Diablo 4 was released a year ago, but the developers are making sure players keep playing to prevent the forces of hell from taking over Sanctuary by offering anniversary gifts. The best part about the anniversary gifts is that players can get their hands on free cosmetics, weapons, and more.

A Big Change is Coming for Diablo 4 Season 5

Diablo 4’s Game Manager, Rod Fergusson, hinted that Season 5 will not follow the same 12-week schedule as previous seasons, making it shorter, so Season 6 can launch with the Vessle of Hatred Expansion.

Unfortunately, many players do not know about the anniversary gifts and how to claim them in Diablo 4. Since time is short and players only have from June 6 to June 12 to claim these gifts, this guide will illustrate how to claim them, along with other useful information.

How to Get All Anniversary Gifts for Free in Diablo 4

Diablo 4 Anniversary Gifts Preview

To celebrate Diablo 4’s first anniversary, the developers are giving away some unique guests, like The Nightmare Mount.

To claim these gifts, here is what you need to do:

  1. Log in to Diablo 4 during the event.
  2. You will be welcomed by a prompt inviting you to take part in the celebration. Select Claim your Anniversary Gifts.
  3. You will be redirected to the shop to look for cosmetics, weapons, etc., with the anniversary gift tag.
  4. Claim the gift.
  5. Rinse and repeat every day.

There will be gifts daily, but if you miss a day, you need not worry; you have until June 20 to claim all of them.

Apart from The Nightmare horse mount, here is what you can expect:

  • Mount trophy
  • Totem cosmetic
  • Staff cosmetic
  • Sword cosmetic
  • Axe cosmetic
  • Horse armor cosmetic

Apart from the anniversary gifts, players can take advantage of the March of the Goblins event between June 6 and June 13. During this event, players can farm hordes of Goblins and benefit from an XP bonus, making this the perfect time for players who want to start out with a new character with a different build.

Since the next Diablo 4 update is around the corner, make the most of the anniversary gifts and bonuses so that you do not have to grind excessively due to upcoming nerfs and debuffs.

Now that you know how to claim anniversary gifts for free in Diablo 4, make the most of the information before it is too late. While you have time before you can claim all the gifts, why not log into Diablo 4 daily for that sweet rush of taking on hell and all its forces?