An EA Original being developed by Ascendant Studios called Immortals of Aveum was just revealed in full a few days ago, and it shows some real promise. A first-person shooter with a twist, Immortals of Aveum takes the frenetic arena-shooter gameplay of Doom and gives it a Doctor Strange twist, swapping out guns for magical laser beams. While it's certainly not the first FPS to use magic, it might end up being the most impressive, with some truly breathtaking visuals on display and seemingly plenty of variation when it comes to different spell types.

During Immortals of Aveum's reveal trailer, eagle-eyed fans can spot a vast range of different spell types. A lot of these spells seem to function quite similarly to the usual FPS arsenal, such as a fast-paced blue projectile that functions like a machine gun, and a green burst of magical energy that looks suspiciously just like a shotgun. But amidst those gun-like spells, Immortals of Aveum's trailer hints at a few more unique magical options, with one of them reminding Bulletstorm fans that it's about time the franchise made some kind of comeback.

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Immortals of Aveum Should Pave the Way For a Bulletstorm Revival

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By far the most intriguing element of Immortals of Aveum is its magical arsenal, and in particular, those spells that don't have firearm counterparts. For instance, the reveal trailer showed some kind of shield, with its orange runic design looking as though it's been ripped right out of Doctor Strange. It's rare for an FPS game to have a shield, and this could end up going a long way in making Immortals of Aveum feel like something truly unique and special.

One of the most interesting spells shown in Immortals of Aveum's trailer is a blue whip, seemingly made of water, that extends out from the player's left hand and drags an enemy off a platform. Though it's only seen for a second or two, this whip-like ability immediately stands out as one of the most impressive in the entire trailer, and for fans of Bulletstorm, it's sure to trigger some nostalgic memories.

Released all the way back in 2011, Bulletstorm was a tongue-in-cheek FPS by studio People Can Fly that wasn't afraid of poking fun at the state of the FPS genre of the time. While its humor could get a little tiresome after a while, its Energy Leash weapon never got old. Available right from the get-go, the Energy Leash is a blue whip-like weapon that players can use to pull enemies toward them. Once in the air, enemies enter a state of slow-motion, allowing the player to string together a variety of different combos ranging from booting the enemy in the face and riddling their body with bullets to launching them into an environmental hazard. Later on in the game, the player unlocks the Energy Leash's Thumper ability, letting them slam down their foes with a simple and cool flick of the wrist.

Over a decade later, Bulletstorm is remembered fondly by many, and though it's rarely talked about now, whenever it is discussed the Energy Leash is always the main talking point. For many fans, Bulletstorm's Energy Leash is still yet to be topped by any FPS weapon that's come since, with none being able to match the high level of player-freedom and sheer fun that comes with yanking an enemy out from behind cover. And if the rest of the industry can't fill the gap that Bulletstorm left, then maybe it's time for Bulletstorm to make a resurgence. Perhaps a trip back to Bulletstorm's tongue-in-cheek, creative world is exactly what People Can Fly needs after its time developing Outriders.

Immortals of Aveum launches July 20 for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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