Chairman Netero was a unique character in Hunter x Hunter, originally bumbling and light-hearted, he was later revealed to be extremely powerful and serious. He was extremely influential in Gon’s life and led the Hunter association for quite some time, where his influence didn’t end at his death. Although his final mission was ultimately successful it was only so because of a suicide bomb that he had hidden within his own body. Chairman Netero was willing to sacrifice his own life in order to save humanity. But did he really need to? Was there any other way that he could have accomplished his goal?

Hunter x Hunter follows the story of Gon as he seeks to reconnect with his lost/absent father. He first meets Chairman Netero in the Hunter Exam Arc when he attempts to play a game of keep away with Gon and Killua. While Netero pops in and out throughout the next few arcs his next, and final, major appearance is in the Chimera ant arc.

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Featured- Hunter X Hunter Strongest Chimera Ants

At this point in the show a highly dangerous species of ant, the chimera ants, have taken over a portion of the world. They have the unique ability to pass along the traits of whatever they eat to their offspring. An ant finally managed to consume a human and pass along the intelligence, cunning, and unfortunately malice that comes along with it. This generation of ants, along with their nearly all-powerful king, view humans as nothing more than livestock and playthings.

The ants are currently contained within the NGL but threaten to escape those borders. The Hunter Association has been tasked with the extermination of the threat, with extreme consequences for the organization should they fail. Netero when he receives this ultimatum puts together a team of talented Hunters, resigns his position as Chairman, and heads out to deal with the threat himself. He does all of this despite knowing the likely outcome is his own death.

The Confrontation

Netero 100 Type Guanyin Bodhisattva

Chairman Netero is warned by Colt, one of King’s military leaders, that his power is so much less than King’s that he won’t even make it past his bodyguards. At this time Netero resorts to drastic measures. He has a bomb implanted into his chest, designed to go off when his heartbeat stops. This is his final trump card that he can use against King in their fight. Although it is initially unclear whether or not the Chairman at this time believes that such a measure will be necessary, or if he still believes that he stands a chance on his own merit.

In his fight with King, the vast majority of his tactics have little if any effect on King. It isn’t until Netero finally uses his ultimate move, Zero Hand, that he really affects King at all. Although even this attack, which drained the Chairman’s entire aura and dramatically damaged his body, caused only minor injury to King. Seeing this the Chairman pierces his own heart to activate the bomb therein. Interestingly this bomb damages, but does not kill King. The true purpose of the bomb is revealed in that it contained a lethal virus that kills King, his guards, and Komugi the human girl. It is unclear what happened to the rest of the Ants though, if all were killed or if some escaped.

Did Netero Have to Die to Do This?

Meruem of Hunter X Hunter

Some characters in the show would argue that Netero’s sacrifice was entirely warranted. How else would they expose King to the virus/bomb? However, the virus could have been distributed without a bomb. Neither Shaiapouf nor Menthuthuyoupi had to be injured to fall prey to the virus’ effects, presumably King too could have been infected without the use of such a powerful weapon. If the bomb was not necessary then there was no need for the Chairman’s heart to have stopped.

If he did not need to use the bomb then did he need to damage himself by the use of his Zero Hand skill? While logic says no, the irrational need for Netero to challenge himself would argue yes. He even states that he has longed for a truly worthy opponent to test himself against. However, testosterone aside, if Netero did not need to detonate the bomb then there was no need for such a long and drawn-out fight against King, and therefore no need to destroy himself.

The virus itself would have killed Netero had he tried to deliver it to King himself. This can be assumed by the fact that Komugi, the only human known to have been exposed, also died. However, the Ants have been established as extremely voracious and as eating anything they view might improve their power. The bodyguards are also shown to ignore their own health in a fervent desire to serve King. Perhaps the humans could have offered a sacrifice of a human who contained a virus capsule. But someone that wasn’t as important as the Chairman. Or the virus could have been sprayed from planes over the NGL.

In short, the Chairman’s pride meant that he had to be the one to deal with King. Additionally, he couldn’t resort directly to the virus or the bomb due to his own arrogance and hope that he could beat him through other means. Chairman Netero did not have to die, but he thought that he did, so much so that he didn’t even listen or try when King attempted to negotiate a way for humans to live as more than livestock.

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