Ubisoft Toronto is due to release Starlink: Battle for Atlas this October, and the studio will be hoping that a galaxy full of explorable planets and an ongoing war between good and evil will entice consumers to try out the toys-to-life production.

Beyond pushing its real-life toy counterparts, Starlink looks like it will feature considerable amounts of content for gamers to enjoy on the digital side, too. We sat down with Starlink producer Matthew Rose, who revealed that the game's campaign should keep gamers entertained for quite some time.

Rose was able to provide a time estimate for the main campaign of Starlink, basing his time off of early playtests done within Ubisoft. As it turns out, gamers who focus on the main storyline missions surrounding the main cast of characters will be in for about an entire day's worth of playtime on average:

The main campaign is that 20-25 hour experience. Because of the living world, The Legion will continue to fight back and The Alliance will continue to grow. The dynamic in the evolving world, you can keep playing with that for a long time and engaging in that system.

Of course, this is assuming gamers don't get significantly sidetracked with the game's side missions and end-game content, which involves aiding the fight against The Legion by having players construct and customize their own planetary outposts, a process which Rose says becomes a very deep metagame. Once the main campaign is finished, that doesn't mean the credits roll and game is over, either. Rose says that the living world will continue, and players will be given new challenges as they go into the end game content of Starlink. To that end, Ubisoft will be supporting the game with post-launch content as well, which will include both free and paid DLC along with new real-life toys, which will, in turn, unlock in-game digital content.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas will feature a plot revolving around a faction called the Forgotten Legion. They're led by a mysterious figure named Grax who ends up kidnapping the captain of the player's ship. Grax is close to securing information about an extinct alien race called the Wardens and unlocking the devastating potential of their technology, and it'll be up to players to both rescue their captain and stop Grax from achieving his goal. As the 2o-25 hour campaign estimate might imply, there are probably a few bumps along the way to stopping him.

Starlink Battle for Atlas Controller

While it's typically safe to assume the toys-to-life market is limited to just kid's games like Skylanders and Disney: Infinity, Ubisoft Toronto has kept a careful balance between remaining friendly for kids and limiting the amount of handholding required so that adults can enjoy the experience, too.

In our hands-on time with Starlink: Battle For Atlas, we walked away impressed with the Pixar-esque cinematics and fun combat mechanics. Some enemies in Starlink have elemental weakness, encouraging players to quickly remove one weapon from their toy ship and replacing it with a more suitable one. Players should be careful not to attach these weapons backwards since their in-game ship will also fire its cannons the wrong way. Pitching and yawing in the space ship to dodge attacks - and doing a few barrel rolls for good measure - had an easy learning curve, resulting in a pretty fun experience overall.

It'll be interesting to see how consumers (and retailers, for that matter) react to a toys-to-life product in 2018. For its part, Ubisoft Toronto seems to have had time to put a good level of polish on the title. Of course, the inclusion of a certain Fox McCloud doesn't hurt things, either.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas will release on October 16, 2018 for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.