Dota 2 has many items that players can buy, but there will be times when players will need to sell said items. The reasons for selling items in this popular MOBA are plentiful, thus requiring players to learn everything there is to know about it.

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Players buy items that serve their purpose for a specific time, after which they must be replaced. Items like Iron Branches must be sold eventually. However, players may also want to sell items if they made a mistake or if they change their minds. Keeping this in mind, this guide will cover everything there is to know about selling items in Dota 2 and other valuable tidbits.

How to Sell Items in Dota 2

Secret Shop in Dota 2

Players can only sell items if their hero is alive and near the shop located at the base or the secret shop situated near the tier-1 offlane tower. Additionally, players can only sell items that are in their inventory.

Item in Courier Inventory Dota 2

Players who want to sell items without visiting the secret shop or the shop located at their base can utilize the courier to do so. Items can be transferred to the courier, which can be sent to the base or the secret shop to be sold. Following this simple tip, players can focus on farming and assisting their team when a fight occurs.

To sell items in Dota 2, follow these simple steps:

Sell Item in Dota 2
  1. The hero should be near the base shop or the secret shop.
  2. Right-click an item in the inventory.
  3. Select Sell.

Players can drag items and drop them to the shop, but they must be careful to avoid dropping them on the ground.

Factors to Consider while Selling Items in Dota 2

When selling items, players must consider the following factors:

  • When selling items, players will get 50% of the item's original value in gold.
  • Players will get 50% of the total recipe in gold when selling upgraded items.
  • Players can get the full price paid in gold by selling it within 10 seconds of purchasing.
  • Reselling items with cooldowns will not reset them when repurchased.
  • Some items cannot be sold, such as neutral items found after farming neutral creep camps or the Aegis of the Immortal.
  • Some items dropped by Roshan can be sold, such as the Refresher Shard and Cheese, but only by the hero that picked them up.

Dota 2 is available on PC.

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