There are always certain games that take the industry by storm, with Hunt: Showdown earning this status in recent times. The first-person shooter has been met with positive reception, as fans have enjoyed the multiplayer aspect in particular where the world seems fit for the taking.

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Now that so many have indulged in the game’s universe, there are traits and habits that come with it which just about everyone is familiar with. These are the recurring elements that Hunt: Showdown fans will attest to are certainly true, and certain fans have taken to creating memes about them that are worth taking a look to add in some humor to this gaming experience.

10 Time To Shine

One of the strategies many use is the technique of waiting for enemies to come to them. This meme accurately shows how this works, as people like these like to wait in bushes until that stroke of luck when another player shows up.

Of course, the moment all that waiting pays off arrives when someone attempts to extract without realizing you’re there the whole time. It’s an extremely lazy way to get a kill, yet absolutely worth it once it does happen.

9 Now That's A Beauty

Hunt Showdown meme

The Nitro Express gun is pointed in many pro-tips for Hunt: Showdown, in that it’s one of the most favored weapons out there. This meme jokes over how these guns would be sold, with the implication that selling them would be like a car dealership.

This type of rifle was actually used by colonials to hunt elephants back in the day, making this meme appear as if it’s a mix of older selling techniques to gamers of today.

8 Cut Some Slack, Please

Whenever a clue begins to have a reddish hue, it means an enemy is nearby. This meme points out how unfair this is to new players who don’t have much of a clue how to handle attacks. After all, it’s not easy familiarizing yourself with the game when someone’s around the corner to end you.

Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happens in Hunt: Showdown, making clues something that carries a sense of foreboding each time they’re found. A major tip for new players would be to run away as soon as that red hue shows up.

7 Too Easy

Hunt Showdown meme

Spawning in at random is at your own risk, as you never know where you’ll turn up. More importantly, the question is who you’ll turn up next to, as extremely skilled opponents don’t take long before turning that gun your way.

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This meme perfectly sums up how this feels, with the frustration that comes when it happens difficult to put into words. Those who are pure aces in shooting will feel just like Bugs Bunny does in this meme, however.

6 Where It's All At

Hunt Showdown meme

Going to anywhere that even resembles a swamp should be a no-no for just about anyone, but those that play Hunt: Showdown will feel different. Thanks to their experience with the game, these people have no issue with taking on the challenge in real life.

This meme accurately shows how boys who have indulged quite a lot in Hunt: Showdown will feel if the opportunity comes up. Of course, the reality is far different than it is in a game, but it’s the thought that counts.

5 Now That's A Real Name

Hunt Showdown meme

The ones who have dedicated a lot of time in Hunt: Showdown take the game very seriously. But some take it a bit too seriously, as the names of characters start sounding very appealing. Then again, it’s hard to argue against the name of Torborg Torborg since it is pretty cool.

The joke in this meme is how the people who don’t know about Hunt: Showdown will have no idea what the gag is supposed to be. Still, it would be a lie if someone claimed that naming your child after the game’s characters hasn’t crossed their minds.

4 The World Is Your Playground

Hunt Showdown meme

There are certain phases you go through in the playthrough of Hunt: Showdown, with all of the ones shown in the meme feeling relatable. Starting out, players are inclined to act as docile and nice as they can, before the inevitable mastery kicks in.

When you become a total ace in the game, the main goal becomes looking as impressive as daunting as can be. After playing so long that pretty much everything has been accomplished, it’s more than likely you’ll become like Trevor from GTA V and stop caring about getting attacked altogether.

3 Being Weak Sucks

Hunt Showdown meme

It really does come down to who has the best weapons in Hunt: Showdown, seeing as the majority of strong players tend to nab these in order to dominate the game. This meme points out how unfair it is to those who haven’t gotten their hands on these weapons.

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While there are a few that can be acquired, these tend to be so weak that they become a non-factor. Moreover, they can even make you the laughing stock of the game since using these weak weapons is ridiculous next to someone who has the best options available.

2 Whatever Works

Hunt Showdown meme

Hunt: Showdown is a game where you need to do whatever it takes to survive, which may include taking down your own horse. Some players get so paranoid about making noise that they end up shooting horses to prevent themselves from being exposed.

That’s not really stealth, though, seeing as shooting the horse does make noise and thus leads to your position being known anyway. This is why this meme pokes fun at the people who think resorting to undue violence can ever help them out.

1 The Bitter Truth

Hunt Showdown meme

Being experienced in Hunt: Showdown will only get you so far, as many players still haven’t become great at it. Some tend to become aces after a short time when they crack how to play the game, while others keep trying to just get by.

The reactions of those who still play like newbies are summed up well in this meme, with the person who created it implying they’re in tears over this sad fact. Where Hunt: Showdown is concerned, putting in years in the game doesn’t mean much.

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