Resident Evil 4 is one of Capcom's most popular titles. Ever since its original release in 2005, the game has seen consistent ports across multiple console generations, from the Gamecube to the Oculus Quest.

Like its predecessors in the series, Resident Evil 4 will soon have a remake. The previous Resident Evil remakes were big departures from their original counterparts, and it's not yet certain how much will change in this new version.

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Still, whether it's to make a direct comparison or to pass the time between releases, the original Resident Evil 4 is definitely still worth checking out. While there's plenty of content, it shouldn't be too time intensive to finish.

Resident Evil 4 Leon Facing Enemies with Gun Sight Pointed At Shield

Resident Evil 4's Length

Resident Evil 4 is a game that gives as much as the player puts in. A straightforward run-through of the campaign will take players 10-15 hours to complete. That first run, however, is merely scratching the surface.

When it comes to collectibles and hidden secrets, Resident Evil 4 has an embarrassment of riches. The developer had an eye for detail, and those who stop to comb the game's levels will be rewarded.

For those wanting a tougher experience, completing the game on normal will unlock a more challenging "Professional" difficulty level. Among other changes, this mode reduces the rate of ammo drops and gives enemies much more aggressive AI.

If players are too used to the main campaign, they can also check out Resident Evil 4's Mercenary Mode. This arcade-like experience sees players facing waves of enemies in an enclosed arena, fighting for a high score while under a time limit.

Lastly, there's Separate Ways, a side story bonus campaign starring Resident Evil's femme fatale Ada Wong. It takes about 3-4 hours to clear, but some versions of Resident Evil 4 don't have this mode available yet.

Adding everything together, Resident Evil 4 comes off as a much heftier game than first expected. A player doing a cautious and exploratory run will likely hit 20 hours, and a full completionist experience will last 30-40 hours.

Resident Evil 4 is available now for PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, and the Oculus Quest.

MORE: Resident Evil 4: How to Get Handcannon