With the wave of nostalgia media as of late, it seems like things that were popular in the past will always find their way back into the cultural zeitgeist again. Recently, this movement has trended towards YA media from the 2010s that is making a resurgence as fans who are now adults reminisce about these books and shows they used to love and reboot them for a new generation. The upcoming Percy Jackson and the Olympians series on Disney Plus is a great example of this, as is The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes movie, a Hunger Games prequel, that just recently released a teaser.

The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes will be adapted from the prequel novel published in 2020 and will hit theaters later this year. What's most interesting about the release of this movie is the sudden wave of Hunger Games content circulating online just prior to the teaser announcement. Fans were calling it a "Hunger Games renaissance", as discussions about the themes of the series and various memes and edits made their way around TikTok and Twitter. The timing seemed perfect, really, as it got fans excited about the series again just in time to give them a first look at the new movie. Did this just happen by chance, or was it a move planned by the studios all along?

RELATED: What Is The Hunger Games: The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes About?

How Did The Hunger Games Renaissance Start?

The Hunger Games Katniss Movie

Though a large portion of the internet is collectively talking about The Hunger Games again, a lot of people credit the resurgence of this fan flurry to TikTok user @luckyleftie, who dedicated a majority of videos on her account to discussions about themes and details from the Hunger Games books. She may not have been the very first person to talk about the series around this time, but she was definitely the spark that caught on and inspired others to have their own discussions about the books and reread them after many years, as it seemed she was showing up on the For You pages of anyone who was remotely interested in books.

Why Are People Talking About The Hunger Games Again?

An Image From The Ballad Of Songbirds And Snakes

It can't be overstated just how massive The Hunger Games as a series was at the peak of its popularity. The books were wildly successful and started a trend of teen dystopian novels that would try and copy their formula for years to come, and the movies were just as popular and profitable. The craze around the series died down after a while, as fans moved on to other things, but it seems like the world is ravenous for Hunger Games content once again, just in time for the prequel movie to arrive.

There are a lot of people who were either casual enjoyers or big fans of the series in the past, who have now grown up and realized that The Hunger Games dealt with some more complex themes than they had originally realized. Obviously, the subject matter is quite intense, but it would have been easy for some of the more nuanced social commentaries to fly over the heads of the 13 years olds reading the series in 2010. Adults with newfound media literacy are enjoying revisiting the series and seeing the themes that author Suzanne Collins had been discussing all along, as it's interesting to be able to find new things to appreciate about a piece of media after all this time.

The series also just holds up really well. The movies were well-done and the books appealed to both young readers and adults, and a lot of fans have been reminded of those facts recently and are simply having fun revisiting this piece of content that they got so much enjoyment out of in the past. People love nostalgia, and it's been long enough since the original release of the novels (the first book came out in 2008, while the first movie premiered in 2012) that people are starting to feel nostalgic for the series again, or perhaps the time of their life that they were in when they first read the books.

Did The Studios Start This On Purpose?

ballad of songbirds and snakes

Of course, all of this discussion conveniently reaching a head just before Lionsgate released the first trailer for The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes feels a little bit fishy, and has led a lot of people to wonder if perhaps all of this was somehow engineered by the studios to create buzz around the series again. However, despite the conspiracies, it doesn't seem like this is actually the case. It appears that it was just a really fortunate coincidence for the new movie that discussion around the series restarted just as it was becoming relevant again. Part of the reason that people have been discussing it is because of how relevant The Hunger Games feels to the world today in a lot of ways, as parts of society start to feel more and more dystopian to people. Many have been discussing their feelings on this through the internet, and the evergreen relevancy of the series just hit a new peak once again. Perhaps this means that it really was the perfect time to release a new Hunger Games story, as the world starts to see itself reflected in Panem more and more.

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