Horizon Zero Dawn broke onto the scene in 2017, and became one of the standout games of that year. The game takes place in a post-apocalyptic North America where civilization exists in scattered tribes, and they're forced to defend themselves from cybernetic beasts reminiscent of those from prehistoric times. It delivers a compelling story with masterful cinematics that warrant the property earning a big-screen adaptation in the near future. In the meantime, fans will have to settle for an Apple TV+ series starring Jason Momoa.

Apple TV+ has some outstanding properties, including two of the best sci-fi shows from 2023, and See is no exception. Anyone wanting more from Jason Momoa is in for a treat with See. Furthermore, it's the ideal series if they also happen to be fans of Horizon Zero Dawn, because the stories share some similarities. They're not identical by any means, but the tone and certain story aspects are close enough to draw in fans of the 2017 Playstation game.

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What is See About?

See takes place several centuries in the future of the real world. However, there are no utopian civilizations with flying cars or skyscrapers reaching above the clouds. Instead, the future in See shows a world devastated by a mysterious illness that reduced its population to two million and left nearly everyone blind. Survivors not only resorted to organizing themselves into tribes or different monarchies, but the very idea of sight became a myth. Worse than that, the people of the major kingdoms consider speaking about sight to be heresy.

The citizens of the Payan Kingdom are deeply religious people who follow the teachings of the Godflame, which is essentially the Christian God. They blame sight for the cause of the planet's destruction, and label those with sight as witches. Witchfinders follow rumors of "witches" and hunt them down to burn them and their accomplices at the stake. It's an especially important role during a time when whispers of sight returning are heard throughout all the lands. Enter Jerlamarel.

Jerlamarel is a man whom the Queen discovered was able to see. When she learned this, she forced him to flee before the Witchfinders could execute him. Word spread of Jerlamarel and his offspring throughout the kingdom, which brought the Witchfinder General and his men to Baba Voss's (Jason Momoa) front door. Baba Voss learns that a set of twins with sight was born into his tribe, and vows to protect them. This sets Baba Voss and his people on a journey into exile, where they face threats from outside and within.

People with the ability to see might have been the cause of the world's downfall, but it's those same kind of people who can usher in a better world than what currently exists.

How is See Similar to Horizon Zero Dawn?

See Voss Family

Unlike Horizon Zero Dawn, there's no advanced technology in See. When the world "ended" in the Apple TV+ series, it was only the 21st century. Audiences won't witness Baba Voss or his children hacking cybernetic sabretooth tigers or giant giraffe-style satellite dishes. Instead, the similarities between See and Horizon Zero Dawn rest in the setting. Both properties occur in a post-apocalyptic United States centuries after a cataclysmic event.

The people in See organize themselves in either small hunter-gatherer-type tribes, or medieval-type societies. Stealth is a major component of the show, despite few people being able to see. Warriors and assassins have to be very conscious of the sounds they make when engaging with enemies. The training and lifestyle for many are evident, as they can hone in on a person's exact location by the sound of their breathing. Baba Voss and other warriors stalk around forests and overgrown brush, reminiscent of Aloy in Horizon Zero Dawn.

The Apple TV+ series takes place in the remnants of Pennsylvania, with signs of the old world scattered about. The mountain village of the Alkenny, Baba Voss's tribe before they're forced into a mass exodus, is the Allegheny Mountain Range. Meanwhile, the Queen's home, called Kanzua, is the Kinzua Dam on the Allegheney River. Horizon Zero Dawn and its sequel feature various popular landmarks of the real world, such as the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs and Las Vegas.

Why Fans Should Watch See

See Baba Voss



Steven Knight


Jason Momoa, Sylvia Hoeks, Hera Hilmar

Premiere Date

November 1, 2019

Finale Date

October 14, 2022

Number of Seasons


Where to Watch

Apple TV+

RT Score

63% (critic score) / 83% (audience score)

See offers a compelling story about family and the prejudices of humanity that lead to its own destruction. There are religious undertones not too different from those found in The Book of Eli. It does a good job at showing the audience that no matter how well-intentioned someone is, they can end up doing the wrong things. There are moments of frustration for the audience, especially when certain characters continue to exist well past their expiration date, but that makes the story much more interesting.

One of the greatest aspects of See is the fight scenes. They're gruesome and well-orchestrated. Momoa's character introduces interesting methods for dispatching his enemies. Moreover, the acting is phenomenal, especially from Momoa. Those who only know him for his Aquaman role or wanted to see more of him in Dune: Part One will be satisfied with his performance here. He's come a long way since Game of Thrones​​​​​.

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