The Oseram are a strong, outspoken people famous for their metalwork. In Horizon Zero Dawn, Oseram tribesfolk are among Aloy’s closest allies — Erend and Petra being prime examples. That said, the tribe and its culture aren’t featured as prominently as the other groups in the game. This is likely because Aloy only ever gets to visit smaller Oseram settlements and not the tribe’s larger settlements.

Still, there’s quite a bit to be gleaned about the Oseram from Horizon Zero Dawn. Old glyphs hint at the people’s beliefs and tribal hierarchies. Meanwhile, dialogue and certain side quests hint at their way of life.

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The Mechanical World and Oseram Culture

horizon zero dawn pitchcliff oseram settlement

Unlike the Nora and Carja, the Oseram don’t have a deity or divine force that they worship. Instead, they view the world as if it were a machine. Thus, it moves and behaves according to a mechanical pattern. The Oseram use this core belief to explain everything around them — natural phenomena, heavenly bodies, and even the movement of Oseram tribes.

They also believe that the Old Ones used to be in charge of caring for the world and its mechanisms. However, they neglected this duty, causing the world to deteriorate and eventually collapse. This is what ultimately led to the fall of the Old Ones and the ancient world. Now, the Oseram seek to do better than their predecessors and maintain the mechanical world. This is likely why the tribe has taken to tinkering and metalworking.

The idea that the world is a complex machine is the Oseram tribe’s most central belief. Their dedication to forgework is further proof of this, and it’s rendered the tribe one of the most advanced in terms of building and machinery. However, such innovation is stymied by the tribe’s bureaucracy.

The tribe does not elect priests or leaders, but, instead have ealdormen. These are the supposed wise men of the Oseram settlement, from whom the rest of the tribesfolk seek counsel. Such counsel often comes in the form of shouting matches regarding tribe rules, taxation, and other such issues. Often, this results in prolonged meetings between ealdormen and tribesfolk, as well as long lines of concerned Oseram — each waiting for their turn to seek counsel.

Finally, the Oseram also have a patriarchal society — in stark contrast to the Nora. This is evidenced in dialogue with Petra, who disdainfully recounts how she might have become Petra Forgewife instead of Forgewoman had she stayed in the Claim. Additionally, Gera, an Oseram woman in Hunter’s Gathering, hints in dialogue that she left the Claim because of the tribe’s rigid patriarchal beliefs.

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The Oseram’s Connection to the Carja Tribe

Avad Cropped

That said, it isn’t uncommon for Oseram men and women to leave the Claim to explore the world, with Meridian being a popular option. One of the tribe’s most notable achievements is the completion of the Great Elevator in Meridian. As Petra informs the player, she and her fellow Oseram managed to get the device working right before Sun-King Jiran went mad.

By the time the Red Raids began, the Oseram also suffered at the hands of the Carja. Their tribesfolk were captured and killed to appease the sun, alongside others from the Nora, Banuk, and Utaru tribes. However, the Oseram played a huge role in ending the Mad Sun-King’s bloody conquest. Ersa, an Oseram woman taken in as a palace slave, conspired with Prince Avad, allowing her to escape the palace and return to her group. Later, Avad fled the Sundom and joined forces with Ersa, building an army of Oseram warriors and Carja followers to defeat Jiran.

Thus, the Oseram played a deciding role in liberating Meridian and crowning the next Sun-King. The Carja even allowed for the creation of the Vanguard — an Oseram militia unit tasked with protecting the Sun-King. Additionally, Oseram were allowed to enter and exit the Sundom freely, and trade flourished between the two tribes. Though the Oseram and Carja may not see eye to eye in terms of religion and lifestyle, their truce is firm.

The Oseram in Horizon Zero Dawn and Beyond

aloy and erend horizon forbidden west

Should the player enter any of the independent Oseram settlements in Horizon Zero Dawn, they’ll find it full of working forges and dark smokestacks. This is a common sight in Oseram settlements, as tribesfolk continue to devote themselves to crafting and forging. Not to mention it’s brought about plenty of innovations.

For instance, there’s one dialogue tree where Erend talks about his armor. He highlights its protective features and boasts that it’s “sturdy enough to choke a Sawtooth.” This armor is typically seen worn by members of the Vanguard. Unlike Nora and Banuk armor, the Oseram armor plating is made from forged steel and not merely harvested machine parts.

Additionally, the Oseram have been known to craft powerful weapons. The most notable example of this is the Oseram Cannon. Aloy gets a chance to use this weapon in Petra’s associated quests, and they're also available to use in the main quest The Looming Shadow. However, such cannon weapons have been present since the Red Raids, as a glyph from the time of the Liberation tells of how Avad’s Oseram allies stormed Meridian with “thundering cannons.”

Other notable Oseram creations include sonic devices that call in Glinthawks, primitive voice recorders, and other such metalworks. As such, their tribe is arguably the most technologically advanced among those present in Horizon Zero Dawn, and they’re sure to make an appearance in the sequel.

In a trailer featuring the challenges of Horizon Forbidden West, there are scenes showing the game’s new locations — including shots of what look to be Oseram settlements. These are shown by the presence of forges and the tribesfolks’ distinct garb. The trailer also shows Aloy transacting with Oseram blacksmiths and highlights that she can take on “salvage contracts” for them. As such, it’s safe to say that players will be seeing more of the Oseram soon, meaning the community will get to learn more about them and their culture.

Horizon Zero Dawn is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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