Immortality is an incredible game from Sam Barlow, the creator of Her Story and Telling Lies. It's an ambitious game telling a complex story with many threads for the player to uncover. Promising young starlet Marissa Marcel starred in three movies, but the movies, along with Marissa herself, seemingly vanished into thin air. What happened to those movies, and what happened to Marissa Marcel?

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Unlike the previous two games, which involved searching for new video clips by using keywords, the main mechanic of Immortality involves observing each clip and clicking on key people in order to unlock other clips. It's a complex and interesting puzzle to slowly uncover, but with no obvious 'ending' to aim for, it can feel a bit overwhelming for beginners. Here are a few things new players should do if they want to uncover all of Immortality's secrets.

8 Read The 'About' Page

A short history of Marissa Marcel, Immortality

Before getting stuck in, players should take a moment to read the 'About' page. It gives some important background information which is good to know before starting the game. It will also give players an idea of the overarching storyline, including the filming dates and some brief information about each movie.

The About page also gives players an idea of what their role is, and how they have access to the footage in the first place.

7 Play With A Controller

A clip from Minsky, Immortality

Even when playing on PC, it's a good idea to play Immortality using a controller. Firstly, it's much easier to scrub the clips using a controller, which is a very important step.

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Secondly, the controller will rumble at key points during certain clips. This means players should pay close attention during these parts, as the game is trying to give them a hint. Playing with a controller may help to highlight something that could be easily missed.

6 Click On Background Items

Marissa Marcel in front of a chair in Immortality

The easiest way to rack up clips is to click on any prominent items that may appear. Click on the eye symbol, then hover over an item. Clicking on it will bring up other clips featuring those items (if they exist). Chairs, apples, mugs, wine glasses, vases: many background items can be clicked on in Immortality.

This is a very fast way to discover new clips, although keep in mind that each item may not bring up exactly the same item again. Players may end up viewing several types of candles spread across the three movies, for example. Of course, clicking on an actor's face will also help players quickly discover clips, too. For example, clicking on Amy Archer and closely scrutinizing those clips may help players to discover what happened to her.

5 Order Clips By Date

Clips sorted by filming order in Immortality

Players can order clips by the order they appear in the movies, or the order they were filmed. It's good to swap between them from time to time as more clips are uncovered.

Viewing clips in 'movie order' is handy if you want to discover the plot line of each movie. However, looking at the order in which the clips appear can help to piece together the underlying story, especially if players are focusing on uncovering the behind-the-scenes clips, too.

4 Use A Notepad

Marissa Marcel in the movie Ambrosio, Immortality

There's a lot to keep track of in Immortality: three movies, behind-the-scenes footage, and the underlying story that ties it all together. If players are struggling to keep track of it all, use a notepad and a pen and try to write it all out.

This is helpful in the later stages of the game as players start to unlock some of the more complex scenes. It may also help to narrow down the missing pieces that players still need to figure out.

3 Bookmark Important Scenes

The 'favourited' clips screen on Immortality

With a huge amount of clips available, it's easy to lose track of them. If players watch a scene that really resonates with them, they can click on the heart symbol on the overview screen to save it for later.

In the beginning stages, there's a lot going on, and players will probably be overwhelmed with ideas, so getting in the habit of favoriting clips can help them to keep on top of things.

2 Click On The Clapperboard When Stuck

The clapperboard in Immortality

If players are really stuck, the clapperboard will be your friend. Appearing in almost every clip, it's the best thing to click on if players have exhausted every other option they can think of.

It's not the most interesting way to play the game, and players are bound to end up re-watching several clips they've already seen, but it may unlock some stubbornly hidden scenes players haven't seen yet. Useful if players are on a quest to unlock every single clip.

1 Players Must Be Patient If They Want To Collect Them All

Marissa Marcel being interviewed in Immortality

There are many clips to find in Immortality - 202 film clips altogether, in fact. That requires a lot of patient searching, and it may take a long time to beat the game. Players will get individual achievements for finding all the clips from each movie, and then another achievement for getting all 202.

Players should keep in mind that even finding all the clips may not mean they have uncovered all of Immortality's secrets. We can't say much more than that without verging into spoiler territory, but if players follow all the tips on this list, they'll be well on their way to figuring it out.

Immortality is available on PC, Xbox Series X/S, Android, and iOS.

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