Filming on Deadpool 3 may be ramping up in a few months. According to Hugh Jackman, he has six months to get back into his Wolverine physique so he can play the X-Men character again

Deadpool 3 is going to be something that's long been teased by Deadpool himself, Ryan Reynolds: a team-up between Wolverine and the Merc With a Mouth. In the other Deadpool films, the character frequently broke the fourth wall to tease audiences about getting a collaboration with Wolverine. Now that it's confirmed the third film will center on this long-awaited alliance, the Deadpool 3 title may be different, as both characters will be the film's protagonists.

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In an interview on CNN Plus' Who's Talking to Chris Wallace?, Jackman stated that he won't be taking any new roles for the next sixth months, so he can get back into the shape Wolverine is known for. “I’ve learned you can’t rush it. I’ve learned that it takes time,” Jackman said. “So, we have six months from when I finish [Broadway’s The Music Man] to when I started filming. And I’m not doing any other work. I’m going to be with my family and train. That’s going to be my job for six months. And I’m really fit right now. There’s one thing that about eight shows a week being on Broadway singing and dancing, is I’m fit. So, I’m healthy. I have a good place to start. And apologies, chickens. Run a mile. Start running now because I’m coming for you.”

Getting Jackman on board for the role wasn't the hardest part of the process. Reynolds has gone on record saying he had to cross X-Men red tape to bring Wolverine into the film franchise. When Jackman approached Reynolds and had the idea to play a part in Deadpool 3, Reynolds was ecstatic, but the Fox merger complicated any plans involving the X-Men.

Deadpool 3 will mark Wolverine's first return to the big screen since 2017's Logan, wherein the character nobly died to give the next generation of mutants a fighting chance. How he will return following that outing is unclear, but Reynolds has previously teased a Loki crossover by chatting with Miss Minutes on Twitter. If the TVA is involved, multiple timeline branches and multiversal possibilities are on the table.

That would provide great comedic fodder for a Deadpool film, as Deadpool could point out the various ways in which the X-Men films disregarded their continuity for the sake of a story. It could also keep Jackman's return as Wolverine from ruining the emotional ending for Logan. The original version of Wolverine would still die at the end of that film, while the Logan that continues from this point would be a variant.

Deadpool 3 is scheduled to be released in theaters on November 8, 2024.

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Source: Who's Talking to Chris Wallace? (via People)