There is a surprising amount of lore in The Planet Crafter, contained in emails and other objects left strewn around this strange planet. Two of the characters you can follow around the planet is Iskhlas, a crash survivor that ended up on your planet 21 years before you, and another terraforming criminal from the same program as you named Xiaodan who landed three years before you.

Both of them built underground bunkers, and there are currently a bunch of locations you can delve into to learn more about these two people.

The Planet Crafter: Best Structures To Construct First

These structures are important for players to build as soon as possible in The Planet Crafter in order to ensure their survival.

Iskhlas Bunker Locations in The Planet Crafter

Ishklas built several bunkers around the planet in the Planet Crafter, each located in a different section of the interactable part of the world. Inside of each one will be resources and lore emails that you can read. Here is how to find all of them quickly.

Bunker 1: The Desert


The Desert Bunker is the first of the bunkers in The Planet Crafter. It is located at the coordinates 1169:8:1288, just northwest of the starting area. It is immediately south of the large crashed ship, and just northwest of the cave that looks like it's dripping lava or dirt in this cozy sci-fi game.


Bunker 2: Under the Arches


This bunker is located underneath the stone arches to the far northwest of the starting zone. From the bunker above, you can head to the west to the coordinates 1135:15:2355.


Bunker 3: Near the Gate


This bunker is to the southeast of the Gate, the massive, circular wreck that is northeast of the starting zone. You can find this bunker at 699:36:-882, inside one of the natural rings of rock in this area.

The-Planet-Crafter-All-Bunker-Locations-03 Bunker 4: Meteor Crash Site 1


There are two bunker locations inside the meteoric crater to the southwest of the starting location. The first one of these bunkers is -304:4:1342.


In the later parts of the game, this bunker might be underwater depending on whether the ice has started to melt in The Planet Crafter, so make sure to look for the glow under the water in this location.


Bunker 5: Meteor Crash Site 2


The second of the meteor bunkers is located across the circular meteor crash site; it is located at -579:88:1523. Cross over to the other side of the meteor crater from the fourth bunker, and go up the cliff and little find this location. Since it is at a higher elevation, it doesn't look like this one will be underwater until much later in the game, if at all.


Xiaodan Bunker Location in The Planet Crafter

Xiaodan was a criminal the same as you, sent to this planet to terraform it just like you did, but three years before you. This person left their mark on the planet along with a handful of bunkers.

Xiaodan Bunker 1: Volcano Shipwreck


The first is in the gravel-filled location just north of the Volcano Shipwreck where you can find obsidian in The Planet Crafter. Around the bunker's entrance, you can find Xiaodan's attempt at building a base; there are some broken-down drills and living compartments. The coordinates for this location are -318:35:-700. It will have the full story of Xiaodan's fatal year on this planet.


Xiaodan Bunker 2: In the Lava


There is a second bunker made by Xiaodan in the center of the two largest lakes of lava. You can find the ladder down into this bunker at -814:89:-419.


Xiaodan's Body

While it doesn't look like Ishklas can be found anywhere, you can find Xiaodan's body. It is immediately east of your starting location in the game at 672:3:316. Here you can find a wall that is deconstructable, and his body, along with some great loot, is hidden here.


Other Locations of Interest in The Planet Crafter


There is one other area of interest around the planet like the Warden Keys, referencing some others who have ended up on this "cursed" planet one way or another. There is one that isn't connected with other quests or inside a wreck, and this is located south of the meteor crash site. There was also another group of people from the ship Cinitat II who crash-landed on the planet in 3043, about 15 years before you. You can find a graveyard of the dead in that crash in a cave along with an email from the survivors; the entrance is located -708:84:510.