Sam Barlow's Immortality is an FMV-style game where players are tasked with answering one big question: what happened to Marissa Marcel? Marcel was an actress who had roles in three unfinished films before disappearing, and it's up to the player to dig through the footage of these movies to determine exactly what happened to her. Accomplishing this is the ultimate goal of Sam Barlow's Immortality, and doing so will unlock the What Happened to Marissa Marcel achievement.

In order to discuss how to get the achievement, it will be necessary to go into SPOILER territory. It is not hugely difficult to find the scene in question when players know what they're looking for, so it may be best to check the attached image. This way, players will know when they have reached the appropriate scene and can watch it play out without accidentally skipping away before seeing what happens. However, it is recommended that Immortality players do their best to find this scene naturally first to get the full experience.

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The way Immortality works is by activating the Image Mode, accomplished by pushing the Y button on the Xbox Series X controller. This brings up a cursor that players can use to click on pretty much whatever they want on-screen. They may click on an object, an actor's face, etc., and then the match-cut feature will take them to a completely different scene that either has the same actor or object.

Marissa Marcel sitting in a chair surrounded by spotlights in Immortality

There appears to be an algorithm at work in Immortality, so there is never a truly surefire way to get from point A to point B. But there are specific things Immortality players will want to click on to make getting to this scene with Marissa Marcel easier. They can click on Marissa's face, and eventually, they may very well end up in this final scene. Alternatively, they can click on things like stage lights to narrow it down a bit, or fire.

With enough clicking, Immortality players will reach the scene in question, and they can watch it play out. Besides Marissa Marcel, Amy Archer is also present in the scene, though to truly understand exactly what's going on will take a lot more digging on the part of the player. In any case, at least knowing what the scene in question looks like should go a long way in helping more gamers complete Immortality and unlock its associated achievements.

Immortality is out now for PC and Xbox Series X.

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