The Contemporary Era is the final Era in Humankind. Consequently, it's the most important stretch of the game, as it's what all the player's hard work has been leading to and is when the campaign's winner will be selected. The Contemporary Era often sees players taking drastic measures once a winner is close to being chosen, as they often have no other choice but to wipe out another Empire if they're trailing behind.

RELATED: Humankind: Every Ancient Culture And Its Benefits

Suffice to say, players need to think carefully about every choice they make during the final Era of Humankind. One of the first choices that players will make is what Culture and Affinity Trait to choose. Before looking at the Culture details, it's worth knowing how each Affinity Trait earns the player Fame:


Earn Fame for gaining Influence


Earn Fame for new Population


Earn Fame for building Districts


Earn Fame for claiming Territories


Earn Fame for earning Money


Earn Fame for defeating Military Units


Earn Fame for discovering Technologies

10 Americans

Americans culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Under One Banner: Armies can forcibly annex Territories
  • Ambition: Armies can cross any borders without being damaged or blocked

Legacy Trait

American Exceptionalism

  • +10 Influence on Resources being sold
  • +1 Money generated from on-going Trade on City or Outpost

Emblematic Unit


  • 66 Combat Strength
  • 0 Movement
  • 20 Range

Emblematic District

Defense Agency

  • -10 Stability
  • +2 Combat Strength in combat for Units in or adjacent to the District
  • +2 Influence per adjacent Garrison

9 Australians

Australians culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Land Raiser: Convert Science, Money, and surplus Food into Industry
  • Pride: Increases the Stability of a new District

Legacy Trait

Dream Weavers

  • +20% Industry on all Cities

Emblematic Unit

All Terrain PMV

  • 64 Combat Strength
  • 8 Movement
  • 6 Range

Emblematic District

Strip Mining Complex

  • +10 Industry
  • +15 Pollution
  • -10 Stability
  • +50 Industry per adjacent Strategic Resource Deposit
  • +1 Workers Slot on City or Outpost

8 Brazilians

Brazilians culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Land of Plenty: Use Influence to steal population from adjacent Territories
  • Community: Increases a City's Stability when it gains population

Legacy Trait

Lungs of the Planet

  • +3 Food on Tile producing Food

Emblematic Unit

Jungle Brigades

  • 57 Combat Strength
  • 4 Movement
  • 4 Range

Emblematic District

Agronomy Lab

  • +1 Food per Population
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Food per adjacent Farmers Quarter
  • +1 Farmers Slot on City or Outpost

RELATED: Humankind: What are Vassals for?

7 Chinese

Chinese culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Power Investor: Use Influence to build resource extractors
  • Mediation: Sell on Resources purchased from third parties

Legacy Trait

Silk Railroad

  • +10% Money on all Cities

Emblematic Unit


  • 60 Combat Strength
  • 4 Movement
  • 8 Range

Emblematic District


  • +7 Money per number of attached Territories
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Influence per adjacent Market Quarter
  • On City or Outpost:
  • +1 Farmers Slot
  • +1 Workers Slot
  • +1 Traders Slot
  • +1 Researchers Slot

6 Egyptians

Egyptians contempary culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Cultural Blitz: Pay Money to overwhelm a Territory with Cultural Influence and gain Influence
  • Grace: Earn maximum Ideological Proximity with everyone

Legacy Trait

Valley of Kings

  • +4 Influence on Emblematic District

Emblematic Unit

Free Officers

  • 58 Combat Strength
  • 4 Movement
  • 4 Range

Emblematic District

Archaeological Dig

  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Influence per adjacent District
  • +3 Influence on Emblematic District

5 Indians

Indians culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Cultural Blitz: Pay Money to overwhelm a Territory with Cultural Influence and gain Influence
  • Grace: Earn maximum Ideological Proximity with everyone

Legacy Trait

Economic Elephant

  • +3 Influence on Territory
  • +10 Money per Number of Territories in your sphere of influence

Emblematic Unit


  • 57 Combat Strength
  • 4 Movement
  • 4 Range

Emblematic District


  • +2 Faith per Population
  • +5 Influence
  • +3 Faith per adjacent District

4 Japanese

Japanese culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Collective Minds: Convert Money, Industry, and Food into Science
  • Foresight: Unlock technologies from the next technological Era

Legacy Trait

Blossoming Innovation

  • -20% on all Technology cost when researching

Emblematic Unit


  • 60 Combat Strength
  • 0 Movement
  • 18 Range

Emblematic District

Robotics Lab

  • +5 Industry
  • +5 Pollution
  • -10 Stability
  • +5 Science
  • Per adjacent District:
  • +3 Industry
  • +3 Science
  • +2 Industry on Makers Quarter
  • +2 Science on Research Quarter
  • On City or Outpost:
  • +1 Workers Slot
  • +1 Researchers Slot

3 Soviets

Soviets culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Under One Banner: Armies can forcibly annex Territories
  • Ambition: Armies can cross any borders without being damaged or blocked

Legacy Trait

Red Tide

  • -20% on Unit Industry cost
  • +3 Combat Strength on Unit

Emblematic Unit

Red Army Tank

  • 60 Combat Strength
  • 8 Movement
  • 6 Range

Emblematic District

Arms Factory

  • +5 Industry
  • +5 Money
  • +10 Pollution
  • -10 Stability

RELATED: Humankind: How to Downgrade City

2 Swedes

Swedes culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Collective Minds: Convert Money, Industry, and Food into Science
  • Foresight: Unlock technologies from the next technological Era

Legacy Trait

Prize Science

  • +1 Science per District on all Cities
  • +3 Science on Research Quarter

Emblematic Unit

Stealth Corvette

  • 56 Combat Strength
  • 0 Movement
  • 5 Range

Emblematic District

Research Institute

  • +3 Science per District
  • -10 Stability
  • +3 Science per adjacent Research Quarter

1 Turks

Turks culture art

Affinity Trait


  • Land of Plenty: Use Influence to steal population from adjacent Territories
  • Community: Increases a City's Stability when it gains population

Legacy Trait

People's Reforms

  • +1 Food per Population on all Cities

Emblematic Unit

Stealthy Operative Missile

  • 70 Combat Strength
  • 0 Movement
  • 30 Range

Emblematic District

Public School

  • +1 Science per Population
  • -10 Stability
  • +300% Science per adjacent Research Quarter
  • +1 Researchers Slot on City or Outpost

NEXT: Humankind: How to Raze a City