Dota 2 is a complex MOBA with quite a learning curve. If new players want to increase their rank, they must practice playing different heroes, try new builds, and learn from their mistakes. Players that want to learn from their mistakes can do so by watching replays, an underrated feature that does not get the attention it deserves.

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While Dota 2 players may be aware they can watch replays, many do not know how to access said replays. Fortunately, this guide will cover everything there is to know about watching replays and other helpful information.

How to Watch Replays in Dota 2

Players that want to watch replays of games they played will need to follow these steps to do so:

  1. On the main menu, click on the player profile.
  2. Under Profile, look for Previous Matches Performance.
    Recent User Matches in Dota 2
  3. Choose the match.
  4. On the Overview screen, look for the Download Replay button located at the bottom right side of the screen.
    Download Replay Button in Dota 2
  5. Click Download Replay, and then Watch Replay.

It is worth noting player replays are available for no more than seven days, after which will not be available for download. However, downloaded replays can be watched anytime unless Steam is uninstalled.

How to Watch Replays from Other Players?

To watch replays from other players, follow these steps:

  1. On the main menu, click Watch.
    Watch Button in Dota 2
  2. Click on Replays
  3. Enter a match ID for its replay in the Search for MatchIDs box.
    Enter Match ID for Replay in Dota 2

Replays for matches older than seven days will not be available for download.

Why Watch Dota 2 Replays?

Watching replays is not unique to Dota 2 and is quite common for esports and traditional sports like football or basketball. Players should invest their time in watching Dota 2 replays for the following reasons:

  • Watching professional matches gives players valuable insight into how top-tier players think and react to different situations. Additionally, they also learn about different builds and tricks for heroes.
  • Players should watch their replays to learn from their mistakes. Moreover, players can take notes from matches they have won and replicate their strategies, builds, etc., for later games.

Other notable reasons for watching replays include:

  • Learning to pick the right heroes.
  • Learning to outsmart opponents.
  • Learning how to adapt to different situations.
  • Improving farming practices.

Hopefully, players will now understand the importance of replays in Dota 2 and how they can utilize this handy feature to improve their game like never before.

Dota 2 is available on PC.

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