The highlight of Humble Bundle's Humble Choice subscription service has always been a monthly curated bundle of games, but the Humble Games Collection was a nice bonus on the side. This collection gave Humble Choice subscribers access to over 50 different indie titles, and more would be added monthly. It was a nice collection for PC gamers to dive into, but Humble Bundle recently announced that it is going to see some changes.

The Humble Games Collection was filled with indie hits like A Hat in Time and Void Bastards, and subscribers could play them whenever they wanted. It was a great bonus to the service, and titles like Signalis and Moonscars were added day one to really help boost the appeal of the service. However, Humble seems to be changing its approach going forward, which may hurt the appeal of this service for many subscribers.

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Humble Games Collection Changes Explained

Moonscars - Bloody

On January 30, Humble Bundle acknowledged how nice the Humble Games Collection has been for Humble Choice subscribers, but that the service is changing going into February. Instead of adding games monthly, Humble will now be considering additions on a game-by-game basis. This means that the Humble Choice service will become far more selective, and there will likely be fewer games added throughout the year.

The other major change that the Humble Games Collection will see is that titles will rotate out. The collection has not had any major titles rotate out yet, but it will now be losing six titles on February 15: Dodgeball Academia, Forager, UNSIGHTED, Void Bastards, Wizard of Legend, and Flynn: Son of Crimson. While a rotating catalog is pretty common with subscription services, this is still a major change that may affect the appeal for fans.

Humble's Changes Make It Less Exciting


When the Humble Games Collection was announced, it was penned as an ever-growing, curated library of games. The service launched with acclaimed titles like Void Bastards, Forager, and Dodgeball Academia, and it was also going to have new games added monthly that would last forever. Now, much of that promise has been thrown out the window.

The service will be losing all five titles that Humble used to advertise the service when it first launched, and the library will no longer be ever-growing. Humble Choice subscribers will not be able to look forward to new additions in the Humble Games Collection alongside their monthly bundle every month, and instead they will just have to wait with bated breath to see when Humble will decide to add another. They will also have to stay posted on when the service loses new titles, and that makes this feel like pretty much every other subscription service.

The service may not change all that much in the long-term, but the limited amount of information that Humble has shared about this new direction make it feel like the Humble Games Collection will lose what made it special to begin with. It was an added monthly bonus for subscribers and a great outlet for Humble Games' indie titles, but now it feels like nothing more than another service in a world of services. Time will tell just how these changes affect the Humble Games Collection going forward. For now, subscribers will just have to wait and see what the next couple of months have in store.

Humble Choice subscribers can play Dodgeball Academia, Forager, UNSIGHTED, Void Bastards, Wizard of Legend, and Flynn: Son of Crimson until February 15.

Humble Choice

Humble Choice is a gaming subscription service that grants access to the Humble Bundle collection, a monthly mix of 8 video games for you to own forever, and savings for their Humble Bundle store.
Only $11.99 per month. Skip or cancel anytime.

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