
  • Indiana Jones will embark on a global adventure, exploring new locations like the Vatican and Thailand's Sukhothai temples.
  • The Great Circle will take place over a longer distance than any previous Indiana Jones game, expanding the scope of his adventures.
  • The presence of iconic sites like the Pyramids of Giza suggests that Egypt will continue to be a significant setting in Indy's story.

Indiana Jones and The Great Circle will be throwing the adventurer into a variety of new locales. From the Vatican to Thailand's Sukhothai temples, Indy will be traveling all over the world. Set between Raiders and The Last Crusade, Indy's already experienced larger-than-life adventures by The Great Circle. Despite this, the upcoming title still looks to throw him to corners of the planet that are entirely unknown to Indy or the franchise. With the eponymous Great Circle describing a circle of significant locations around the globe, the game will take place over a longer distance than any of his series outings so far.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Confirms Who Is Playing Indy

The actor bringing the main character of Indiana Jones and the Great Circle to life has been revealed, and it is one of gaming's biggest stars.

All Locations Confirmed For The Great Circle So Far

Vatican City

Vatican City is a city-state nestled in Rome, Italy. It's ruled by the Pope, himself also the head of the Catholic Church worldwide. This is said to be where Indiana will go first in the game's plot, with footage highlighting St. Peter's Basilica specifically—the world's largest church and an especially holy site in Catholicism. Since the game takes place in 1937, this will be bringing Indy right into the heart of fascist Italy. Whilst Vatican City is independent of Italy, the propensity for Indiana Jones media to tangle with fascist villains makes a confrontation with Mussolini's forces here likely.

Sukhothai Temples, Thailand

The Sukhothai Kingdom was a civilization that existed from 1238 to 1438 in present-day Thailand. The capital of this kingdom was the city of Sukhothai, where today 193 ruins have been unearthed. The ruins of Sukhothai's temples were spotlighted by the trailer material for The Great Circle as one of the many settings Indy will traverse. A few of the puzzles and traps shown off look to be set in or around these ruins, in addition to numerous shots of Indy arriving by boat—implying that a naval sequence is possible.


The Himalayas is a cross-country mountain range that sits on the border between China and India. It also goes straight through Nepal and Bhutan and has sections in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Myanmar. Naturally, this makes it incredibly difficult to pin down where Indy will be going when he travels to these mountains. It's possible, though unlikely given the size of the range, that Indy could end up in a spot he's traveled before. He slid down the Himalayas in an inflatable raft to escape crime boss Lao Che in The Temple of Doom.

Pyramids and the Great Sphinx of Giza, Egypt

Indiana Jones is no stranger to Egypt and The Great Circle looks to continue his adventures there. Not only are Egypt's pyramids on display and highlighted in the overview, but the trailer footage displayed clearly shows off the Great Sphinx of Giza. A great deal of footage is dedicated to sites set up around these areas, with a good deal of the game's combat being shown off here. It's important to mention that the game's villain, Emmerich Voss, is shown burying Indy up to his neck in the "sands of Africa." It's likely that this is also taking place in Egypt, but it could be possible that it is referring to a sandy locale in a different African country.

A Likely Location That Wasn't Named

Also shown off in the trailer is what looks to be Shanghai. Here Indy is jumping between planes, including one that looks to be a Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero, an aircraft used by the Empire of Japan. Since The Great Circle will be taking place in 1937, this is very likely the Battle of Shanghai. Indy's death-defying stunt here also gives a brief glimpse into one of the many Indy Ploys that The Great Circle will allow players to dare try.

Indiana Jones and The Great Circle will arrive sometime in 2024 for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Indiana Jones and The Great Circle Nails Its Harrison Ford Impression