Hunter x Hunter is an exciting and impressive adventure fantasy anime that delves deep into the worlds of hunting, assassination, and the supernatural. Death is a common theme in the anime, and it often serves as a catalyst for the story's protagonist and antagonist.

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These individuals are not only physically formidable but also superior to other characters in Hunter x Hunter in terms of wit.

There are a lot of deaths in the anime, but some of them hit closer to home and leave viewers, as well as characters feeling crushed and heartbroken. Deaths in Hunter x Hunter are not for the faint of heart, as they often surprise viewers and leave them reeling from the sudden loss of beloved heroes and antagonists as well as defenseless bystanders.

Updated on May 21, 2024, by Oluwatokiloba Folami: The Hunter x Hunter anime series has portrayed some of the most devastating deaths ever seen. These deaths range from being uncomfortable for fans to watch to being extremely violent for the characters involved. The deaths of certain characters in the series have been brutal whether it be physically to the character involved or emotionally to fans. The Chimera Ant arc of the series, in particular, portrayed some truly gruesome deaths from Kite’s death to Neferpitou’s. Other deaths such as Shaiapouf and Mereum’s had a more emotional impact on the story. While some characters deserve the deaths they get, many deaths turned out more gruesome than many would’ve expected, leaving bittersweet feelings.

14 Shaiapouf

His Love For Meruem Ultimately Bore No Fruit Except Regret

Shaiapouf Flying To Get To The King's Side
  • Death happens in Episode 135

Pouf was undoubtedly the Royal Guard who loved the King the most. However, his excessive love turned into one that fit his ideals of a king and a dominator, and not the love-stricken king Meruem turned out to be.

Pouf’s death was not grand. It was from the poison spread by the Miniature Rose. In a crowd of humans, Pouf silently passed after getting mentally broken by Meruem’s words who wanted and accepted Komugi as well as allowed Welfin to live. With this, the King took on a roundabout turn from who Pouf wanted him to be, making him (Pouf) feel like a failure of a Royal Guard.

13 Zazan

Getting Incinerated Is A Harrowing Way To Die

Zazan- Hunter X Hunter Strongest Chimera Ants
  • Death happens in Episode 97

The Chimera Ant Queen gave birth to many powerful Chimera Ants. The stronger Chimera Ants became Squadron Leaders who went their separate ways after the Chimera Ant Queen died. One of the more powerful Squadron leaders, Zazan, went to Meteor City to form her colony.

Hunter X Hunter 396: The Phantom Troupe's Origins

The origins of the Phantom Troupe become clearer in chapter 396 of Hunter x Hunter.

There, she encountered members of the Phantom Troupe who got to Meteor City shortly after she established her colony. Of the Phantom Troupe members, Zazan only faced Feitan. However, he proved to be more than enough as he incinerated her with his abilities Pain Packer and Rising Sun despite her undergoing a mutation that caused her to grow even stronger than she already was.

12 Johness

This Serial Killer Dies A Swift But Gruesome Death

Hunter X Hunter Killua VS Johness
  • Death happens in Episode 11

Unlike many other characters whose deaths greatly impacted the series, Johness’s death had little significance as he was only a minor character; however, his death was more gruesome than many others.

As a character, Johness was convicted of having killed over 146 people with each of his victims having a body that was torn into at least 50 pieces. With these numbers, Johness was sentenced to prison for over 900 years and had to face KIllua in the Trick Tower of the 287th Hunter Exam. Although relatively strong, Johness was a mere amateur who had his heart plucked out by Killua before he could do anything.

11 The Kurta Clan

Despite Being Offscreen, Their Deaths Carry Much Weight In The Series

Kurapika Kurta ready to attack with red eyes
  • Death happens before the beginning of the series

Kurapika is one of the main characters in the Hunter x Hunter anime series. As fans know, Kurapika’s primary aim in the series is to avenge his fallen clan members, the members of the Kurta Clan whose scarlet eyes were plucked out.

While the annihilation of the Kurta clan is offscreen and before the start of the series, the description of how they were hunted, massacred, and had their eyes plucked out is gruesome, to say the least. The annihilation of the Kurta clan shows fans how the Phantom Troupe operates only to satisfy their desires, and just how capable of spreading devastation they are.

10 Uvogin

The Death Of This Phantom Troupe Member Was Swift

Uvogin fighting the Shadow Beasts
  • Death happens in Episode 47

Uvogin was a member of the Phantom Troupe and a nasty killer. He loved killing others and found it addictive, especially when he got to kill individuals who sought him for revenge or to avenge their comrades. As the most physically able of the Phantom Troupe, not many thought Uvogin would be easily killed, but to avenge his fallen clan, Kurapika killed him.

Before Kurapika and Uvogin began their battle, Uvogin told Kurapika to pick a location as he was overconfident in his abilities; however, with determination fueling his resolve, Kurapika quickly defeated Uvogin, killing him by having his judgment chain completely crush his heart. After his death, the remnants of the Phantom Troupe were so enraged that they began a massacre for their comrade, but even so, the beginning of Kurapika’s revenge was ecstatic to fans and devastating to the Phantom Troupe.

9 Kurt And Reina

Children Getting Eaten Is A Devastating Sight To Behold

hunter-x-hunter Kurt And Reina
  • Deaths happen in Episode 77

The Hunter x Hunter has always been darker than many others; however, the Chimera Ant Arc explored dark themes that left many stunned, and the sad and depressing deaths of Kurt and Reina prove it.

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Why does the longest arc in the series deserve more respect among fans?

Shortly after the beginning of the Chimera Ant Arc, Kurt, a young child, was seen protecting his little sister from a Chimera ant, even while crying. Unfortunately, Hunter x Hunter didn't spare children, and they were taken to the Chimera Ant Queen, who was seen eating them in a disturbing sight. Moreover, even after the Chimera Ants began recovering memories of their past lives, Kurt, who was turned into Colt, an ant who played a prominent role in the extermination of his species, never reunited with his sister.

8 Pokkle

Having His Brain Being Toyed While Alive Is A Fate Worse Than Death

Pokkle HxH
  • Deaths happen in Episode 84

Of the many deaths in the Hunter x Hunter anime, Pokkle’s demise is without a doubt one of the most uncomfortable. Pokkle was not a particularly skilled hunter in comparison to the likes of Gon and Kite; however, his ability to sense that he was truly in danger helped him many times. However, after he got caught by the Chimera Ants, Pokkle’s end was destined to be a gruesome one.

Instead of outright killing him, Neferipitou toyed with Pokkle’s brain to discover many facts about hunters and nen. By using her antennas, Neferpitou experimented on Pokkle’s brain while he was alive, effectively breaking him. As Pokkle lost all sense of himself, Neferpitou would experiment on his brain, triggering various sensations and the part of the brain that stored memories—a truly distasteful sight.

7 Pakunoda

She Sacrificed Her Life To Warn The Phantom Troupe Of Kurapika

Pakunoda pointing a gun Hunter X Hunter
  • Death happens in Episode 58

The loss of Pakunoda, a founding member of the Phantom Troupe, sets in motion a chain reaction of tragedy. By revealing Kurapika's true identity to the Phantom Troupe at the cost of her own life, she sets in motion the events that would eventually take place between the two parties.

As the lieutenant of a significant antagonist, many viewers were surprised that Pakunoda was killed off without some sort of catastrophic showdown. Kurapika used his judgment chains to bind her to the agreement he made with her after she traded him Gon and Killua for Chrollo, the leader of the Troupe. In the end, Pakunoda discloses Kurapika's true identity to the Phantom Troupe and sacrifices her own life to ensure the troupe's survival, a decision that many of the troupe's members lament as tragic due to the profound loss they feel.

6 Ponzu

Her Adversary Put Many Holes In Her Before Eating Her Corpse

Ponzu with her bees
  • Death happens in Episode 80

During the first Hunter exam, Ponzu was initially introduced to the Hunter x Hunter fandom. She then disappeared until her appearance in the Chimera Ant Arc, after which she gained some notoriety. Although Ponzu wasn't a fan favorite, her brutal demise revealed a darker aspect of Hunter x Hunter to the series' audience.

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Upon learning of the chimera ant infestation, Ponzu sent her bees to locate the nearest Hunter with a potent aura, who turned out to be Kite. She was shot numerous times after she was already dead as she fled toward the border, and then a chimera ant devoured her. Her demise sends a clear message to viewers about the severity of death in the show.

5 Gotoh

The Death Of This Loyal Butler Astounded Many

Gotoh (Hunter X Hunter)
  • Death happens in Episode 142

Gotoh, the Zoldyck family's mysterious and threatening butler, was a devoted guardian of the illustrious family of assassins who placed a priority on personal safety. Despite his seemingly unfeeling demeanor, he treated Killua like a son and was a tremendous help to him.

Gotoh and Hisoka get into a battle after Hisoka is dispatched after Killua to recover Alluka during the 13th Chairman Election storyline. Gotoh succumbs to Hisoka's attacks quickly, with little resistance. His demise serves as a sobering reminder to viewers that even the most adored characters in the Hunter x Hunter anime series are not immune to the series' ruthless fate distribution system.

4 Neferpitou

Pitou’s Death Was Satisfying, But Brutal

Neferpitou Smiling After Discovering Nen
  • Death happens in Episode 131

Fans of the program will never forget the passing of Neferpitou, the Royal Guard of the malevolent Chimera Ant King. Neferpitou had proven to be an extremely dangerous foe for the show's various protagonists thanks to her steadfast devotion to her master and her devastatingly potent talents.

The death of Neferpitou exposed how drastically different and bleak Gon had become. Gon's usual sunny disposition had given way to something darker after Kite's death, and the brutality with which he killed Neferpitou was indicative of this. Fans are further reminded by Neferpitou's death how harsh the Hunter x Hunter world can be, and how Gon's inability to deal with pain brought him to the brink of death.

3 Meruem And Komugi

The Death Of This Couple Left A Bittersweet Feeling

  • Deaths happen in Episode 135

Due to its insightful depiction of the dynamic between good and evil, the Chimera Ant Arc of the Hunter x Hunter anime series is often considered to be the greatest arc of the series. Meruem, the story arc's major antagonist, was originally a vile and haughty genius who held himself above the rest of society. Meruem used to consider people just as a source of food until she met Komugi, a human girl.

Fans were devastated at Meruem's death, despite his role as a significant antagonist throughout the series. Meruem died in Komugi's arms, and she assured him that they would be together again soon. Fans were devastated by the loss of the Chimera Ant King, Meruem, because of his sweet and sympathetic relationship with Komugi. Even though he was a true villain, when he passed away, he became a popular favorite.

2 Netero

The Chairman’s Death Signaled The End Of An Era

netero's 100-Type Guanyin Bodhisattva
  • Death happens in Episode 126

In the anime series Hunter x Hunter, when the charismatic leader of the Hunter Association died, it had a tremendous effect on the characters and the audience. Netero represented strength and hope for the show's protagonists with his exceptional fighting skills and dogged perseverance.

When his fight with the monstrous Chimera Ant King finally ended, it sent shockwaves through the entire series and may never be repaired. In addition to being the end of one of the most significant characters in the series, Netero's passing also marked the end of a legend whose passing will forever alter the way viewers think about the show.

1 Kite

Kite’s Death Was One Too Painful

Kite staring
  • Death happens in Episode 85

Kite's death in the Hunter x Hunter series is especially tragic for a number of reasons due to the character's pivotal position in Gon's life. The tragic death of Kite not only shocks and saddens the audience but also serves as a driving force in Gon's personal growth and establishes the series' overall tone.

Both Kite's prominence in the series and the cruel, unrelenting nature of the circumstances preceding his death make them striking. Kite's murder is one of the most emotionally heartbreaking moments in Hunter X Hunter for many reasons, including the unpredictable and powerful Neferpitou who killed him and the gruesome and frightening images.

hunter x hunter
Hunter x Hunter (2016)
Yoshihiro Togashi
Number of Episodes
Streaming Service(s)
Amazon Prime Video , Crunchyroll , Hulu , Netflix , Tubi , YouTube