Dota 2 is a MOBA that requires a lot of planning and strategizing to get the upper hand against the opposing team. While Dota 2 covers the basics, it does not provide information on swapping heroes.

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There are many reasons why players will want to swap heroes. For one, some players may not be accustomed to a hero, so they can swap said hero for another with a player. Keeping this in mind, this guide will cover everything there is to know about swapping heroes in Dota 2 and other useful information.

How to Swap Hero in Dota 2

Players can swap heroes in Dota 2 on the strategy screen, or they can do so at the start of the game. However, players must not buy items, nor should they pick any abilities.

Swapping Heroes on the Strategy Time Screen

Swap Hero during Strategy Time

To swap heroes on the strategy time screen, they need to right-click on the hero their ally has selected. The ally must approve the change for the swap to take place.

Swapping Heroes at the Start of a Game

Swap Hero during Game

To swap when the game has started, players need to ensure they do so before the warmup time expires. To swap heroes, players will need to access the scoreboard and right-click the hero of their choice. Like before, the ally must approve this change for the swap to occur.

Players cannot swap heroes in the Single Draft mode.

Things to Consider while Swapping Heroes in Dota 2

dota 2 characters

Players need to take a couple of factors into consideration before swapping heroes in Dota 2, such as:

  • Ensure the team has no issues with the swap. If the team is not on board, there is no point in swapping.
  • Players should have a good reason to swap heroes. For instance, if a player is unfamiliar with a hero, it makes sense to make a swap. However, if a player is swapping for the sake of it, then it will do more harm than good.
  • Players should only consider swapping for a hero if they are more adept at playing the hero than their current choice.

Scenarios where Swapping Heroes is Unnecessary

There are a couple of scenarios where swapping heroes is unnecessary, such as:

  • Players should not swap heroes if the team is already winning the game. Players could ruin their chances of success by picking a hero they have no experience with.
  • Players should not swap heroes if the opposing team compromises weaker heroes.
  • Swapping heroes during a high-stakes situation or tournament is ill-advised.

Dota 2 is available on PC.

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