
  • The Horizon franchise is branching out with multiplayer game, and recent rumors of a LEGO collaboration hint at exciting new directions for series.
  • There is the potential for the Horizon multiplayer title and LEGO game to merge into one, offering players options for serious or lighthearted gameplay experiences in one package just like Fortnite.
  • Even though the LEGO game is rumored to be a single player adaptation of Zero Dawn, assets could be reused to add a LEGO mode to the Horizon multiplayer title.

The Horizon franchise has become one of the most popular action adventure exclusives for Sony, and the success of this series has prompted developer Guerrilla Games to branch out with a multiplayer title. Horizon's upcoming multiplayer game is an intriguing addition to the franchise, but another rumored addition to the series' roster could be filled with even bigger potential.

The prospect of a multiplayer Horizon game is exciting enough, but recent rumors have suggested that the franchise is going to branch off in an unexpected direction. These rumors have claimed that a LEGO Horizon game is also in the works, which would be a huge moment for the series. From Star Wars to Indiana Jones, LEGO has brought forth its own fun adaptations of beloved franchises, and it looks like Horizon may be next in line.

Horizon's Franchise Approach To Future Games Should Be Tempered

Guerrilla Games has struck gold with the Horizon series, but while there's a lot of potential in new stories, in some cases, less can be more.

Horizon's Rumored LEGO Collaboration

As of now, there is no official confirmation of the rumored LEGO Horizon, but between this potential game and the multiplayer Horizon title, Guerrilla Games may want to take note of Fortnite and its recent team-up with LEGO. Fortnite's latest Chapter 5 launch brought forth all-new game modes for the Epic Games title, with one of the most popular being LEGO Fortnite. This collaboration has proven that Fortnite can be more than just a multiplayer game, but a survival building experience as well, and this could serve as the perfect blueprint for Horizon's multiplayer and LEGO ventures.

Looking to LEGO Fortnite for Inspiration

Of course, Fortnite's battle royale mode is what the game is most well-known for, but the game's LEGO mode was quickly a hit once it officially launched. Since 2017, Fortnite has quickly become many different games in one, and Horizon's multiplayer project has the opportunity to do something similar.

Horizon's multiplayer game and the rumored LEGO adaptation may best be served as one game. Bringing these two projects together could prove to be an exciting new way to experience Horizon while also offering a great deal of variety for players to enjoy. The LEGO version of the game is thought to be a remake of the first chapter, Horizon: Zero Dawn. However, a LEGO mode for the multiplayer game could be really fun, and if it re-uses assets from the LEGO Zero Dawn re-telling, it could be viable. Getting to choose between a more realistic and serious multiplayer experience and a goofy, lighthearted LEGO version of the Horizon world could provide some great contrast in one game.

The Future of the Horizon Franchise

Although the LEGO version of Horizon is mere speculation at this point, there are hopes that there will be an official confirmation given at the upcoming PlayStation Showcase at the end of this month. There seems to be a lot of bright things ahead for the Horizon franchise, but Guerrilla Games also doesn't want to run the risk of oversaturating itself. Between a multiplayer game, a LEGO adaptation, and a potential third mainline entry in the series, Horizon may want to consolidate some of these projects.

Blending the multiplayer and LEGO adaptation into one huge experience like Fortnite makes sense overall, but only time will tell if this is the case, or if the LEGO game even actually exists. Whatever the future of the Horizon franchise holds, it's clear that evolving the series beyond its mainline titles is an important goal for Guerrilla Games.