Playstation came out swinging at it's 2015 E3 press conference. Jaw-dropping new footage of the hotly anticipated Uncharted 4 was shown off.  It was revealed Final Fantasy 7, one of the biggest JRPGS of all time, would be getting a remake. There was also a strange original title about a cavewoman fighting robotic dinosaurs. Between all the sequels and remakes it didn't stand out much at the time, but Horizon Zero Dawn, would go on to become one of the most beloved titles in the Playstation 4 library.

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On December 5, 2017, the fantastic game was even further enhanced by a piece of DLC called The Frozen Wilds. It introduced the freezing mountains called The Cut where the Banuk Tribe called home.  There were many easter eggs and side quests to discover outside of the main storyline that even the most eagle-eyed fans might have missed. So here are 10 of the most interesting things hidden throughout The Cut.

10 The Forgefire

While it was technically a shooter, Horizon Zero Dawn distinguished itself by giving you a bow instead of a gun. The creative weapons were one of the many things that endeared players to the game and the Frozen Wilds introduced even more of them.

Many of the enemies lurking within The Cut are weak to fire attacks so the new Forgefire spear is a welcome addition to Aloy's arsenal. It functions much like the generic spear Aloy is outfitted with from the start of the game with one big and not-so-hard to guess difference; it does fire damage.

9 The Icerail

Guerilla, the game studio behind Horizon Zero Dawn, have crafted snow so realistic that it's hard to imagine Aloy can survive a second out there without getting hypothermia. With all the freezing imagery it makes sense for one of the three new weapons to deal freeze damage.

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The Icerail won't do much damage but with its short-range fire, it can freeze your opponents in few shots if players are lucky. Aloy will receive it for completing the For the Werak quest so there's no reason to search for it. Within the story of the game, the Icerail was meant to only be for melee attacks. However, the Oseram tinkerer Varga enhanced it to be able to fire projectiles.

8 The Stormslinger

While there aren't any guns in the game there are a few weapons that come close to being one. The Stormslinger, which shoots charged shots that do impact and shock damage, is a great addition to any fan's arsenal.

While it may not be the most iconic item in the game it has followed Aloy across franchises. In collaboration with Monster Hunter Worldplayers can equip a Stormslinger to their hunter as a Light Bowgun in the IceBournce expansion.

7 The Hunters Three

horizon zero dawn 2 leaked by tatai voice actor

The Cut is one of the most dangerous places Aloy travels to in the game. So it isn't surprising that the people who live there may run into trouble from time to time.  Once players complete the quest titled the Shaman's Path, Aloy will be approached by an Oseram named Burgrend. He will tell Aloy that some young Banuk, the titular Hunters Three, approached him asking for supplies they could use on a long journey. In exchange for his goods, Burgrend asked for some parts that could be found out in the wilderness.

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A large amount of time has passed since then so Burgrend asks Aloy to help find them. Its a standard mission but it gives players a good excuse to explore The Cut's snowy wilderness. They also may be a fun reference to the Warriors Three, good friends of Marvel hero Thor.

6 Secrets of the Sluice

Horizon Zero Dawn, like a lot of games and movies, takes place after an apocalypse wiped out most of humanity. However, instead of players exploring a barren and lifeless desert, they get the picturesque mountains of Colorado. Society has, for the most part, rebuilt into a strange mix of sci-fi and prehistoric times. But there are still reminders of our world hidden throughout the game.

At some point after entering The Cut, Aloy will be asked to inspect what caused a recent flood. Her investigation leads her to a former dam that Aloy will then be tasked with repairing.

5 Stellar Visuals

horizon zero dawn snowy pass

It takes months of hard work to pull off even the most seemingly simple details in a game. It took Rocksteady two years to get the folds of Batman's cape just right. Game design is all about the balance between dreams and reality. Anyone can imagine an amazing sequence where a player jumps from an exploding skyscraper but actually doing that is easier said than done.

It may not seem important, but the way Aloy moves through the snow is mesmerizingly realistic. It's one of the hardest things to animate in 3D, even Disney had trouble with snow when they were making Frozen. So even though it may seem inconsequential the snow is actually one of the most impressive aspects of the Frozen Wilds.

4 Snowchants Hunting Grounds

In the base game, there are five hunting grounds where Aloy can test her abilities against various machines. It was an excellent way for players to get parts and have fun fighting against the game's various baddies.

There's a new hunting ground to find in The Cut. However, it isn't run by the Meridian Hunters Lodge so things are a little different. Other hunting grounds grade Aloy's performance by how fast she's able to complete the trials. At Snowchants,  Aloy will compete with others to be first to finish.

After meeting Ikrie and finishing The Survivor sidequest, Aloy can return and take part in a special challenge between the two of them.

3 Stone Yield Bandit Camp

While various civilizations have been built in Aloy's post-apocalyptic world not everyone follows their rules. Scattered across the map are various camps where those who live outside the law take refuge. Taking on these people as Aloy is a fun diversion from fighting gigantic dinosaur-like robots.

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There's only one bandit camp for Aloy to challenge in the Frozen Wilds but it's one of the biggest. It'll be harder for players to conquer since it introduces a new enemy type called a Scanner. They have a gadget that can be used to detect Aloy if she's within range. So players won't be able to rely on stealth to get through the compound on their own.

2 Stone Yield Camp's Mammoth Secret


Many locations within Horizon Zero Dawn are based on real-life places. It makes sense considering that various audio logs left by our society reveal the game takes place just outside of Denver, Colorado.

While players are at Stone Yield Camp they may want to take a look around. While many won't be familiar with it, the whole place bears a great resemblance to the Mammoth Hot Springs in Mammoth, Wyoming. There's another location, Hollow Hall, that bears a striking resemblance to the Old Faithful Visitor Education Center.

1 The Death of Sergeant Woolyknickers

One of the most tragic aspects of Horizon Zero Dawn are the datapoints. They're remnants of our society, told through journals and news articles, that chronicle how our world became overrun by machines.

One of the more depressing stories Aloy can find is a news article about Sergeant Woolyknickers being found dead. The Sergeant isn't actually military, it just the silly name given to the last male grizzly bear. Scientists tried to clone him but the efforts were unsuccessful.

There's a more optimistic story where the ocean levels return to normal and the people of Singapore are able to return to their childhood homes. It's a testament to the writing of Horizon Zero Dawn that it knows how to balance depressing storylines with happy ones. It's an encouraging reminder that there are bright spots even in the darkest skies.

NEXT: Horizon Zero Dawn: 10 Weapons & Add-Ons That Make The Game Way Too Easy