As the BBC has been looking for the next actor to play Doctor Who, there have actually been some rumors that they've landed on its next star. However, Hugh Grant, the man some think will play the 14th Doctor, has come out and made it clear he isn't going to take on the role.

As Doctor Who enters its 60th anniversary season, there have been rumors that the BBC wants to go big when it comes to whom it's adding to its cast. There have been a couple of big names that have been attached to the role after the most recent star Jodie Whittaker finished her iconic run. Whittaker was the first woman to ever play the role of the time-traveling, Humanoid alien. However, if Grant has been tabbed to be the next to take on a character who often changes faces, he's not owning up to it.

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In fact, Grant took to social media in order to make sure people don't think he's the one who will be following Whittaker as the pilot of the Tardis. The British actor quote tweeted an article claiming he will be the next Doctor Who and tried his best to make it clear the article didn't have it right. Grant wrote in his quote tweet that he had nothing against "Dr. W" but he is not taking on the role. He went even further by saying that he had no idea where the rumors he had taken on the job came from.

Of course, completely denying something that is actually true happens a bit more often these days. Spider-Man: No Way Home fans likely remember the fact that former Peter Parker actor Andrew Garfield flat out denied he was going to be appearing in the new movie. When it became apparent that he was lying, he simply said that he did it in order to keep the movie's very big secret and fans forgave him. It's entirely possible that Grant is doing roughly the same with Doctor Who.

It's also possible that Grant is being entirely truthful about the fact that he's not going to be the next Doctor. There have, after all, been plenty of rumors about other actors who might take on the role. Some of those rumors have said that David Tennant is going to be coming back to the show to play the 14th Doctor. For now, the BBC has not given any indication of who it will hire or when it will announce who is joining Doctor Who next.

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Source: Hugh Grant/Twitter