Without E3 to fall back on, Nintendo's 2020 plans have been a little more chaotic than players have been used to in year's past. Instead of one big Nintendo Direct to reveal and announce upcoming games, the company has instead held many smaller announcement streams to showcase everything from indie games, partner projects, and more. While fans continue to hold out hope for updates to major games like Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4, it seems Nintendo is positioning Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity as it's big holiday title. This week, the company showcased one of its many playable characters, the Zora Princess Mipha.

The Tweet from the Nintendo of America account gives players a bit of insight into what Mipha brings to the battlefield. In Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity, Mipha will be wielding the Zora Spear, one of the unbreakable weapons that fans may remember having to track down the various pieces for in Breath of the Wild. At least some of her abilities seem to revolve around healing herself and other members of her party, likely a call back to her ability called Mipha's Grace.

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New screenshots also show the princess in action using what appears to be a water-based attack to strike a moblin. Swinging her spear seems to have caused a wave style effect from a special attack. The other image appears to show Mipha standing in the Breath of the Wild's version of Zora's Domain, a city where the Zora race call home.

In addition to Mipha, Nintendo previously showed off the Goron champion, Daruk. True to his appearance in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Daruk wields his Boulder Breaker sword as well as having access to his protection shield. The screenshots for Daruk also show him fighting on Death Mountain against the various fire pebblits and golems located there.

Recently at the digital version of Tokyo Game Show, Nintendo also confirmed Impa would be returning as a playable character to the game. While Breath of the Wild fans may remember Impa as a short and very old woman residing in Kakariko Village, this version of her is 100 years younger meaning she's much taller and more ninja like than fans would believe. In one clip posted from the show, Impa is able to easily handle large groups of enemies through quick strikes and ninjutsu style attacks.

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity will be available on November 20 for Nintendo Switch.

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