Multiplayer monster-hunting FPS Hunt: Showdown is unique. There may be other games that have used pieces of its formula, but nothing has quite the same blend of tactical fights and supernatural investigation. It's a complex game, and while that complexity is part of what keeps players coming back, it can also make it difficult for new players to get into.

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Players new to Hunt: Showdown are faced with a multitude of guns, tools, consumables, and traits with which to build their character, and some are decidedly easier to use, especially for beginners. Even players with considerable FPS experience face an adjustment period as they learn the ins and outs of this supernatural shooter. Here are some reliable loadouts to make things easier for beginners to get hunting.

Beginner Tools And Consumables

spider weakness

Given that Hunt: Showdown is an FPS, it's easy to fixate on the game's guns, but long-time players understand that having the right tools and consumables at the right time can be just as important as having the right gun. There are plenty of these items to choose from, but beginners benefit from a reliable, jack-of-all-trades loadout that leaves them covered in all the most common situations.

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Beginners are advised to include the following tools and consumables in their loadout, regardless of which guns they take, as this will give players a good foundation from which to build on their monster-killing adventures.

  • Medkit x1
  • Knife x1
  • Choke Bombs x1
  • Dynamite x1
  • Vitality Shot x2

Beginner Guns And Traits

Winfield Hunt Showdown
  • Loadout #1
  • Winfield M1873C
  • Nagant M1895 Officer
  • Levering Trait

This loadout is excellent for beginners thanks to the large ammo reserves and high fire rate of the Winfield 1873, in part making up for its subpar wall penetration. This rifle compliments the Nagant M 1895 Officer well because even if the player misses many of their shots (as beginners often do), the player will not be punished as severely as they would be were they using a single-shot rifle or similar gun.

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This loadout plays well at medium range, especially if the player is using the Levering Trait. Though this loadout doesn't play well at the upper levels of Hunt: Showdown when players have access to the game's best weapons, it's perfect for beginners.

Alternate Loadout (Vetterli 71)

  • Loadout #2
  • Vetterli 71 Karabiner
  • Caldwell Pax or Caldwell Conversion
  • Fanning Trait

While this loadout is also intended for medium-range fights, the Vetterli has better penetration than the Winfield. The tradeoff is that the Vetterli has a smaller magazine, so the player can't throw shots away in the manner that they might with that other rifle. This loadout doesn't benefit from the Levering Trait, but it works beautifully with the Fanning Trait.

Hip-firing with this loadout is a viable strategy and will help the player win many close-range gunfights early on. The Vetterli has better end-game potential than the Winfield, so players who grow comfortable with this gun can keep using it long-term, at least until they find something they're more comfortable with.

Alternate Loadout (Romero 77)

  • Loadout #3
  • Romero 77
  • Caldwell Pax
  • Lightfoot Trait

This loadout sacrifices the decent long-range potential of the first two loadouts in favor of close-up lethality. The Romero 77 is a great early-game shotgun, and the Caldwell Pax is here to provide a medium-range option if the player can't get close enough to use their shotgun.

Though the Romero 77 can one-shot enemies, getting close enough to do so can be a challenge, making this the most advanced of these loadouts. The Lightfoot Trait pairs well with this build, since it makes the player much quieter, enabling them to get close enough to put their shotgun to use and hopefully survive these difficult fights.

Hunt: Showdown is available now for PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

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