The murderous magician and former Phantom Troupe member, Hisoka Morow is easily one of the strongest and most identifiable villains of the Hunter X Hunter series. He is constantly in search for powerful contenders who he enjoys battling. He takes a keen interest in Gon and Killua as he can sense the talent the young protagonists possess.

His flaming red hair, tall height and face paint makes him a difficult character to miss in the series, his mysterious aurora and clown/magician-like attire also plays a role in his personality as he continues to be a peculiar yet immensely strong character. Hisoka's past is not spoken about much in the series as he is more interested in the present and killing opponents who think they are stronger than he is.

Abilities and Powers


Hisoka is seen to be a vicious murderer and one of the stronger Nen users in the series, his strategic mindset when it came to battling opponents has been the reason for his victories as he is able to think two or three steps ahead of his enemies when executing an attack. He also possesses tactical combat skills mixed with Nen when carrying out his moves making him a dangerous foe. Hisoka is so strong that is also known to have taken out Bushidoro, a single-star blacklist hunter and a former no.4 member of the Phantom Troupe. His reputation as a powerful Nen user precedes him wherever he goes as even the members of the Phantom Troupe think twice before crossing paths with him.


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As a powerful magician, Hisoka is able to incorporate Nen into his tricks when attacking or defending. Apart from his combat skills and powers, he possesses quick reflexes that allow him to act fast and evade oncoming attacks. In one fight against Togari, he was able to stop and catch the spinning blades that were launched towards him with ease surprising Togari as it took Togari half a year to catch his own blades. Hisoka is also able capable of tracking down is targets and is able to enhance his vision by using Nen. His confidence in his strategic like mindset when comes to battle is what puts him on the top of the game.

Hisoka also possesses exceptional perception and heightened senses. He was able to detect the hidden presence of Kastro's double during a fight and was able to take out to the double in order to defeat Kastro. He is also able to predict and estimate the power of an individual just by glancing at them. Although a slim character, Hisoka has immense strength and is able to combine his Nen to amplify his strength in certain scenarios. His speed and enhanced reflexes gives him the ability to move swiftly, his speed and reflexes gives him the edge needed to win battles as he is able to catch weapons which are launched at him such as Gotoh's coins by using his signature move Bungee Gum.



Hisoka's increased agility gives him the ability to be flexible during a battle, and is able to dodge and defend attacks from opponents by gracefully evading them. His stamina can also last for long amounts of time without him getting tired easily. Hisoka's endurance knows no bounds as he doesn't seem to react much to pain and or the damage he receives but rather he focuses on calculating his odd against his opponents and strategizing his next move.

His intellect also surpasses an ordinary individual as he has perfect analytical thought patterns, he is able to read his opponent's moves and is a master at strategizing, leading his opponents on while secretly figuring out the best way to take them down. He may seem like he is losing at first, but finally he reveals his true motive for appearing to be defeated and springs his special attacks using Nen to defeat his opponents.

By utilizing the power of Nen, Hisoka is able to use his playing cards as projectile weapons or blades by targeting his opponent's weak spots. While using stealth he is undetectable, this is how is able to spy on his targets and hunt them down. He uses his special moves such as Bungee Gum to manipulate his aura and create elastic strands which can be used as an attack. Hisoka classifies as a transmuter, which means he can use his aura ro manipulate both rubber and gum properties at the same time.

Although this ability doesn't sound like much of a powerful ability, the strategic method in which Hisoka puts them to use can be quite devastating. The egocentric personality of Hisoka is a fan favorite because of his unpredictable nature and the ability to appear mysterious yet devious, although viewed as an antagonist in the Hunter X Hunter series, he is still one of the most powerful villains the series has produced.


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