
  • Stalker enemies make for an intense gameplay experience, always lurking and ready to strike players down if they're caught.
  • Iconic stalker monsters in horror games elevate the tension and fear, creating a nightmare-inducing atmosphere for players.
  • From Slenderman to Mr. X, each stalker enemy brings a unique terror to the gaming world, making survival horror games truly unforgettable.

Stalker enemies are aptly named, as they never relent in the pursuit of the players with deadly intent. Fans have no choice but to make sure they are always one step ahead, since if they're caught, it is game over. With their terrifying designs, players won't want to stay in their presence for very long.

Best Bosses In Survival Horror Games

Survival horror wouldn't be as popular as genre as it is today without its infamous boss fights, the best of which are iconic figures in gaming.

Games like Resident Evil 2 popularized stalker enemies, but many more horror games demonstrate fantastic use of chasing enemies, some of which even predate the very first RE game. These titles are terrifying in their own right, but these stalker monsters elevate them into pure nightmare fuel.

1 Slenderman

Slenderman Draws Ever Closer To The Player The Longer They Play

Light on Slenderman
Slender: The Eight Pages

June 26, 2012
Parsec Productions
Survival Horror

This well-known indie horror game became an online sensation, with some famous YouTubers owing their fame to it. Gamers could not escape seeing reaction complications, full breakdowns of the game and lore, and the countless copycats it inspired. But the original remains the best thanks to its simplicity, and the effectiveness of the stalker enemy.

Players are dropped into dark woodlands with only a feeble flashlight and a few landmarks to help orient themselves as they gather the scattered pages as a threat looms close. Glitchy sounds and static are telltale signs the stalker is near, and if he draws too close, he claims yet another victim. The atmosphere Slender helps to create makes this a terrifying horror experience, but it is no more terrifying than Slenderman himself, a tall, faceless man who won't hesitate to even kill children.

2 Chris Walker

The Most Intimidating Inmate In The Asylum

Chris Walker opening a door in Outlast

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Linux , macOS , Switch
November 4, 2013
Red Barrels
Survival Horror

Outlast became a sensation overnight, taking players on a nightmarish tour through its abandoned asylum setting, facing players with a menagerie of horrifying inmates that have become mentally and physically twisted into dangerous enemies, the most intimidating being Chris Walker.

Chris is a towering juggernaut of sheer brutality, and he chases the player down relentlessly throughout many sections of the game, taunting them all the while. His stature, speed, and strength all culminate to make him one of the most intimidating stalker enemies players can encounter. Fans unlucky enough to cross his path need to run and hide, as there is no defeating this hulking giant.

3 The Beast

Beware Of The Dark, As The Beast Likely Lurks

Shooting the beast in the final encounter off the ledge in Amnesia: the Bunker
Amnesia: The Bunker

May 16, 2023
Frictional Games
Survival Horror

The first Amnesia game catapulted the series into success. The fourth installment, set during WW1, sees a soldier flee for safety in a bunker found amid the trenches. But the eponymous bunker might be even more dangerous than the warzone, as it houses something far more dangerous than enemy forces.

Every Game by Frictional Games, Ranked

Frictional Games Studios is responsible for some of indie gaming's scariest titles, but which among them is the greatest?

A horrifying monster known only as the Beast lurks in darkness and shadow. Should the lights turn off, the player will be left open and vulnerable to falling to the Beast, but not before catching a glimpse of its terrifying appearance. Players need to take care to stay in the light and remain silent, as wherever they tread, the Beast won't be far.

4 The Xenomorph

Hide From The Iconic Movie Monster

Alien: Isolation
Alien: Isolation

PS4 , PS3 , Xbox One , Xbox 360 , Switch , PC , Android , iOS
October 7, 2014
Creative Assembly
Survival Horror

Games based on movies tend to have a poor track record, but Alien: Isolation broke the dreaded adaptation curse, delivering one of the most impressive sci-fi horror games of all time. Its setting between movies might have something to do with its success, as well as casting a new original character, Amanda Ripley, rather than one of the series' protagonists.

The only familiar face players see will be of little comfort. The Xenomorph is a tall and deadly alien with acid blood and a tail sharp enough to pierce skin, flesh, and bone. While players explore Sevastopol Station they need to keep one eye on the radar, as it is the first warning players will receive of the presence of an unwelcome stalker. Thanks to the sophisticated AI integration, the Xenomoprth feels like a true, present threat, which only makes it all the more terrifying.

5 Nemesis

The Relentless Killing Machine Won't Stop Until His Targets Are Dead

Nemesis walking towards Jill
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis

Dreamcast , Nintendo GameCube , PC , PS1
November 10, 1999
Survival Horror

Those who know Resident Evil know Nemesis, one of the most infamous bosses from across the series, with a major axe to grind with members of STARS. Sent to dispatch Jill and other members of STARS during the Raccoon City incident, Nemesis was a constant and ever-present threat, equipped with weapons and the necessary skills to take them down.

In the original RE3, Nemesis could pop up in different places and resume the chase, so players couldn't always predict when their stalker would make his inevitable return. The randomization of his appearances was completely removed in the remake, but Nemesis remains a stalker to be feared in both iterations.

6 The Scissorman

The Scissorman Remains An Ever-Present Threat Throughout The Series

Dark Secret Endings- Clock Tower
Clock Tower

September 14, 1995
Human Entertainment
Survival Horror , Adventure

Before the popular stalker enemy Mr. X, there was the Scissorman, the terrifying main antagonist of the Clock Tower franchise. His presence was always announced by the telltale snipping sounds, a cue that the players were going to need to run to avoid being chopped into little bits.

Best Horror Game From Every Year Of The PS1's Life

The PS1 was home to some of horror gaming's most iconic titles. It seemed like, every year, another great horror game was showing up on the PS1.

In the first Clock Tower, players take on the role of Jennifer Simpson, who is trying to escape a mansion in Norway, with her main obstacle being that of the Scissorman. His choice of weapon certainly isn't ordinary, and the thought of falling prey to such a weapon is an effective way to incite fear, as it would be a painful way to go.

7 Mr. X

His Menacing Footsteps Echo Through The Police Station

Resident Evil 2 Mr X
Resident Evil 2

Dreamcast , Nintendo 64 , Nintendo GameCube , PC , PS1
January 21, 1998
Survival Horror

Mr. X is one of the most memorable parts of Resident Evil 2. This hulking giant storms through the RPD, his intimidating footsteps nearly always present, and when they get louder, players know they need to move, and fast. More than once, they will turn the wrong corner or open the wrong door and come face-to-face with the gray-skinned monster wearing his trademark trenchcoat, ready to deliver some killer punches.

What's even worse is that Mr. X cannot be killed. Bullets will only serve to stun him, so even if they pump him full of lead, they can be sure he won't be down for long and will return to stalking them with a vengeance. Mr. X is a perfect example of a stalker enemy done right.

The Scariest Horror Video Games Of All Time, Ranked

From the torture of Doki Doki Literature Club to the eerieness of Resident Evil and Silent Hill, here are the scariest horror video games of all time.