. With how well MachineGames has rendered Ford's visage into the digital world, it's something of a shame that players will be funneled into the explorer's own POV. While certain tasks like climbing and zipline riding will take the player into third person, fans will overall see very little of Indy's design during gameplay, something that has been faithfully captured with extensive detail.

Though it's unlikely for any gamer to come to The Great Circle wanting a clip show, it would make sense for the new Indiana Jones narrative of the game to use cinematics liberally. Again, the poor critical and box office reception of Dial of Destiny comes to mind; if The Great Circle can use cinematics to market itself as the proper successor to the franchise, it can help chart a new course for the franchise. A critical part of this, then, will be the use of Harrison Ford's likeness—something that cinematics should display with reckless abandon.