The following contains spoilers for Hunter x Hunter Chapter 392, "Information," by Yoshihiro Togashi, translated by Lillian Olsen available in English from Viz Media.

Hunter x Hunter was easily one of the most highly anticipated returns in the manga industry. Having gone on a hiatus since November 2018, it finally made its grand return with chapter 391 after 4 long years of absence. As of now, the story continues with the Succession Contest arc which has only been getting better with each passing chapter, as expected of the amazing work of the author and illustrator, Yoshihiro Togashi.

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This week, Hunter x Hunter 392 was released, with the title of "Information." The chapter was focused on the feud between the Xi-Yu and Heil-ly mafia families, as well as the expected return of Hunter x Hunter's wild card character: Hisoka Morrow. Previously, the story focused on Hinrigh Biganduffno's fight against some Heil-ly underlings, and expectedly, this week's chapter takes things from there and focuses on different elements, as the fight came to an end with the escape of the surviving underlings. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that this has been the best chapter since the return of the story, but the plot seems to be getting even more intense which just goes to show that whatever is heading fans' way is going to be even more incredible.

Hisoka's Inevitable Returned

Hisoka Morrow hunter x hunter 392

Quite possibly the most exciting thing for the fans, Hisoka Morrow finally returned to the story in Hunter x Hunter 392. In chapter 391, Hinrigh Biganduffno ordered his underlings, Zakuro Casturd and Lynch Fullbocco, to go on a search on Deck 3 of the Black Whale to figure out Hisoka's whereabouts. This is especially important since the Xi-Yu family wants to have some control over the Phantom Troupe. In this week's chapter, they were searching the deck and questioning suspicious individuals using Lynch's interesting nen ability that allows her to get any answer from anyone.

While they did end up finding Hisoka, this spells terrible news for Zakuro and Lynch as the former does not seem to be open to coming with them, and, at the same time, their strength levels are simply too far apart. As such, a fight would only lead to their deaths. As Lynch tried to question him with her punch, he knocked her out before she could do anything, and the last frame of their encounter is him giving an unsettling look to Zakuro, who seems very terrified at the moment. Since their story cuts short here in the chapter, it is unclear if they will be spared by Hisoka or killed.

Hinrigh Biganduffno And The Head Of Heil-ly

Hinrigh Biganduffno Hunter x Hunter 392

Hinrigh Biganduffno keeps on being a very central character to the arc's recent events. At the start of this chapter, people were surprised when Padaille, the underling of Heil-ly that Hinrigh Biganduffno fought and supposedly killed last chapter, gets up and acts fine. As the reader is pushed to believe Padaille is fine and is simply roughed up a bit, it's clear a few panels later that it's actually all a cover-up. Misha Hao, a deceased member of the Xi-Yu family, appears thanks to her post-death nen called "Zombie Girl: LA Vie en Rose" to control and then dispose of a corpse that was murdered by a member Xi-Yu. This ability allows Hinrigh to leave the scene of the murder with little issues as Padaille appears to everyone else as fine.

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Everything with Padaille aside, Hinrigh Biganduffno still has his mission of finding the mysterious woman, who is revealed to probably be the Boss of the Heil-ly family, named Morena. To get some money out of Hinrigh, as the officier mentions, he will divulge information that could get him to Morena- But with a very high price of 50 million, with 30 million to be paid in advance. If paid, he will take Hinrigh to Morena's location. Deeming it to be a smart deal, Hinrigh decides to procure the money so that he'd eventually be escorted to Morena.

The Phantom Troupe

Phantom Troupe hunter x hungter 392

Th chapter starts with Tsudonke asking a merchant for autograph boards so that the members of the Spiders can sign them for him. As such, the reader learns that the merchandise can be shipped from the mainland to the Black Whale if requested before the deadline, which is the 14th day of the voyage. This is shipped via drone that only the wealthy can get.

Hunter x Hunter 392 was incredibly dense as, following this, the story continues in the Cha-R family headquarters, which is the haven of one of the three biggest mafia families in the Kakin Empire, alongside Xi-Yu and Heil-ly. There, fans learn that some Phantom Troupe members, notably, Nobunaga, Feitan, and Phinks are waiting for the assassin of the Heil-ly family before advancing to look for Hisoka. While Wang speaks to his subordinates, the Phantom Troupe members prepare to fight the assassin whose entry was nothing short of flashy. This assassin, named Luini, mocks the Spiders for not acting as diabolically as he thought they would. Expectedly, this is great buildup for what's to come and the next chapter of the story can only be even more intense. Fans are thoroughly enjoying the return of this beloved story and, by the looks of it, it is set to continue with the quality only getting better.

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