Hunt: Showdown is a brutal game with a tough economy. Purchasing the best weapons for PVP every game will bankrupt players if they frequently die on their runs. Expensive weapons provide an advantage, but many budget load-outs bridge the gap. Hunt: Showdown is full of cost-saving measures that will allow many gamers to start building up their hunt dollars to higher numbers.

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Choosing free hunters over legendary hunters is an easy way to save 200 hunt dollars every run. In load-outs, tools and consumables are crucial components that must be carefully chosen. Cheaping out on a loadout too much may hinder performance and cause players to struggle with PVP. Running essentials such as a med kit is a must to guarantee a hunter can heal to win a fight.

4 Tools & Consumables

Cosumables and tools

Investing in tools and consumables will allow players to hold their own during gun fights and allow them to heal. A melee tool is essential for dealing with PVE elements of the game and keeping gun usage only for other hunters. A knuckle knife is a perfect all-around tool for PVE as it can handle immolators and most other PVE mobs. A med kit is essential for healing during gunfights or damage taken from bosses or other mobs. Choke bombs are optional for solo players but are vital when playing on a team, as they can extinguish burning teammates.

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The dynamite stick is great for flushing players out of strategic positions or catching them off guard. Using cheaper health shots will save players money without sacrificing much usability. Swapping a weak vitality shot for a weak stamina shot will help players who are rushing bosses. Using world spawn weapons will help defeat bosses as they deal lots of damage.

The total cost of all these items is $103.

  • Knuckle Knife x1
  • Med Kit x1
  • Choke Bomb x1
  • Dynamite Stick x1
  • Weak Vitality Shot x2
  • Weak Regeneration Shot x1

3 Winfield & Hand Crossbow

WInfield Model View

The Winfield M1873C is a powerful rifle at a shockingly low cost. The weapon has good damage, lots of ammo, and can two-tap hunters to the chest at decent ranges. The Winfield has a low muzzle velocity for a rifle but will work well in compound fights. Adding high-velocity bullets will cost more but makes leading shots easier with the Winfield. Many players underestimate the Winfield due to its low cost of $41, but in the right hands, it is considered among the best weapons in the game.

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Players often underestimate the hand crossbow, but it is a powerful secondary on a budget. The Hand Crossbow only costs $35 and is a good pair for the Winfield M1873C. The Winfield will cover all ranges over 10 meters but will struggle during indoor and close-quarter engagements. While shotguns are unrivaled in close quarters, a Hand Crossbow can be an unexpected pocket shotgun.

The Hand Crossbow will one hit kill enemies to the chest for up to 10 meters. This makes the Hand Crossbow an ideal secondary for clearing buildings and silently taking down grunts. Using the Hand Crossbow will require practice as a shot to the arms will not down hunters and in many instances, enemy hunters' arms will a portion of their upper chest. This loadout is the cheapest and covers a wide variety of ranges.

2 Romero 77 & Caldwell Conversion Pistol

Romero 77 model view

When it comes to indoor fights, the Romero is unbeatable. It has the best range out of all shotguns and is the cheapest. This loadout shines in small compounds and is excellent for indoors, as the Romero has a high one-hit kill potential. The Romero only costs $66 and has a fast reload animation. Having a well-rounded team is the best advice for new players to Hunt: Showdown. Having one player in the team using a shotgun will make defending boss lairs a much easier task.

The Caldwell Conversion Pistol may not be the handgun in the game, but it is extremely cheap. The pistol packs a punch and is good for compound fights. For a cost of $26, the Caldwell Conversion Pistol is an excellent budget choice. Replacing the Caldwell Pistol for other pistols off dead hunters is a good idea to benefit from loot.

1 Crossbow & Nagant Officer

Crossbow model view

Crossbows are perfect for stealth builds, and they are a ton of fun. A Crossbow is capable of one hit killing hunters in the chest at around 20 meters. The quiet nature of the Crossbow will leave enemy hunters confused and unsure of where they are being attacked from. The Crossbow costs $50 and is a fun weapon to play around with. Replacing the Crossbow with other enemy weapons is a good idea when the opportunity presents itself. Players must invest in the Bolt Thrower trait when possible, as it reduces reload times drastically.

The Crossbow is an excellent weapon for handling all PVE elements of the game. A headshot to an immolator will kill them in one hit but will cause them to explode, so be sure to keep some distance. Bolts can be infinitely retrieved so be sure not to lose sight of them. The Nagant M1895 Officer is a great secondary for the Crossbow, as its high rate of fire is necessary to prevent enemies from pushing and has good iron sights for landing headshots.

Hunt: Showdown is available now on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S

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