Electronic Arts unveiled Immortals of Aveum in December during the 2022 Game Awards last December, with the official reveal trailer arriving last April. The game isn't far off either, launching in late July. Fans' most recent look at Ascendant Studios' upcoming game came during the Summer Game Fest main event on June 8. The fantasy first-person shooter casts players as Jak, a powerful battlemage with the rare ability to use all three colors of magic.

Jak will need these powers if he hopes to end the war that's plagued the titular land of Aveum. Immortals of Aveum's Everwar has raged for thousands of years, shaping not only Aveum's political landscape but the physical one as well. This seemingly endless magical conflict is crucial to understanding the game's setting. Naturally, this will leave some fans with questions about Immortals of Aveum's Everwar.

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Immortals of Aveum's Everwar

Immortals of Aveum Everwar map

Magic is common in Immortals of Aveum, though not all mages are created equal. While some are born with this power, others, like Jak, only come into their abilities later in life. Immortals of Aveum's Magic also comes in three colors. Red Magic corresponds with chaos, entropy, and violence, allowing users to manipulate energy. Blue Magic is based on force and physical manipulation, and its users can create and control gravity. Finally, Green Magic is associated with life, death, growth, and transition. Most mages can only use one to two colors of magic, though Jak is one of the rare individuals who can use all three.

Millennia ago, the kingdoms of Lucium, Oremen, K'Ley, Kalthus, and Rasharn began a bloody war over control of Aveum's magic. The centuries of magical conflict have claimed innumerable lives and twisted the land itself, creating great chasms along the kingdoms' borders. These rifts radiate outward from The Wound, an infinitely deep pit at the center of the world. Within the Wound is a location known as the Pentacade. EA and Immortals of Aveum developer Ascendant Studios haven't revealed much about the Pentacade beyond its name and position, marking the only location where the five kingdom's borders meet.

Of the five nations, two have emerged as the undisputed superpowers of Aveum and now represent the main sides of the Everwar. The first is Jak's homeland of Lucium. Located directly north of The Wound, it borders Oremen to the west and K'Ley to the east. Kalthus lies to Lucium's southwest, beyond The Wound. While the exact nature of these countries' relationships isn't clear, these weaker states mostly seem to have allied with Lucium for protection against the Rasharn invasion. However, that doesn't seem to be working as Immortals of Aveum sees Lucium and its allies pushed to the brink of defeat.

Led by the tyrannical warlord Sandrakk, Rasharn is the most powerful nation in Immortals of Aveum, occupying southern K'Ley and eastern Kalthus. While Lucium fights to protect access to magic and save the world from destruction, Sandrakk will settle for nothing less than total domination. Under Sandrakk's harsh leadership, victory finally seems to be within Rasharn's grasp, with Lucium and its allies unable to halt the Rasharnian advance.

The kingdoms in Immortals of Aveum rely on a combination of magic and technology to fight their battles. Both sides utilize magic users called Magni, who control their magic using wrist-mounted devices called Sigils. Notable Magni includes the titular Immortals, who serve as Lucium's elite special forces.

Not everyone fighting in the Everwar has magical talents. As seen in Immortals of Aveum's most recent gameplay trailer from the Summer Game Fest, the ordinary soldiers of Lucium and Rasharn still fight with swords. However, the nations also utilize fantastical machines such as the Rasharnian Airships and a giant Lucian mech called the Colossus.

Immortals of Aveum launches for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S on July 20, 2023.

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