Traits in Hunt: Showdown supercharge certain weapons and allow them to shine brighter in specific scenarios. Making the most out of trait and weapon combos is the best way to stand out in Hunt: Showdown. Many traits allow weapons to operate differently such as fanning, and levering.

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There are many powerful traits uses that players may overlook that allow weapons such as the bomb lance to become terrifying to face. Gathering these traits on random recruitment hunters will give players an advantage. If players find one of these traits in their legendary hunters, they should use it with the correct weapon to get the most out of their hunter.

5 Bomb Lance - Silent Killer

Silent Killer trait

The Bomb Lance is one of the best alternatives to the saturated single-fire arsenal that Hunt: Showdown offers. Many players regard the Bomb Lance as one of the best PVP weapons in close quarters. The weapon feels like an item directly out of Dark Souls and wielding the Bomb Lance will always strike fear into any enemy.

Silent Killer allows hunters to execute melee attacks without audio clues to enemy hunters. This makes it possible to ambush players with a melee attack around corners. The Bomb Lance has a long melee range and is the best weapon to perform surprise melee attacks with.

A Silent Killer with Bomb Lance performs exceptionally well in buildings such as boss lairs. Defending boss lairs with this setup will allow

4 Compact Ammo Winfield Variant + FMJ/HV With Levering & Iron Repeater

Iron Repeater trait

Levering allows lever action rifles to fire faster when shooting from the hip. Most Winfield variants have terrible hip-fire accuracy with levering and will be more of a liability than an advantage. The only Winfield variants performing well with levering are any three-slot compact ammo ones.

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The Winfield M1873 is a great choice for this trait as it has a higher magazine capacity. The Winfield M1873 is considered to be one of the best weapons in Hunt: Showdown and is also on the budget side. To get the most out of this pairing, add FMJ bullets. Combining FMJ bullets with the fast levering hip fire speed allows players to aggressively wall bang enemies. Levering is excellent for close range, but Iron Repeater will handle all further ranges. Iron Repeater keeps hunters aiming down the iron sights after firing a shot and will help with landing the next shot.

Depending on if players prefer to play up close or at a distance, using the correct ammo type will significantly benefit each player. FMJ is ideal for players that play up close and gain the advantage of bullet penetration. Players that like to stay at medium ranges will benefit from the high muzzle velocity offered by HV bullets.

3 Berthier Mle 1892 Deadeye + Spitzer Ammo - Deadeye Scopesmith & Steady Aim

Deadeye Scopesmith trait

Snipers are a powerful weapon in Hunt: Showdown. The ability to deal lethal damage from a safe distance will lead to great ambushes and kills. Dedicating a team member to snipe from a safe distance may be beneficial to many fights. The Berthier Mle 1892 Deadeye is an excellent sniper with strong damage and can fire three shots before needing to reload.

The deadeye scope allows versatility for medium and far ranges. The muzzle velocity of the Berthier Mle 1892 is fast but goes even higher with Spitzer ammo. With Spitzer ammo, tracking enemy hunters is a breeze as the bullet requires less time to reach its destination.

Combining Deadeye Scopesmith and Steady Aim allows for a much easier time when sniping. While alone both traits are nothing to write home about, combined they rival any of the best traits in Hunt: Showdown when it comes to ranged encounters.

Deadeye Scopesmith allows hunters to remain in scope view after firing a weapon, allowing players to keep their sights on their target. Steady aim lessens weapon sway and reduces the need to compensate for aim sway and helps players stay focused on correctly landing their shots.

2 Pax + FMJ - Fanning

Fanning Trait

The Caldwel Pax is a medium ammo revolver that exceeds expectations for the range it can handle. Adding FMJ to the weapon allows it to rival the Caldwell Conversion Uppercut Pistol while being priced much lower. The only downside to the Caldwel Pax is its close-quarter capabilities.

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Having a hunter equipped with Fanning allows the Pax to handle face-to-face gunfights with relative ease. The FMJ ammo and Fanning combo also create many opportunities for taking down hunters using clever wall bangs.

The Caldwell Pax is a powerful secondary that is used in a lot of beginner loadouts in Hunt: Showdown.

1 Sparks (All Variants) + Poison Ammo - Poison Sense

Poison Sense Trait

The Sparks sniper deals the highest damage out of all weapons and has poison ammo that lasts around six seconds. The Sparks deal 149 damage to opponents and will instantly down any enemy hunter missing any health. Adding poison ammo to the Sparks will cause enemies to panic and run for cover, giving players a few seconds to use consumables or reposition.

Poison sense allows hunters to detect enemies afflicted with poison in dark sight and works for up to 150 meters. This build has a few methods to capitalize on this information. Stalker Beetles will down an enemy hunter that was attacked by poison Sparks though the time window is short.

Using FMJ weapons and dealing penetration damage is an easy way to pressure enemies and land a well-calculated shot to down an unfortunate enemy. Poison ammo has many PVE advantages and will make tackling monsters easier.

Hunt: Showdown is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

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