The LEGO brand has a strong relationship with video games. There's a long line of Minecraft LEGO sets that adapt all kinds of locations from the sandbox game, from the player's humble abode to the depths of the Nether. Super Mario has LEGO sets too, and there's been an Overwatch LEGO line in the past. LEGO clearly isn't done expanding into the gaming sector, and there's rumors circulating that Horizon Zero Dawn will get a set for adults as part of a new line of LEGO Gaming products. If rumors are true, the Tallneck from Horizon Zero Dawn will soon be brought to life in brick form.

The Tallneck is a great choice for a highly detailed LEGO set. These gentle giants roaming the post-apocalyptic world are instantly recognizable as a part of Horizon Zero Dawn thanks to their unique mechanics and behavior. If Horizon is getting LEGO sets though, it shouldn't stop at just the Tallneck. It would be great to see a ton of Horizon Zero Dawn's diverse machines getting LEGO sets too. The game features mechanical beasts of all shapes and sizes, which makes them perfect for filling in a new line of LEGO Gaming sets.

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The Watcher

horizon zero dawn watchers

Horizon Zero Dawn's cyclopean Watchers seem like a shoe-in for LEGO sets. These lightweight scouts might be grunts compared to some of the hulking and powerful machines that dot the landscape, but their presence throughout the game and unique appearance make them some of the most recognizable machines. A Watcher would make a great small-scale LEGO set, letting players assemble a Horizon Zero Dawn machine for a low price and display it just about anywhere. The LEGO set could even come with some extra parts to switch out in order to upgrade the Watcher into a Redeye Watcher.

The Corruptor

horizon zero dawn corruptor

One of Horizon Zero Dawn's strangest and most ominous machines, the Corruptor is a perfect representative of Aloy's overarching mission in the game. Their role in corrupting and maddening the land's machines, as well as playing important roles in attacks on humanity, make them a memorable adversary worth adding to the LEGO Gaming line. The Corruptor's agile, spindly legs and scorpion-like tail would make it a delicate but rewarding LEGO set to construct, as well as an impressible display piece once it's finished.

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The Sawtooth


Sawtooths, the mechanical heirs to the saber-toothed cat, are only significant threats in the early stages of Horizon Zero Dawn; as Aloy grows stronger, they fade into the background to make way for stronger machines like Ravagers. However, Sawtooths play an important role in Horizon Zero Dawn's story, since Rost tasks Aloy with killing one before she can join the Nora tribe's Proving ceremony. Because it contributes such a valuable moment to Horizon Zero Dawn, the Sawtooth would be worthy of a LEGO set.

The Stormbird

Aloy fighting a Stormbird.

While many of these machines would probably result in LEGO sets significantly smaller than the Tallneck, Horizon Zero Dawn still has machines that could inspire large-scale builds. The Stormbird seems like a great candidate for a LEGO set, for instance. Some Horizon Zero Dawn players might recall spotting their first Stormbird as they entered the desert of the Carja Sundom, adding a touch of both majesty and danger to the parched landscape. Stormbirds offer a significant challenge to Horizon Zero Dawn players between their lightning attacks and their power of flight, so a LEGO set would be a great way to celebrate the Stormbird's role. If the Tallneck LEGO set rumors are true, Stormbird would pair well with it.

Horizon Zero Dawn is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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