
  • Palworld is an open-world game that combines elements of Pokemon, Minecraft, and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
  • Players can level up their stats, acquire new technology, and use cooking to gain temporary stat boosts.
  • The game features a Palbox system for capturing and exchanging Pals, as well as collectibles that can boost capture power. Players can also customize their experience with assist options to progress more quickly.

From trailers, it's kind of hard to tell what Palworld is. Does this game have a sprawling story like the Pokemon games? No, but there are NPCs, quests, and even an evil organization in the realm of Team Rocket. It also has catching mechanics like in Pokemon, except with a few alterations to gameplay. For example, players can attack Pals in battle with weapons, and Pals can, in turn, carry weapons too.

6 Things To Do First In Palworld

As Palworld can feel massive and overwhelming, new players should prioritize a few things to get started on the right note.

Besides the RPG-catching mechanics, Palworld is also a survival game in an open world. Players can think of the game as an epic combination of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Minecraft, and Pokemon. It's a lot to take in, so let's slow things down and first discuss how players can get strong quickly in the game.

6 Leveling Up

Three Stats To Beef Up

Boosting stats in Palworld

Leveling up is about the same process as every other action RPG out there. Fight monsters, gain EXP, and then level up stats with points once the new tier is reached. One of the best ones in the game is the stat concerning Weight, which will allow players to carry more loot. As a survival game, this is necessary because players need to gather a large amount of materials for crafting.

Work Speed will help with how fast players craft these recipes, which is good too, although more Pals at camp can help instead. Finally, Stamina isn’t a bad stat to focus on either. A beefier Stamina gauge will allow players to climb longer, like in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, along with performing other menial tasks.

5 Getting New Technology

From Weapons To Structures

Old Bow recipe in Palworld

Stat Points are not the only currency players will get upon leveling up. They will also acquire Technology Points, which can be used to buy crafting recipes from a separate skill tree. Recipes can unlock new structures to build in camp, along with new weapons and armor to craft.

Palworld: 6 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid

A survival monster-collecting game set in an open-world, Palworld can be overwhelming. Here are some early-game mistakes to avoid.

Better gear means that players will be better equipped to face tough challenges in the game. It’s RPG Mechanics 101 that veterans know all too well. A good early weapon to unlock in the game is called the Old Bow.

4 Get Into Cooking

Temporary Boosts For Stats

Chikipi Sauté in Palworld

One of the best structures players should unlock in Palworld as soon as possible is called the Cooking Pot. It should come as no surprise to find a cooking mechanic in a survival game like this. It even appeared in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild to bring that game up yet again.

The structure will have a few recipes built into like the Chikipi Sauté. A Chikipi is a basic chicken-looking Pal that is all over this game. Dishes like this will grant players temporary stat boosts, and in this case, it is speed. Preparing meals before boss fights is a good way to stay ahead of the competition.

3 Go Through Palbox Missions

Build That Base Up

Palbox missions in Palworld

The Palbox operates like the computer system in the Pokemon series. Pals caught will be sent to the Palbox, and players can exchange Pals with their current party from one. A home base will be established wherever players set up their Palbox, so it shouldn’t be a rushed decision, as location is everything.

Palboxes will also give players missions like collecting a certain amount of Pals or building certain structures. Once missions are completed, the Palbox will level up, granting players more room at home base to deploy Pals from. Eventually, players can also set up multiple bases around the world, and a strong base will give players a strong will to survive.

2 Look For Lifmunk Effigies

Boost Capture Power

The Anubis statue in Palworld

There are tons of collectibles all over this game. There are eggs, for example, that can be placed in incubator devices that will sometimes grant players with rare Pals. It can be hard to find them all on the ground, which is why it is imperative to capture a Nitewing in Palworld, as it’s one of the rare monsters that can help players fly.

Palworld: Best Pals To Catch Early

Get your base up and running pronto by catching all the best early game pals in Palworld.

It’s easier to see Palworld’s collectibles from the sky, like the Lifmunk Effigies, which look like glowing green holograms. These items can be given to statues of Anubis throughout the game which will increase the capturing power of players. The better this meter is, the easier it will be to be a PalTamer master.

1 Go The Cheat Route

They Are There For A Reason

The assist options in Palworld

Players can bypass all of these previous tips and go into the assist options menu. It’s here that players can customize their experience to their liking. For example, players can increase how much EXP they earn in battle, which will then allow them to beef up those essential stats and get good recipes faster.

Even though Palworld is being advertised as Pokemon with guns, these weapons are hard to come by. Getting to the level that will unlock the first one, a Musket, will normally take ten hours, if not more. However, this chest will get players there in half the time, if not faster. So, if the game is ever feeling like a slog don’t be afraid to check out some assist options. There’s no shame in a little help, especially in an Early Access version of a game.