Dota 2 is a popular MOBA that has amassed a massive player base over the years, making it a successful game, unlike other MOBAs. Despite the fact Dota 2 has been around for years now, there are still mechanics players are unfamiliar with.

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Many players are unaware of features like denying creeps, towers, and ally heroes in Dota 2. As complicated as it may sound, it is pretty straightforward. Read on to learn more about denying in Dota 2 and other helpful tidbits.

How to Enable Attack Move/Force Attack to Deny in Dota 2

Attack Move Hotkey in Dota 2

Players must first enable the Attack Move/Force Attack option to learn how to deny creeps. To enable the option, follow these steps:

  1. Press the gear icon on the top left side of the screen.
  2. Select Hotkeys.
  3. Under Unit Actions, look for Attack Move/Force Attack.
  4. If a key hasn’t already been assigned, assign one.

How to Enable Force Attack to Deny Ally Heroes in Dota 2

Right click allies to Deny in Dota 2-1

While the Attack Move/Force Attack hotkey can be used to deny ally heroes, there is a more accessible alternative. Dota 2 has a Right-Click Allies to Deny option, which can be enabled by following these steps:

  1. Press the gear icon on the top left side of the screen.
  2. Select Option.
  3. Look for Right-Click Allies, and click to Deny.

How to Deny Creeps in Dota 2

To deny creeps in Dota 2, press the Attack Move/Force Attack hotkey on a creep with 50% HP or less.

How to Deny Towers in Dota 2

To deny towers in Dota 2, press the Attack Move/Force Attack hotkey on a tower with 10% HP or less.

Avoid denying tier 2 towers and above immediately, and only do so when their HP is incredibly low. However, players are recommended to deny their tier 1 towers as soon as possible.

How to Deny Ally Heroes in Dota 2

To deny ally heroes in Dota 2, right-click on a hero that has 25% HP or less and is under the influence of one of the following spells:

  • Doom (Doom)
  • Venomous Gale (Venomancer)
  • Shadow Strike (Queen of Pain)

Why Deny Creeps, Towers, or Heroes in Dota 2?

Players should not prioritize denies over last-hitting enemy creeps, but when the opportunity presents itself, it is not ill-advised. Denying creeps prevents enemy heroes from gaining XP and gold, which also applies to denying towers and heroes.

Dota 2 is available on PC.

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