
  • Todd Howard hints that more information about MachineGames' Indiana Jones game will be shared next year, keeping fans eager for updates.
  • The development progress of Indiana Jones is halfway through, according to Bethesda, which is an encouraging message for fans who have been waiting for more details.
  • The release of Indiana Jones may not be until 2025, so fans can expect a substantial look at the game next year to satisfy their curiosity about MachineGames' mashup of genres and transition to a new Nazi-fighting franchise.

With Starfield finally out, Bethesda Game Studios Director Todd Howard is already fielding questions about when fans can expect more information about the publisher's next big project, Indiana Jones. Announced back in 2021, not much is known about MachineGames' Indiana Jones game, but gamers are eager to hear more about the Wolfenstein developer's take on the historic franchise.

Bethesda recently gave an update on Indiana Jones' progress, stating that the team is about halfway through the development process. This was certainly an encouraging message for fans as not much of the game has been seen since it was teased more than two years ago. For those curious about the upcoming adventure starring everyone's favorite treasure hunter, it seems as though more news might not be too far off.

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Howard talked in detail about Starfield's development with Esquire, but when asked about MachineGames' Indiana Jones title, he coyly suggested that more information will be shared next year. Outside of sharing that the game would, of course, feature exploration and that he believes the story can be brought to video games in a "unique way," Howard refrained from sharing too much about the upcoming title. Again, not much has been shared about the project since Bethesda announced that development on Indiana Jones had begun back in early 2021.

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

The interviewer shares that Howard clearly is excited and wanted to give more information about the game but was perhaps not allowed to share any more than he already had. Instead, he just smiled and said, "We’ll talk next year." Many have speculated what Dial of Destiny flopping might mean for MachineGames' Indiana Jones game, but Howard's comments at least suggest that the game is still alive and well.

With the update Bethesda recently gave about the game's development process, it seems like 2025 is perhaps the earliest fans should expect Indiana Jones to be released. If that is the projected current timeline, it certainly makes sense that Howard and company would like to show off a substantial look at the game at some point next year as he teased.

There is still plenty to learn about Indy's next gaming adventure. Howard's recent comments about Indiana Jones suggest that it will be a mashup of genres, but fans obviously want to know even more about how MachineGames' first-person shooter experience will translate over to another Nazi-fighting franchise. With the most recent film underperforming with both critics and at the box office, fans will now be turning their eyes to the next big project in the franchise.

Indiana Jones is in development for PC and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: MachineGames' Indiana Jones Game May be Exactly What the Series Needs Right Now

Source: Esquire