The Banuk are an isolated tribe situated in the snowy north. As one of the primarily featured tribes in Horizon Zero Dawn, they play a prominent role in The Frozen Wilds DLC. Despite their secretive nature, however, players can uncover aspects of their culture — and it’s very different from the other tribes in the game.

In Horizon Zero Dawn, Aloy gets to interact with the Banuk tribe mostly through The Frozen Wilds DLC. That said, there are also snippets of their tribe’s identity in datapoints, dialogue lines, and even in their unique character designs.

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Banukai and the Origins of the Banuk

horizon zero dawn banuk town

The Banuk tribe owes their culture and traditions to a woman named Banukai. Legend has it that she and her people fled to snow-covered lands to escape from what the modern Banuk refer to as the “Ravenous Tribe.” Though no matter how far Banukai and her companions fled, these ravenous tribesfolk pursued them. It’s still unknown what this tribe was in Horizon, but some fans speculate that it could be the Tenakth.

In an attempt to find a solution to their problem, Banukai traveled alone into the cold wastes. There, she slept and had a dream wherein she saw a Blue Light behind the world. She also saw the same Light within machines. Banukai then woke up and traveled to a temple of ice, as if drawn there. When she entered the structure, she was met by the machines from her dreams and saw the Blue Light emanating from a hole in the earth.

Banukai waded into the Light, allowing it to enter her. Though it was painful to carry, she withstood it, although the machines warned her that her body could not hold it for long. This was because there was darkness in her heart, suggesting that machines were beings purer than humans. Still, Banukai carried the Light back to her people, with the machines following her there. On the way back, she embedded cables and metals into her skin to slow the Light’s escape.

When she arrived at her camp, the Ravenous Tribe were upon them. Despite her weakened state, Banukai charged at the hostile tribesfolk, the machines at her back. Her people attacked as well, and when the machines fell, they fashioned their parts into weapons. In the end, Banukai and her people prevailed but at the cost of her life. As she lay dying, the Blue Light escaped from her body and drifted upwards into the sky.

In the events of Horizon Zero Dawn, the Banuk remember the courageous Banukai as the person who first brought them the Blue Light. Thus, the name of their tribe is an homage to her, so that they never forget their origins.

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The Banuk in Horizon Zero Dawn

horizon zero dawn frozen wilds how to start

The Banuk are a nomadic tribe, with small groups known as “weraks” traveling across their territory. The heartland of their territory is known as Ban-Ur, but Aloy is never given the opportunity to journey there in Horizon Zero Dawn. Even so, datapoints reveal it to be a cold place, with glaciers, geysers, and auroras at night.

In the game, the player can only explore the southernmost region of Banuk territory — The Cut. Here, the player can learn more about the tribe’s traditions. For instance, the Banuk look up to the counsel of their shamans. These shamans emulate Banukai by threading blue cables into their skin to try and contain the Blue Light within them.

They’re also trusted with tracking down machines to hunt because they have the ability to “sense” them. When a werak takes down a machine, it is then customary to thank the “machine spirit” for a successful hunt before taking any of its components. And when the Derangement occurred, the Banuk believed that it stemmed from a change in these “machine spirits” and their “machine songs.” They took it as a sign that the machines were growing angry.

The growing hostility of mechanical creatures was something the shamans grew worried over, given the machines’ role in their beliefs. Thus, many headed to Ban-Ur to talk among themselves as to how the Banuk were to continue living amid such drastic changes. They also have an internal group known as the Conclave, which is composed of the tribe’s most prominent shamans. Every year, these shamans gather in a place known as Malmstrom, where they likely discuss tribal issues and keep a collection of old-world relics. Though some time ago, this sacred meeting place was infiltrated and looted by Sylens.

Now, in the events of Horizon Zero Dawn, particularly in The Frozen Wilds DLC, the Banuk are troubled over the appearance of new and more aggressive machines. Luckily, Aloy can help alleviate some of the tension by taking care of HEPHAESTUS, at least for the time being.

The Banuk’s Relations with Other Tribes

Aloy in a Banuk Ice Hunter Master outfit

Much like the other tribes situated near the Sundom, the Banuk were also victims of the Red Raids. The region now known as The Cut suffered most of the assaults. As a result, the land was depleted of its settlers and resources. The Banuk only started calling it The Cut after the Red Raids, as Carja troops “hacked away at the edge of Banuk land,” leaving The Cut behind.

After the Liberation, Sun-King Avad reached out to the Banuk tribe in an attempt to reconcile. However, the Banuk are still suspicious of the Carja. Still, progress has been made. The Banuk allow outlanders to enter their territory and trade, including Carja. Additionally, the Banuk have sent an envoy to the Sundom to share their culture with the king’s court. Aloy can even meet this envoy — a girl named Yariki — on her way to The Cut and ask her about the tribe.

Similarly, the Carja have also assigned an envoy to travel to Banuk territory — a merchant named Cantarah. In the game, Aloy can talk to this envoy while she’s in Meridian. She shares that she’s formed a bond of trust with the Banuk and has been to Ban-Ur multiple times. Aloy can also help the merchant in her diplomatic duties by bringing her the Banuk Figure collectables, which Cantarah will exchange for Treasure Boxes.

The Banuk tribe is just another interesting group in the beautifully diverse world of Horizon Zero Dawn. They also hold much potential to deepen the story, so it's likely that the Banuk will make another appearance in Horizon Forbidden West. This is especially considering their role in The Forbidden Wilds DLC as well as their strange connection to machines. Aloy might even be given a chance to travel to Ban-Ur and speak with more members of the Conclave. With the sequel fast approaching, it won’t take long before the community finds out.

Horizon Zero Dawn is available now for PC, PS4, and PS5.

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