Humble Bundle 11

Ah, the Humble Indie Bundle, gaming's favorite form of elective charity - that feel-good free-for-all that just keeps on giving back. Founded in 2010, the tri-annual charity drive, which provides a selection of top indie titles at almost any price at all, has so far managed to raise millions of dollars in aid for underprivileged and otherwise needy kids.

The winning setup has also helped to promote and shore up the funding for a number of talented indie studios, while at the same time providing gamers with discounted access to tens of triple-A quality titles. In short: everyone's a winner, and everything is peachy.

The latest collection to bear the famous moniker is the Humble Indie Bundle 11, released online earlier this week and featuring 6 highly rated titles. At the time of this writing the fresh set has already earned over 880,000 dollars, with the average gamer donating around $4.32 for the critically acclaimed pack. To see which games made the cut, check out the listings below:

Guacamelee! Gold Edition (Drinkbox Studios) — A highly stylized side-scroller in the vein of Super Metroid or Castlevania, this madcap Mexican grappler is now available in its complete Gold Edition, featuring additional costumes, abilities, and incentives. Check out the Game ZXC review.

Metacritic Score — 88


Dust: An Elysian Tail (Humble Hearts) — A 2D action-platformer boasting a Rayman-esque art scheme, Dust places players in the diminutive shoes of Fidget, a monk-like warrior warding off the forces of extinction. Featuring a mammoth open world, engaging central narrative and numerous optional sub-quests Dust: An Elysian Tail scored highly among fans and critics alike. Read the GR review.

Metacritic Score - 85


Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams (Black Forest Games) — Ikaruga meets cutesy platforming as players transcend two duelling dimensions at once. The game also comes bundled with a "never-before-seen digital comic".

Metacritic Score - 84


The Swapper (Facepalm Games) — A puzzling side-scroller set in the furthest reaches of space, The Swapper tasks players with replicating themselves over and over again in order to surmount increasingly difficult challenges. Featuring an intriguing sci-fi storyline, recalling genre hallmarks Moon and Solaris, The Swapper received rave reviews upon its 2013 release. Check out Game ZXC's list of the 10 best indie titles of 2013, featuring The Swapper.

Metacritic Score - 87


[Paid Incentive]Antichamber (Alexander Bruce) — Described as "a mind-bending psychological exploration game where nothing can be taken for granted" Antichamber toys with the notions of 3-dimensional space and perception to creating a maddening, baffling puzzle title. Think Portal on acid.

Metacritic Score - 82 


[Paid Incentive]Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine (Pocketwatch Games) — A top-down chunky pixel heist title Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine is anything but ordinary. Play as 8 different archetypes, from the locksmith to the lookout as you complete a series of bamboozling bank jobs.

Metacritic Score - 83


*All titles are compatible with PC, Mac and Linux platforms, with the exception of Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams - a timed PC-exclusive.

Guacamelee! Boss

While the generosity of the gaming community is already well documented, the overwhelming success of the Humble Bundle franchise allows these positive facets of fandom to appear on a more regular basis. While $4.32 may seem like a steal (and it is) for a collection of games valued at $133, it's important to note that these gamers could have easily contributed nothing at all and still achieved the same result. Rather than being hounded for donations, as is the case with more conventional charity drives, gaming is instead leading the charge for a new kind of philanthropy, one that incentivizes and trusts in the giving spirit of its community.

Should more games operate on a 'pay what you wish' basis? Are there any discernable downsides to the Humble Bundle formula? Which titles would you include in a dream bundle lineup? Let us know in the comments below, and be sure to check in with all of the latest gaming news, right here on Game ZXC.


Humble Bundle 11 is now available on a 'pay what you wish' basis. Both Antichamber and Monaco: What's Yours Is Mine require a paid contribution matching, or exceeding the average donation sum to unlock. Each title comes with a bonus digital soundtrack.

You can follow Sam on Twitter @GamingGoo.

Source: Humble Bundle