Humankind, the turn-based 4X strategy game from Amplitude Studios, released exclusively for PC earlier this year. Unlike the studio's previous titles, Endless Space and Endless Legend, Humankind is a historical strategy, game charting the development of mankind from nomadic tribes to the modern era.

At each Era of history, Humankind players choose a new Culture to adopt. These Cultures each offer a unique Emblematic Unit and Emblematic District, as well as a Legacy Trait that will stay with the player for the rest of the game. Picking the right Culture can be a daunting task, but there are definitely some that are stronger than others, as well as some to be avoided at all costs.

Updated March 11, 2021 by John Higgs: Humankind has recently received its first ever DLC package, the Cultures of Africa, which adds six new Cultures to the game. Each of the African Cultures occupies a different Era, giving players new strategic options when they ascend. The game has also received some minor balance changes since launch, but nothing dramatic enough to alter the current meta.

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Ancient Era Culture Tier List in Humankind

Humankind Bantu Culture

There are several good choices for players to choose from after reaching Humankind's Ancient Era, and only one Culture that's truly awful.


  • Egyptians (Builder) - Production is vital in Humankind, and Egypt's Grand Planners Legacy Trait only grows stronger in later Eras. On top of this, the Egyptians' excellent Emblematic Quarter makes them one of the best Cultures in Humankind.


  • Harappans (Agrarian) - Despite a slight nerf since launch, a strong Food District and a fantastic growth-boosting Legacy Trait allow the Harappans quick growth in the Ancient Era.
  • Zhou (Aesthete) - The Harmonious Thought Legacy Trait allows players to expand massively in the late game without worrying about Stability.
  • Bantu (Expansionist - Cultures of Africa DLC) - Despite a mediocre Legacy Trait, the Bantu are probably the fastest-expanding Culture in the game due to their Food-focused Emblematic features.


  • Babylonians (Scientist) - The Astronomy House is a great Emblematic District which will help players to support a large amount of Researchers throughout the game.
  • Mycenaeans (Militarist) - The best choice for players aiming for early war thanks to powerful fortresses and unit buffs, the Mycenaeans' Emblematic Unit outclasses almost all in the Era.
  • Olmecs (Aesthete) - The Olmecs' Emblematic District and Legacy Trait make them a blend between the Zhou and Harappans, though unfortunately not as good as either.


  • Hittites (Militarist) - The Hittites' defensive focus isn't great for earning early Military Stars, making them a poor choice comparatively.
  • Nubians (Merchant) - Money in Humankind just isn't valuable enough in the early game for the Nubians to compete, particularly as they focus on it so heavily.
  • Phoenicians (Merchant) - Just like the Nubians, the Phoenicians suffer from their lack of Food and Industry, meaning growth will be slow and painful.


  • Assyrians (Expansionist) - The Assyrians' love of Ransacking is a little unfortunate, given the paltry rewards it currently offers.

Classical Era Culture Tier List in Humankind

Humankind Greek Culture

The Classical Era in Humankind is a time of expansion, discovery, and the dawn of politics, and the best cultures can be seen below.


  • Huns (Militarist) - A perfect adoption for players with Food to spare, the Huns can quickly muster massive and powerful mounted armies. Expect to pick up a few of Humankind's Vassals by the end of the Era. A slight nerf since launch has reduced their ability to quickly produce units, but they're still able to steamroll unprepared Empires.


  • Greeks (Scientist) - A great upgrade to the Babylonians for Science-focused players, the Greeks also boast the strongest defensive unit in the Era.
  • Maya (Builder) - Industry remains a strong focus throughout Humankind, and the Maya's Tireless Spirit will remain relevant for the rest of the game.
  • Garamantes (Agrarian - Cultures of Africa DLC) - With their Foggara Emblematic Quarter able to be placed anywhere in a Territory, the Garamantes can grow quickly by boosting Food and Production. On top of this, their lands are easy to defend with the fast, cheap, and effective Javelin Riders.


  • Achaemenid Persians (Expansionist) - With space to expand the Achaemenid Persians' +2 Humankind City Cap Legacy Trait can really shine.
  • Celts (Agrarian) - The Celts get the same Legacy Trait as the Maya, but for Food instead of Industry, combined with a strong and low-cost Emblematic Unit.
  • Mauryans (Aesthete) -The definition of an "OK" Culture, the Mauryans' unique features are solid but not exceptional.


  • Aksumites (Merchant) - Once again Merchant Cultures find themselves at the bottom of the list, and the Aksumites just can't produce enough to compete.
  • Carthaginians (Merchant) - The Carthaginians are saved from D-Tier by their Cothon, which can produce a good amount of Industry in the right situation.


  • Goths (Militarist) - A weak Emblematic District and a focus on Ransacking consign the Goths to the lowest tier.
  • Romans (Expansionist) - The Romans' +1 Unit Slot on Army is made practically redundant by the Organized Warfare Technology, which allows Armies to Reinforce.

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Medieval Era Culture Tier List in Humankind

Humankind Polish Culture

The Medieval Era in Humankind offers the first truly overpowered Culture, and one that has already been nerfed in a balance patch.


  • Khmer (Builder) - Although they also boast a powerful Legacy Trait and Emblematic Unit, the Khmer's true strength lies in their Baray. This Emblematic District can produce huge amounts of Industry if the player has access to rivers, as well as a good amount of Food.
  • Swahili (Merchant - Cultures of Africa DLC) - Proving that Medieval-Era Merchant Cultures can be strong, the Swahili are a must-pick for coastal Empires. Their Legacy Trait can provide a huge amount of Stability that lasts the rest of the game, while their unusual Naval Transport Emblematic Unit allows for faster colonization of other lands.


  • English (Agrarian) - A good Culture for going tall rather than wide, the English offer solid Food bonuses and a defensive focus.
  • Teutons (Expansionist) - The Teutons only really deserve to be in A-Tier for players who've managed to create a dominant Religion, with their strongest feature being the Legacy Trait Spurred by Faith.


  • Mongols (Militarist) - The Mongols are the Medieval Era evolution of the Huns, though they're not quite as strong compared to the other Medieval Cultures, particularly after being similarly nerfed since launch.
  • Franks (Aesthete) - As the Mongols are to the Huns, so are the Franks to the Mauryans, good at Influence but not great overall.


  • Ghanaians (Merchant) - A Medieval version of the Nubians, with a focus on Luxury Resources that just isn't quite enough to compete.
  • Norsemen (Militarist) - This C-Tier rating is based on an average map, in which the Norsemen are only mediocre. However, on Humankind maps with an undiscovered new world, the Norsemen could easily jump to S-Tier with their ability to cross oceans.
  • Umayyads (Scientist) - A decent Legacy Trait for diplomacy-minded players isn't enough to compensate for a weak Emblematic District and Unit.


  • Aztecs (Militarist) - Although they have an interesting and fairly decent Legacy Trait, the Aztecs are let down by their weak Emblematic District.
  • Byzantines (Merchant) - Money is getting more valuable by the Medieval Era, but the Hippódromos is highly situational for an Emblematic District.

Early Modern Era Culture Tier List in Humankind

Humankind Venetians Culture

The world begins to shrink in Humankind's Early Modern Era, with ocean-crossings and more diplomacy options for all Cultures.


  • Mughals (Builder) - While not as ridiculous as the Khmer, the Mughals' Emblematic District still offers a huge amount of Industry. In addition, their Legacy Trait will allow players to build up a huge capital city, making them one of the best Cultures in Humankind.


  • Ming (Aesthete) - No Culture in Humankind can generate Influence like the Ming, allowing them to pick up all the best Civics and merge Humankind's Territories with ease.
  • Poles (Militarist) - The Poles get to combine the powerful Stability buff of the Zhou Legacy Trait with some serious defensive and military bonuses.
  • Maasai (Agrarian - Cultures of Africa DLC) - The Maasai can be considered a later version of the Garamantes, with their Emblematic Quarter also able to be placed freely. On top of this, their incredible Legacy Trait will allow for swift growth throughout the rest of the game.


  • Dutch (Merchant) - Money is increasingly valuable in the later Eras, and the Dutch can generate huge amounts of it with their Legacy Trait and Emblematic District.
  • Joseon (Scientist) - While the Joseon Legacy Trait isn't anything special, their Emblematic District can pump out decent amounts of Science.


  • Edo Japanese (Expansionist) - The Edo Japanese's Influence generation pales in comparison to the Ming, and their Emblematic Unit struggles compared to others in the Early Modern Era.
  • Haudenosaunee (Agrarian) - The classic Agrarian Culture of the Early-Modern Era, the Haudenosaunee's Food bonuses are good but not great.
  • Ottomans (Expansionist) - The Ottomans' Emblematic District may not be very strong, but their focus on Heavy Weapons can make them a military powerhouse against unsuspecting foes. Quickly taking a few cities in Humankind is enough to force surrender, giving the defeated opponent no choice but to accept.
  • Spanish (Expansionist) - Although the Spanish are labeled as an Expansionist Culture, their greatest strength is the Militarist Legacy Trait Honor and Glory.


  • Venetians (Merchant) - A weaker version of the Dutch, there's not much good to say about the Venetians in comparison.

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Industrial Era Culture Tier List in Humankind

Humankind British Culture

The Industrial Era in Humankind is one of the most interesting, with powerful new units and buildings behind each Technology.


  • French (Scientist) - The French will most benefit players who've created large, well-populated cities, generating huge amounts of Science with their Emblematic District.


  • Germans (Militarist) - Although the Germans are labeled as a Militarist Culture, their greatest strength is their Industry-producing Emblematic District, the Coking Works.
  • Italians (Aesthete) - Italians gain huge bonuses to the Commons Quarter, a powerful District that allows players to keep even the largest Cities stable. They combine this with some of the best Influence generation in Humankind, although not quite at Ming levels.
  • Mexicans (Agrarian) - The Mexicans are a great choice for players struggling with Food, as their Legacy Trait and Emblematic District will generate enough to propel them through to the end of the game.
  • Persians (Industrial) - The Persian Legacy Trait offers a whopping 25% discount on Industry costs for almost everything that Industry can be spent on.


  • Austro-Hungarians (Aesthete) - The Austro-Hungarians combine reasonably-good Influence generation with a powerful, if late-game, Emblematic Unit.
  • Siamese (Industrial) - The Siamese divide their unique features between Money and Industry generation, ending up good at both but great at neither.


  • British (Expansionist) - The British Legacy Trait and Emblematic District require a lot of forethought and planning to really be effective, but their Emblematic Unit is one of the strongest in the Era.
  • Ethiopians (Militarist - Cultures of Africa DLC) - Despite a powerful Emblematic Unit in the Oromo Cavalry, the Ethiopians' Legacy Trait and Emblematic Quarter is just too situational to earn them a way out of C-tier.


  • Russians (Expansionist) - With a weak Legacy Trait and Emblematic District, the Russians will struggle to make an impact with their Cossacks in the Early Modern Era.
  • Zulu (Militarist) - The Zulu suffer from being a Militarist Culture in Humankind with mostly defensive bonuses, meaning they'll have trouble picking up the Era Stars they need.

Contemporary Era Culture Tier List in Humankind

Humankind Chinese Culture

The endgame for Humankind is the Contemporary Era, which introduces modern and future Technologies, as well as radical new Units.


  • Turks (Agrarian) - Although the Turks may look like an Agrarian Culture from the outside, their Public School Emblematic District actually makes them one of the best Science Cultures in the game. With well-placed Research Districts, the Public School can end a game of Humankind while other players are still struggling to enter the Contemporary Era.


  • Egyptians (Aesthete) - Players rushing to grab the last few Influence Stars should definitely consider the Egyptians for their powerful Legacy Trait and Emblematic District.
  • Japanese (Scientist) - The Contemporary Culture of choice for players who've focused on Industry and Science, the Japanese can almost keep up with the Turks in the race to the end.
  • Soviets (Expansionist) - The best choice for Contemporary Era war, the Soviets can quickly bury their opponents beneath waves of cheap, well-buffed Red Army Tanks.
  • Swedish (Scientist) - The Swedish are laser-focused on producing Science, and while they're very good at it, they might also have trouble picking up other Humankind Era Stars.


  • Australians (Industrial) - The Dream Weavers Legacy Trait manages to lift the Australians into B-Tier, fighting against their pollution-hungry Emblematic District and fragile Emblematic Unit.
  • Brazilians (Agrarian) - Food isn't the best resource to be hoarding in the Contemporary Era, but players who feel they're lacking won't be disappointed by the Brazilians' unique features.
  • Nigerians (Agrarian - Cultures of Africa DLC) - Although their Emblematic Quarter is excellent for Empires that lack access to Oil, the Nigerians' Legacy Trait will only be really effective for players who focused on Farmers in earlier Eras.


  • Chinese (Merchant) - Although their Legacy Trait and Emblematic District are only mediocre, the Chinese save themselves from D-Tier with a powerful and long-range Emblematic Unit.


  • Americans (Expansionist) - The American Legacy Trait is insultingly bad for the Contemporary Era, and their Defense Agency Emblematic District offers defensive bonuses that won't help them to earn Expansion Stars.
  • Indians (Aesthete) - Just like the Americans, the Indians suffer from a poor Legacy Trait and Emblematic District, though their defensive Emblematic Unit is slightly more useful.

Humankind is out now for PC.

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