Twitch users were surprised to find a new game that had only sort of been announced become the top game on the streaming service this Thursday morning. Hyper Scape is a brand new battle royale game from Ubisoft, though it's not currently openly available to play and doesn't have a release date. But Ubisoft wanted to make Hyper Scape's announcement stand out, and to do so, it launched a Technical Test and invited many of Twitch's most-popular battle royale players to take part.

As of 2:40 pm PT, Hyper Scape is the number one category on Twitch with 313,000 viewers. The next game on the list being Grand Theft Auto 5 with around 70,000 fewer viewers. Hyper Scape has remained the top game on Twitch since it launched Thursday morning and is likely to remain there or near the top for the duration of the Technical Test.

RELATED: Ubisoft Battle Royale Hyper Scape Revealed With New Trailer

The Technical Test isn't available to everyone, but there is a way to at least have a chance at gaining access. This also, at least in part, is why Hyper Scape is so popular on Twitch. Ubisoft partnered with Twitch to offer a drop system, not unlike what Valorant utilized during its closed beta. The more that Twitch viewers watch Twitch streamers play Hyper Scape, the more chances they'll have of earning access to the game.

twitch #1 game hyper scape

Hyper Scape's Twitch interactivity doesn't stop there, however. It also features an extension that Twitch streamers can use to allow their viewers to have an element of interactivity with each match. Viewers are able to vote for certain things to occur in the game, including for health packs or for low gravity to throw the match into disarray. Viewers can also see a streamer's stats and match history with the extension.

All of these Twitch features, as well as the excitement for a new battle royale game to play, come together to make for another popular game with both streamers and viewers. Whether or not Hyper Scape can stand the test of time, or whether it proves to be another disappearing act, remains to be seen.

For now, Ubisoft is able to finally see its game being played by a large number of people. It'll be able to track down any persistent bugs, to see how people actually play the game vs. how Ubisoft imagines it, and it'll be able to start iterating on the game, building it into what could be a major competitor in the online multiplayer games market. Expect to hear more about Hyper Scape's development in the near future.

Hyper Scape is in development for the PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Ubisoft Opens Hyper Scape Sign Ups