Horizon Forbidden West has proven to be a successful sequel in the Horizon franchise and has paved the path for a third installment in the series, eventually. With a world filled with fascinating ruins, likable characters, and dangerous machines, the series has set itself apart as the PlayStation’s new big exclusive. This second installment in the series saw the protagonist, Aloy, venture away from her home into unfamiliar territory to save the planet from a deadly plague. As a result, fans of the series were not able to get more interaction with Aloy’s tribe, the Nora.

The Nora was a vital part of Horizon Zero Dawn’s success, as it not only was the tribe that Aloy associated herself with, if begrudgingly, but it also gave Aloy many moments where fans were left hoping she would finally be accepted within the tribe. By the end of the game, Aloy has gained the trust of her tribe and becomes the new hero of the Nora. With a setup like this, many players were eagerly awaiting a chance to experience a rebuilding Nora following the events of Zero Dawn, but the Nora were notably absent through the entirety of Horizon Forbidden West, with the only real exception being Varl. SPOILERS AHEAD.

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Nora Culture

horizon zero dawn nora high matriarchs Teersa Jezza Lansra

Nora culture was a major focal point of the first game and the origin story of Aloy, who was born an outcast and gained her right to be a part of the tribe. The Nora are one of the few tribes that worship the A.I., GAIA, believing her to be a real goddess. Giving players the chance to experience this connection with GAIA again would strengthen the bond that many fans have already formed with the Nora and can expand on the early days of GAIA, namely the lead-up to the events that gave HADES its own intelligence.

The Nora Culture is deeply tied into all Aloy’s actions and behavior. Even though she was born and raised as an outcast, her mentor Rost strongly believed in staying true to the customs of the Nora, even if it were to negatively affect his own life. Given this, the same Nora customs are important to Aloy who has dedicated her life to protecting the tribe from outside threats.

Varl's Friends


Following the events of Horizon Forbidden West, it is highly likely that some Nora may appear in the Forbidden West to help Aloy after news of Varl's fate reaches the Eastern tribe. Varl was a popular figure in the Nora since his mother was one of the most respected fighters in the tribe, and he has always helped his people whenever he could. It would not be a shock to anyone if Aloy meets other Nora warriors who wish to fight alongside her.

Having these other Nora warriors would be a good way to show how the tribe now views Aloy following her heroics during her time in the Forbidden West. It could also reintroduce some fan-favorite characters of the first game, like Varl's mother, War-Chief Sona, who particularly would be a great ally for the upcoming threat.

Rost and Death-Seekers

horizon zero dawn rost outcast in the sacred lands

Rost played an integral part in the Horizon franchise, first as Aloy’s guardian and later as her teacher. Nearly every aspect of Aloy’s combat comes directly from Rost’s teachings, and while Aloy often mentions him after his death, many fans want to see more of Aloy’s life before the Provings that freed her from the life of an outcast.

While fans are given a lot of background about Rost, it would be interesting to see some more about the Death-Seekers, of which the only known one was Rost. Death-Seekers could shed a lot of light on Rost’s past as well as the Nora culture itself. It is also possible that, following the events of Horizon Forbidden West, someone from the Nora decides to become a Death-Seeker to help Aloy in her quest to stop the upcoming danger.

The Nora are obviously an important element while trying to understand Aloy’s character and development. While players got a ton of lore regarding the Nora in the first game, Horizon Forbidden West does not give players the chance to find out more about Aloy’s clan, outside certain things that Aloy and Varl talk about. Having the third installment of the game heavily feature the Nora would be a great way to not only show more unity between the Nora and the tribes in the Forbidden West but could also show Aloy fighting the future threat with her tribe and her new allies.

Horizon Forbidden West is available on PS4 and PS5.

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