Throughout its history, Nintendo has championed female representation, particularly in its core franchises. From Samus Aran’s unforgettable gender reveal in Metroid, to the decision to name the Zelda series after its princess rather than the actual playable character, Nintendo, to its credit, has never overlooked the importance of its feminine fandom.

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However, some girls don’t just wanna have fun, and while the Nintendo universe is rife with paragons of virtue and morality like Princess Peach, as well as cooler, more mysterious role models like Bayonetta, there are some iconic females who decided to use their talents for evil instead (or at least moderate irritation).

10 Dr. Coyle – ARMS

Dr Coyle in Arms

The most recent entry on the list, Dr. Coyle is the final boss of Nintendo’s 2017 release: ARMS. Dr. Coyle is the director of the ARMS Laboratories, is responsible for creating the game’s chief antagonists Hedlok and Springtron, and, in classic sci-fi fashion (here’s looking at you, Dr. Octopus), has been experimenting on herself in the name of technological advancement.

Dr. Coyle was later added as a playable character, allowing players the opportunity to utilize her third arm and invisibility abilities in battle.

9 Shadow Queen – Paper Mario

Shadow Queen boss battle in Paper Mario Thousand Year Door

By the end of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, it becomes clear that Sir Grodus is nothing but a distraction from the true villain: the Shadow Queen. Having been trapped behind a door for a millennium, the extent of her wrath upon her release is perhaps not too much of a surprise, and consequently, she is often regarded as one of the most powerful opponents in the entire Mario series.

The most enduring image of the Shadow Queen is perhaps not that of her purest form, but her spirit controlling the body of Princess Peach, transforming the apple of Mario’s eye into a formidable foe.

8 Medusa – Kid Icarus

Medusa from Kid Icarus Uprising

Based on the Greek goddess of the same, Queen of the Underworld Medusa is the chief antagonist in Kid Icarus and its sequels. Her story is effectively the oldest story, told time and time again through cultures: a fallen angel is banished to the underworld, and promises revenge.

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The extremely limited amount of releases in the Kid Icarus series has stifled the potential of Medusa as an icon of the videogame industry, but her impact as one of the very first female villains cannot be overlooked.

7 Twinrova – Zelda

Twinrova from Ocarina of Time character art

While an honorable mention must be given to the Deku Tree’s Queen Gohma, by offering two for the price of one the title of Ocarina of Time’s most memorable female villain goes to Twinrova, the combination of the 400-year-old Gerudo twin witches Kotake and Koume.

After fighting Link together using their respective fire and ice powers, the twins merge to form Twinrova, utilizing both elements in a Double Dynamite Attack. Following their defeat, the sisters would both appear again in Majora’s Mask, this time helping Link in his adventure.

6 Jessie – Pokemon

Team Rocket Jessie in the Pokemon anime posing

One half of the main antagonistic duo in the Pokemon anime series (or a third if you count Meowth), Team Rocket’s Jessie didn’t actually appear in Pokemon Red & Blue and was first conceived by the anime’s original head writer, Takeshi Shudo.

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Of course, due to the huge success of the TV series and its impact on the Pokemon franchise and canon as a whole, Jessie (along with partner in crime James) soon popped up in Pokemon Yellow, battling the player on multiple occasions and holding poor old Mr. Fuji hostage in the Pokemon Tower.

5 Dark Samus – Metroid

Dark Samus boss battle in Metroid Prime 2 Echoes

Around the turn of the century, Nintendo apparently realized what numerous sci-fi writers, and indeed psychologists, did before them: sometimes the hardest battle one can truly face is against oneself. Or (because that’s quite hard to portray in a video game) with their evil doppelganger. After the success (based upon infuriation elicited) of Ocarina of Time’s Dark Link and Mario Sunshine’s Shadow Mario, the Metroid Franchise joined the party with Dark Samus.

First appearing in the secret cutscene ending of Metroid Prime as the reincarnation of the Prime being itself, Dark Samus would go on to become the main antagonist in the following two entries in the trilogy. She has all the same moves as you, but is quicker and more powerful! Who’d have thunk it?

4 Captain Syrup – Wario

Captain Syrup from Wario Land character art

Despite being physically the anti-Mario, it is accurate to say that the chief object of Wario’s purest revulsion is not an Italian plumber, but a meddlesome pirate, and a female one at that. Captain Syrup is the main antagonist across the Wario Land series, although, due to Wario’s questionable morality, might better be described as an anti-villain.

Perhaps taking inspiration from the reveal of Samus Aran’s gender in Metroid, the American instruction manual for the first Wario Land referred to Captain Syrup with only gender-neutral pronouns in order to protect the element of surprise.

3 Gruntilda – Banjo-Kazooie

Gruntilda from Banjo Kazooie

Though not always considered a Nintendo game (probably due to its appearance on the Xbox Live Arcade), the original Banjo-Kazooie was published by Nintendo as an N64 exclusive. Therefore, the application from the game’s main villain, Gruntilda Winkybunion, to be included in the list ought to be considered.

Grunty’s ultimate goal, like many a witch before her, is to become beautiful, by any means necessary. While this endeavor may ultimately fail, Gruntilda does manage to change her form throughout the series, later appearing as a Mecha-ghost, a skeleton, and a robot with a head in a jar.

2 Birdo – Mario

Birdo from Mario posing

Birdo is one of the more interesting characters in the Mario universe, namely because she wasn’t designed for a Mario game at all. As many will already know, after the original Super Mario Bros. sequel was shelved for being deemed too difficult, the Japanese-only title Yume Kojo: Doki Doki Panic was sufficiently Mariofied and released overseas as Super Mario Bros. 2.

The recurring egg-spitting mini-boss, who became known as Birdo, survived the rebranding and would go on to golf, kart, and party with the rest of the Mario gang for decades to come. In more recent years, Birdo (or, if she prefers, Birdetta) has become something of a hero for the LGBTQ+ community, and is often regarded as gaming’s first transgender character.

1 Mother Brain - Metroid

Mother Brain final boss battle in Super Metroid

The de facto commander of the Space Pirates, Mother Brain is the original Metroid antagonist, providing the final boss battle in both the original Metroid title (and its remake Zero Mission) and Super Metroid. According to series co-creator Yoshio Sakamoto, Mother Brain was an archetypal example of an AI system gone bad, created originally by the Chozo, but later gaining sentience and going berserk.

While in the original Metroid, Mother Brain’s form is restricted to a literal brain inside a glass tank, in Super Metroid Mother Brain also possesses a face and giant humanoid body, allowing her to walk and shoot energy-draining attacks from her eyes and mouth.


Video Game Female Protagonists With Pitch Black Hearts