Combining the gameplay mechanics of popular first-person shooter titles such as Call of Duty with a fantasy setting riddled with magic and fantastic creatures, Immortals of Aveum is an appetizing blend of genres that will have gamers from all walks of life licking their lips. Players assume the identity of the once-unknown Jak as he discovers his true potential as a Triarch Magnus, capable of mastering all three types of magic that exist in Aveum.

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One of the most exciting features of Immortals of Aveum is its use of magic as the primary weapon, despite being a shooting game. Using a variety of tools and skills, players will unleash a plethora of different magic abilities to defeat foes, solve puzzles, and discover the secrets that Aveum holds. From the basic Sigil spells to the all-powerful Dominion attacks, these are the abilities players will be able to harness in the game.

Sigil Variants

Green Magic being cast in gameplay footage of Immortals of Aveum

A Sigil is a vital tool for all spell casters in the world of Aveum, as it allows them to harness the energy of their magic into a weapon and cast spells according to which Sigil they wield. There are multiple Sigils a player can use to channel the three magic types, Red (for Chaos), Blue (for Force), and Green (for Life), with each type having multiple variants.

The multiple Sigil variants allow Jak to manipulate the different color magic types in a variety of ways, with each changing the primary magic attack that the protagonist uses. So far, there are three variants per magic type, with Blue variants using precise and long-ranged skills, Red using explosive blasts, and Green using a rapid barrage of homing projectiles.

Sigils are a key component to the story and gameplay in Immortals of Aveum and can be found in a variety of ways, from purchasing them at vendors to Jak crafting them himself. Each with their own unique perks to enhance Jak's abilities, there is a perfect Sigil for every type of gamer.

Totems & Control Spells

Jak from Immortals of Aveum in battle with the game's main antagonist

Similarly to Sigils, Totems are relics that can be used to harness and control the power of magical energy. These objects are incredibly powerful and each is engrained with its own control spell, which will influence how it is used and the way it interacts with its surroundings.

Totem abilities come in varying forms and serve different purposes, depending on the color of magic that is used through them. For Blue Magic users, Totems will allow the magic to form a chain, which can pull enemies towards Jak, pull Jak towards larger foes, and grapple to certain areas within the game's environment. Red Magic Totems, however, come in the form of lenses and can be used to shoot precision projectiles to stun enemies, as well as solve puzzles. Coming in vial form, Green Magic Totem powers will slow down hostiles by tossing large masses of magic that stick to them and hinder their movement.

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The biggest point of difference between Sigils and Totems is the discrepancy in power, which is evident in the availability of each tool. Sigils are the most commonly used tool to harness Jak's skills and can be reloaded in the same way a gun would in a standard first-person shooter. For Totems, however, the frequency in which they can be used is more restrictive, meaning players will need to take into consideration the cool-down time required before they can be used again.

Augment Spells

An adversary of Jak with armor and a helm with a glowing green rune from Immortals of Aveum

Not all spells in Immortals of Aveum function to deal damage to others. In fact, there is an entire spell type dedicated to helping Jak traverse Aveum and overcome the many obstacles he will encounter on his journey. Augment spells are designed for this purpose, with the six different spells serving very different tactical purposes.

Much like Totem spells, Augment enchantments require some cooldown time after use, which is dictated by how much the skill is improved or evolved in the Skill Tree. There are six in total; Blink, Hover, Shield, Grapple, Animate, and Restore, which help Jak with a range of tasks from dodging/blocking enemy attacks, to ridding Aveum of the magical corruption plaguing the land.


Footage from Immortals of Aveum which shows Jak, the main character, casting Red Magic at a target

Fury is an adequate word to describe one of the more potent sources of offense in Immortals of Aveum. Furies are the ideal solution to combat problems that involve much larger foes or a greater number of enemies. Unlike the previous magic types, Furies require mana to use them, which is a consumable resource that can only be used a limited number of times. With that being said, there is a multitude of opportunities for players to collect mana crystals and replenish their stock.

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There are seemingly a number of different Fury attacks that will be included in the game, but so far one for each magic color has been revealed. So far, the Torrent, Shatter, and Blastwave spells have been announced for use for the Green, Blue, and Red Magic types respectively. The Torrent ability shoots 3 homing missiles to strike down foes, Shatter sends a shockwave along the ground which produces spikes made of rock to knock back enemies, and the Blastwave unleashes a powerful red explosive wave to dispatch groups of enemies.

Since they require consumable resources to cast, Furies should be used sparingly. However, these spells will provide Jak will the ability to turn the tide of a battle in his favor, so they are certainly worth the effort of collecting crystals.

Dominion Spells

The main protagonist from Immortals of Aveum, Jak.

Consider Dominion spells to be the very last line of defense for Jak, as these "Hail Mary" hexes channel the energy of all three magic colors. Using the power of Red, Blue, and Green Magic simultaneously, players will be able to deliver one incredibly powerful attack to turn the tide of a battle.

Dominion spells can be charged up over time and can be recharged faster as Jak participates in combat. Using the Immolate spell, players will be able to unleash a lethal beam of pure energy with the potential to turn even the most formidable opponent to ash. Whether players are being overwhelmed by an army of foes or an enormous boss, these spells will be the ticket out of sticky situations.

Immortals of Aveum will be released August 22 on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC

More: Immortals Of Aveum: All Magic Types, Explained