The team at Enhance has been known for putting out visually-striking games for many years, but none seems to be as mesmerizing as watching the many humans walking in unison in their new puzzle game Humanity. The main focus of the game is to guide humans from their starting point to an endpoint.

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That said, Humanity also changes up its gameplay frequently throughout the story mode. Some puzzles will require players to be very strategic about timing and human positions while there are other moments that require the player to be stealthy. It is this ever-changing gameplay that may require some tips to keep in mind.

7 Take A Moment To Read A Level

Humans walking out of a door and off a ledge in Humanity

There are plenty of opportunities in Humanity to do a level over and over again, so why worry about restarting a level when the first attempt can be used to just read the situation? While some levels are straightforward, others take some time to understand the path the humans need to walk.

This is why it is crucial to take a moment to understand what is happening and not brute force it. This becomes more important the further into story mode the player goes as specific situations require understanding what obstacles are standing in the way and what needs to be activated.

6 Prioritize Placing Markers

Arrows placed in various places meant to guide humans in Humanity

After taking a moment to understand what a level is asking the player to do, the next step should be placing markers. If players have collected enough Goldies over their playthrough, they should have the ability to place markers down and then restart a level with those markers still in place.

As stated earlier, levels don't need to be rushed. If a level fails while placing markers down, that is completely fine. If players finish placing all necessary directions before restarting, it makes starting the level over much easier. While some management may still be needed, some of the tedious work will be out of the way.

5 Use Humans Sparingly

A dog taking a group of 50 humans away from a much larger group of humans in Humanity

Much of Humanity's gameplay revolves around understanding when certain buttons need to be activated when a block needs to be pushed, and so on. To do any of this, the player needs to direct a certain amount of humans to do these tasks in order for the other humans can progress.

There is no reason to have a huge wave of humans be pushed in a specific direction just to temporarily activate something that opens a path. While it won't cause a failure in some levels, human management becomes a very crucial aspect of the later levels of the game. It is important not to sacrifice everyone.

4 Angles Are Everything In Combat

Humans shooting guns at hordes of Others in Humanity

While Humanity is a puzzle game, there are some real-time strategy elements to the game that require players to understand how to position their humans so that they can survive attacks from the Others, the group that serves as the villains in the game.

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One aspect that is taught early on in combat sequences is that it is better to have humans running perpendicular to the Others, especially when holding guns. There are also factors such as height, with the high ground serving as a perfect opportunity to attack. Keep these aspects in mind when attempting to win the war.

3 Keep Your Space In Stealth

A dog and a group of humans hiding behind a wall away from the Others in Humanity

There will be multiple stealth sequences over the course of the game, and it is important to understand some of the fundamentals when navigating a stage and looking not to get caught. Right out of the gate, it is important to use tall grass to hide from enemies. They will not attack as long as the grass is covering the humans.

While walking around in open space, it is necessary to keep a three-block gap between the humans and the Others. Any closer and the Others will pounce on the humans, even if they are facing away. Be careful navigating these stages because even the least threatening of enemies can attack and end a level prematurely.

2 Fast Forward & Pause Are Friends

A group of humans and others marching in various directions while a fast forward symbol is on the screen in Humanity

There are two key features that players will get early on: fast-forward and pause. Fast-forward allows players to speed up a level so that way things can wrap up a bit quicker while pause allows players to take a moment and understand what their next move should be.

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These are crucial options that should be utilized. Especially in later levels when failure can be immediate, the pause options allow players to take a breather to assess options. On the flip side, fast-forward can allow for quick movement around the stage, making the tedium of setting up markers and humans a lot easier to deal with.

1 Get Every Goldy Possible

A dog and a gold human standing in front of a wall with multiple black boxes in Humanity

The game makes it very obvious how important getting the gold statues in each level is. Not only do they net gameplay and cosmetic awards, they also serve as the keys to unlocking the final level of each sequence, forcing players to go back and figure out how to collect a Goldy before continuing the game.

A Goldy can sometimes be the only way to beat a level or a completely optional aspect of one. Either way, the encouragement makes sense as certain mechanics that can be crucial to overcoming later levels are tied to finding gold statues. In addition, those who like changing the look of the humans will want to get every Goldy in Humanity.

Humanity is available now on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and PC.

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