House Of Ashes is arguably the most ambitious installment of the Dark Pictures Anthology yet, and things can only get better from here on out. House Of Ashes is an incredibly detailed story with tons of different choices and outcomes for players to explore over multiple playthroughs. Each character has their own unique path that can be manipulated by even the smallest choice or random QTE.

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However, with all the incredible details and multiple endings, it can be overwhelming for players to find each and every easter egg and tidbit on their own. To help any dedicated Dark Pictures Anthology fans, here are a few House Of Ashes details that may be easy to miss playing the game the first time around.

8 Familiar Faces

Dark Pictures Anthology Little Hope And House Of Ashes John And Dar

While well-known actress Ashley Tisdale as Rachel took most of the spotlight upon the game's initial announcement, there are a handful of faces that long-time fans may have also noticed. Perhaps part of a big plan to tie characters within the Dark Pictures universe together or maybe just a fun easter egg, House Of Ashes does reuse a few face models from their previous installments.

John, the professor of the class in Little Hope makes a return as Dar, Salim's commander. A less obvious reused face model is Joe from Man Of Medan as House of Ashes' Jason Kolchek upon a few others.

7 Co-Op Exclusive Scenes & Choices

Dark Pictures Anthology House Of Ashes Don't Play Alone Shared Story Mode

While the game will deliver the same overarching story regardless of playing single-player or with friends, the co-op version of the game has many unique choices to offer. Not every single main scene of the game has tasks or decisions on both ends, so to balance things out, oftentimes, the second player is delegated to control another character elsewhere. This way, both players are kept busy at all times.

Minor decisions that may affect character relationships can be revealed in the co-op version but are skipped over to save time in the more condensed single-player mode.

6 Salim's Misfortune

Dark Pictures Anthology House Of Ashes Salim Ending

Salim may be an enemy combatant, but that didn't stop him from being a fan favorite.

Even after succeeding in protecting Salim in the caverns from the dangers of the vampiric monsters, there's the problem of the war taking place on the surface. Nearing the end of the game, a helicopter will come around, checking for any friendly survivors. If Salim is with the group, he'll be taken in as a prisoner of war; regardless of Jason's good word he'll put in for his new brother in arms. It's such a shame that Salim is subject to such poor treatment in the caverns as well as after the whole ordeal.

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Salim's only "good" ending means death to all other playable characters and involves a specific series of choices, where he is the sole survivor and does not wait for the helicopter and instead simply returns home to his son.

5 A Callback To Until Dawn

Dark Pictures Anthology House Of Ashes Until Dawn Comparison

Throughout the journey in the depths of the caverns, there are pieces of Dr. Randolph Hodgson's journal lying around abandoned research sites. Unlike the other collectibles, Randolph's journal pages come with a narrated cutscene, depicting his findings and story.

This mirrors Until Dawn's hidden "Events Of The Past" collectible cutscene. Just like hunting down all the journal pages in House Of Ashes, if the player manages to find all the totems throughout Until Dawn, they can unlock the full "Events Of The Past" movie and see the full story.

It seems as if Dr. Randolph serves as the mysterious foreboding storyteller for House Of Ashes just as The Stranger did for Until Dawn.

4 Eric And Rachel's Pit Stop Near Little Hope

Dark Pictures Anthology House Of Ashes Little Hope Diner

In a flashback to Eric and Rachel's honeymoon phase of their relationship, the two lovebirds make a pit stop at a familiar diner. In an establishing shot, a sign reading "Little Hope" can be seen just outside the diner Rachel and Eric are parked outside while getting some dinner.

This is a clear call back to the previous Dark Pictures title, Little Hope, and makes fans wonder if this was meant merely as a fun easter egg for fans or a hint that the Dark Pictures games share a single universe. Perhaps the next installment, The Devil In Me, will follow suit and include a callback to House Of Ashes.

3 The Curator's Mysterious Appearances

Dark Pictures Anthology House Of Ashes Curator Secret Appearance

It may be hard to spot (especially during the first playthrough) but the elusive Curator makes many secret appearances throughout the game. The Curator this time around isn't just limited to his brief meta interview scenes with the player; instead, he pops into certain scenes with other characters from time to time as well.

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Every so often, the Curator can be seen hiding somewhere in the background looking mysterious as ever in a black trenchcoat and hat. It seems he tends to make appearances during scenes in which characters have the unenviable opportunity to face death; a possible hint towards the hidden meaning of the Curator's overall presence in following Dark Pictures installments.

2 Jason's Foreshadowing

Dark Pictures Anthology House Of Ashes Jason Infected Ending

There is one small piece of foreshadowing in the story that hints towards a very grim (and fairly rare) fate for Jason. During the expedition into the depths where the hives lie, Salim and Jason come across an ancient specimen of the vampire creatures that seems to have been dead for quite some time. Jason lets his curiosity get to him, leans in to touch the strange carcass, and sends it collapsing and crumbling his way. Successfully complete the QTE and Jason will safely avoid it with nothing but a bit of a cough.

However, miss this QTE, and Jason will make a (seemingly) harmless comment about "inhaling a dead vampire" after another small coughing fit. Jason's cough may seem like a small detail in passing, but it hints at this failed QTE state in which Jason is infected at the end of the game.

1 One Premonition Doesn't Fit In

Dark Pictures Anthology Devil In Me Teaser

All of the stone tablets serve as premonitions that show a possible fortuitous future for a character or a very dire one. While each tablet features familiar characters throughout the game, there is one particular one that doesn't have a place in House Of Ashes at all.

One of these tablets that can be found features a small glimpse into the Dark Pictures' next endeavor, The Devil In Me. In the thirteenth premonition called "Hotel", a new (yet still familiar) face can be seen. Much like how certain face models made a return in House Of Ashes, it seems that Fliss from Man Of Medan is making another appearance in the series as well.

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