Dota 2 is an online strategy game that has captivated millions of people to party with their friends in 5v5 battles. It has over a 100 unique heroes to choose from that allow players to interact with each other in fun and exciting ways. Dota 2 provides plenty of items and abilities to let people perform breath-taking kills to increase their gold and experience in the game.

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There are 4 specific categories of heroes that help you excel in team play. People can pick heroes from Strength, Universal, Agility, and Intelligence heroes to fight epic battles online to claim victory in Dota 2. Alchemist is a melee hero with several abilities that make him an amazing choice for carry heroes. Take a look at the most strategic ways of playing Alchemist in Dota 2.

Take The Mid Lane

Alchemist farms gold in the mid lane

Alchemist has an exceptional ability to farm bonus gold in lanes. He can take the mid lane in Dota 2 matches to earn more gold per minute (GPM). The mid lane lets Alchemist level up faster to buy early game items that can help him deal more damage to his enemies. He has a base health of 626 and gains up to 2.7 Strength per level.

RELATED: Best Free Strategy Games On SteamThe melee hero can nuke enemy creeps in the mid lane with Acid Spray to deal 40 damage per second (DPS) for 15 seconds. Acid Spray affects all enemy units in a radius of 625 and reduces their armor by 6, providing plenty of gold to the Alchemist.

Buy Consumable Items To Last Longer

Alchemist restores his mana using Clarity potions

Alchemist is a sturdy Strength hero in Dota 2. He has a base mana pool of 375 that allows him to cast his spells multiple times in lanes to earn more gold. Spells like Acid Spray consume 120 mana to be used per cast. People can buy consumable items like a Clarity potion to increase the mana regeneration rate of Alchemist.

Alchemist can take a few Enchanted Mangoes to restore up to 100 mana in an instant. Dota 2 players can use an Enchanted Mango to be able to cast Unstable Concoction at any time with Alchemist. Unstable Concoction requires 100 mana per cast and can deal up to 360 damage to enemy units.

Roam The Map For Frequent Kills

Alchemist collects a Bounty Rune

Alchemist can strike enemy heroes with melee attacks to drain their health. He can roam the map after unlocking his ulti to increase his kill counts in the game. Alchemist can buy a Bottle for 675 gold to restore health and mana between battles. Each charge of a Bottle can replenish up to 110 health and 60 mana over 3 seconds.

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Players can destroy the first tower in the mid lane before entering battles in other lanes. Alchemist can store and activate runes around the map using a Bottle to cast his spells often in Dota 2 matches. The Twin Gates can be accessed by the Alchemist to teleport between the lanes for getting easy kills.

Destroy Enemies With A Maelstrom

Alchemist release electric current using Maelstrom

Maelstrom can be a tremendously useful item for the Alchemist in Dota 2. The Strength hero gains 24 attack damage by purchasing a Maelstrom. The item grants a 30% chance to release a bolt of lightning that deals 135 damage to multiple enemy units in lanes. Alchemist can destroy waves of enemy creeps with ease using a Maelstrom.

There are numerous neutral creep camps that can be found between the lanes. Alchemist can strike neutral creeps in the jungle with a Maelstrom to get bonus gold. Maelstrom costs 2700 gold and can be an item to buy before the game hits the 10-minute mark to increase the GPM of Alchemist.

Slow Enemies For Free Kills

Alchemist slows enemies using Corrosive Weaponry

The passive ability, Corrosive Weaponry, decreases the movement speed of enemy units by 6% per stack. Alchemist can hit enemy units with physical attacks to restrain their movement in battles by maxing out Corrosive Weaponry in the game. The movement speed slow of Corrosive Weaponry can be stacked for up to 11 times.

Alchemist can buy an Echo Sabre to further reduce the movement speed of enemies. Echo Sabre can be bought for 2500 gold. Alchemist can strike enemy units with the passive ability, Echo Strike, using an Echo Sabre to slow the movement of his enemies by 100% for 0.8 seconds.

Activate Chemical Rage In Team Fights

Alchemist regenerates his health using Chemical Rage

Chemical Rage is an ability that can drastically increase the health regeneration rate of Alchemist. His ulti grants Alchemist up to 110 health per second and increases his movement speed by 60 for 30 seconds. Chemical Rage has a cooldown of 60 seconds and can be activated before entering team fights to survive enemy encounters in Dota 2.

Alchemist can reduce his base attack time by using his ulti in battles. The Strength hero can purchase items to gain Lifesteal from his attacks to strike enemies and decimate them within seconds.

Kill Support Heroes Early

Alchemist kills Witch Doctor for bonus gold

Support heroes can potentially be easy kills for Alchemist. Intelligence heroes like Witch Doctor and Zeus have low health compared to carry heroes and tank heroes in the game. Alchemist can attack support heroes around the map in his matches to gain more gold. He can stun support heroes for up to 3.2 seconds using Unstable Concoction to prevent them from casting their spells.

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Once an enemy hero is stunned, Alchemist can nuke support heroes with Acid Spray to deal more damage. He can chase enemy units by hitting them with Corrosive Weaponry to drain the health of support heroes in the strategy game.

Increase His Attack Damage

Alchemist farms in the jungle with Battle Fury

Alchemist has a base attack damage of 50 - 56, letting him deal plenty of damage to enemy units in lanes. He can purchase items to increase his attack damage for getting frequent kills throughout his matches. Alchemist can buy a Battle Fury to gain 60 attack damage in Dota 2.

Battle Fury allows Alchemist to deal a portion of his attack damage to nearby enemy units in a radius of 650. The passive ability, Cleave, granted by Battle Fury lets Alchemist get more kills in team fights by slashing multiple enemies with each hit. Alchemist can equip a Battle Fury for 4100 gold in the game.

Buy A Vanguard

Alchemist tanks damage from Ancient neutral creeps using Vanguard

Alchemist can regain a ton of his health in battles by using his ulti. The increased cooldown of Chemical Rage requires Alchemist to buy items like a Vanguard to increase his health and health regeneration rate. Vanguard costs 1700 gold and provides 250 health to the Alchemist. The item also provides a bonus 4.75 health per second to the Strength hero.

Vanguard grants Alchemist a 60% chance to block up to 56 damage from incoming attacks. Alchemist can upgrade Vanguard into an Abyssal Blade to gain 30 attack damage, and 10 Strength.

Surprise Enemies In Battles

Alchemist enters battle using Overwhelming Blink for easy kills

Alchemist is a humungous hero who is hard to pass enemy heroes without being detected. He can attack enemy heroes using several items to baffle them in team fights. Alchemist can purchase an Overwhelming Blink to gain 25 Strength in the game. He can use Overwhelming Blink to teleport up to a distance of 1200 units using the item to jump enemy heroes in lanes.

Overwhelming Blink has a cooldown of 15 seconds. Alchemist can deal up to 150% of his Strength attributes as bonus damage around the landing spot using Overwhelming Blink. He can buy an Overwhelming Blink for 6800 gold.

Dota 2 can be played on PC.

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