
  • The introduction of the Super Saiyan in Dragon Ball Z marked a significant turning point in the series and became an iconic symbol in Japanese culture.
  • The introduction of multiple levels and easy access to transformation undermined the rarity and difficulty of becoming a Super Saiyan.
  • The franchise's focus on Super Saiyan transformations and the sidelining of legacy characters has led to criticism from fans for years.

Dragon Ball Z is one of the most influential series of all time. Of the many tropes and story inspirations to come from the series, one of the most notable is the introduction of the Super Saiyan. Often imitated in other franchises (particularly Sonic the Hedgehog with the introduction of Super Sonic), the image of a bulky man brimming with bright orange waves and spiky yellow hair has become an iconic symbol in Japanese culture; it is a symbol of what a Japanese superhero looks like.

However, despite the image of the Super Saiyan being more iconic than Dragon Ball itself, it may surprise readers to learn that the introduction of the Super Saiyan has been debated by fans as the start of the downfall of the franchise. Why would fans consider something so iconic to be so bad for the franchise? Let's discuss.

What is a Super Saiyan?

goku super saiyan fortnite

A Super Saiyan is an extraordinary transformation that originated from the Saiyan race (a warrior race known for their battle prowess). When a Saiyan becomes a Super Saiyan, they undergo a remarkable physical and aesthetic change. Their once-black hair turns golden, and their eyes may change color (often becoming green or blue).

More importantly, the Super Saiyan transformation is accompanied by an incredible surge in power. Super Saiyans experience a substantial increase in strength, speed, and overall combat abilities, making them significantly more formidable than in their base form. This heightened state of being is often depicted with a dynamic energy aura that envelops the Super Saiyan.

Transformation into a Super Saiyan is typically triggered by intense emotions, such as anger, frustration, or a deep sense of desperation. It's considered a legendary form within the Dragon Ball universe, and characters often spend considerable time and effort trying to achieve and master it.

RELATED: Dragon Ball: Why Super Saiyan Rage Was A Mistake

When Did Super Saiyans First Appear?

Dragon Ball - Gohan Super Saiyan 2

The concept of Super Saiyans was first introduced in the Dragon Ball manga and anime series during the Frieza Saga. The moment when Goku first transforms into a Super Saiyan is one of the most iconic and memorable scenes in the series. It occurs in Chapter 317 of the manga (Episode 95 of the anime) during his intense battle with Frieza. After witnessing the death of his best friend Krillin at the hands of Frieza, Goku's anger and desperation trigger the transformation. His appearance changes dramatically, with his hair turning golden and his power level skyrocketing.

This transformation marked a significant turning point in the series, as it represented the Saiyan race's legendary power and the moment when Goku became the first Super Saiyan seen in the Dragon Ball storyline. The concept of Super Saiyans and their power levels became central to many subsequent story arcs and battles in the series. Though, as we are going to discuss, this might not have been for the best in the long run.

How This Iconic Transformation Ultimately Hurt the Franchise

Goku and Vegeta Super Saiyans Dragon Ball

Since being introduced, Super Saiyan Goku and Vegeta have become two of the most iconic images to come from the show. The character designs have been printed on so many t-shirts, toys, and various other merchandise that the Super Saiyan image has become a multi-million dollar business all in itself. If you are Toei Animation, this is great; more products to sell means more money for your bank account. The problem is that the introduction of the Super Saiyan was originally planned to be the endgame for Akira Toriyama.

Once you reach the maximum potential of your strength, where else is there to go (not to mention that the existence of the Super Saiyan was so rare that it was debated if this was a real thing or a myth the Saiyans made up to strike fear into their enemies)? Once the series continued, the next logical step would be for other characters to become Super Saiyans themselves. So, Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks, and Goten would all eventually become Super Saiyans. This meant though that the villains they would be fighting would have to become even stronger than a Super Saiyan.

This creates a problem when it has been established that the Super Saiyan is the most powerful being in the universe. This meant that the series had to keep upping the power level. Soon, the second layer of Super Saiyan was introduced. Then, the third level. Then, there was the Fusion technique to combine Super Saiyan powers. At one point it seemed like all pretense to the difficulty of becoming Super Saiyan was thrown out the window, with Goten simply being able to transform without any form of prior training. This arbitrary "leveling up" system not only got tedious but continued to belittle the idea that this power was so rare it borderlines as being a "myth." The idea of multiple levels of the Super Saiyan betrayed this story thread.

What fans most disliked about the Super Saiyan introduction was that it changed the focus of the series. No longer was the series about adventuring and humor, but about powering up to get to the next level of Super Saiyan. Longtime characters like Bulma, Krillin, Oolong, Yamcha, and Tien were either downplayed or removed from the series altogether. The story became so Super Saiyan-focused that many fans felt the story was just running in circles. As an endgame, the idea of the Super Saiyan made sense, as the ultimate final form a fighter could achieve. As something that could be overcome, for some it was tedious storytelling, and the devaluing of legacy characters would rub many Dragon Ball fans the wrong way for years to come.

Dragon BallandDragon Ball Zcan be streamed on Crunchyroll